Zhao Qin did not drink. He admitted that he knew how to drink, but he also said that he would rush back in the afternoon and he was afraid of getting into trouble if he drank.

Liu Naixun seemed to understand how Zhao Qin fell in the eyes of his brother-in-law. He was tactful when he should be tactful, and he was more sincere than anyone else when he should be sincere.

Such people just lack a supporter, otherwise they will definitely be superior to others.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was good, Liu Naixun was a talkative, and Zhao Qin had traveled all over the world in the past. Anyway, no matter what the conversation was, he could keep the topic going without being left in the cold.

After the meal, Liu Naixun actually put his arm around his shoulders and said with a smile: "You are so popular. I must come and sit at home when I come over."

"I'm afraid that if I leave today and come back next time, you will pretend that you don't know me. I take your words seriously."

Seeing that he was not polite, Liu Naixun laughed even more heartily.

"Aqin, how much do you want to sell that bird's nest?"

"Uncle, I really don't understand, otherwise I wouldn't come here to trouble you. You can help me make the decision, as long as it is not less than 30."

"It's definitely more than 30, okay, we're not outsiders anyway, just trust me."

Returning to the second floor of the shop, someone came just after sitting down for a while. Liu Naixun called the other party Lao Yang.

"Lao Yang, you are the first to see the goods. You can tell me the price. We are old acquaintances, and I won't hide it. If you don't like the price, I won't sell it."

Mr. Yang was stunned and said: "What, the goods are yours?"

"You can treat it as mine. What's the price?"

Mr. Yang smiled bitterly, raised his hand and nodded at him, "It seems to belong to your Lao Liu family. Don't worry, I will guarantee the price for you, but you have to let me see the goods."

Liu Naixun then asked Zhao Qin to open the box, which was similar to Liu Naixun before. When Mr. Yang saw these goods, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "So many!"

Looking at Liu Naixun with a smile on his face, a cautious look appeared on Lao Yang's face, "Old Liu, let's be honest, how many people have you notified?"

No matter who sees this thing, he will definitely have to work hard to get it. Lao Yang is really afraid that Lao Liu will notify several people at once, and it will be really difficult for him to get it.

"There is also Lao Zhang, gone."

Lao Yang nodded slightly and took a closer look at the quality. "The people who picked it were very professional. The Yanzhan is well preserved and there are not many impurities. I can give you 36 yuan."

Liu Naixun immediately agreed, "Okay, just 36 yuan. Weigh how much there is and you take two-thirds."

Lao Yang didn't ask why it wasn't all. Since Liu Naixun informed Lao Zhang, he must leave some of it for others, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

After a while, Lao Zhang came. When he heard that there was still one third left, he was not only happy but also solemnly thanked Liu Naixun for his kindness. Instead, he scolded Lao Yang, saying that this old boy can run faster because he has longer legs. .

Everyone was happy with everything, and Zhao Qin enjoyed watching the whole process.

If the business can be done well, no one is not a good person. Liu Naixun's treatment is even worse than Chen Dong's before.

Check all the goods on both sides. After all, it is a valuable thing. It is impossible to just take a bag and look at it. Instead, each bag must be carefully looked at.

Whether there is artificial spraying of water, whether there is artificial doping, and whether all the qualities are the same, you need to look carefully.

After confirming that there was no problem, it was time to weigh. The total weight was lower than Zhao Qin's estimate. He thought it would be closer to 20 kilograms, but when weighed together, it was only 16 kilograms and 6 taels. The price per gram was 36 yuan, and the total price was 298,800 yuan.

This is the biggest sum of money Zhao Qin has made since he came to this world, and it is much higher than he expected. He originally thought it would be worth about 150,000, but now it is sold for twice as much.

Zhao Qin sent the card number to the two of them, and they also called home. After hanging up the phone, they told Zhao Qin that the account would be received within two hours at the latest.

After seeing the two of them off, Liu Naixun looked at Zhao Qin with a smile, "I didn't counter-offer, so you won't blame me, right?"

"Look at what you said, I think my uncle knows those two people very well, and he also knows that the price of 36 grams is very reasonable. If we bargain, we might be able to get a dollar or two more, but for just one or two dollars, we are going to blush. , it’s not necessary.”

"Hahaha, you are a business guy, you can tell without clicking."

After the matter was done, Zhao Qin wanted to go back, but Chen Xue was still chatting with her aunt, so he couldn't rush her. He was assured of the money. Even if he didn't transfer it in the afternoon, it would definitely arrive tomorrow.

It wasn't until around three o'clock that Chen Xue said goodbye.

"Aqin, don't come back if you have anything to do. If you have nothing to do, you can come over and walk around."

"Thank you uncle."

It was the station that Liu Chun sent them to. Zhao Qin exchanged some words with the other party before entering the station to buy tickets. This time it was a coincidence that he was notified to board the train within five minutes after buying the tickets.

Zhao Qin put the suitcase down this time, feeling more at ease.

As soon as he sat firmly in the car, Chen Xue stretched out her white little hand in front of him, and he naturally took it in his.

It is said that the softer a woman's hands are, the more prosperous she will be. Chen Xue's hands were small, with slender fingers, and felt soft when held in her hands. Originally, she was just teasing her, but in the end, she really didn't want to let go of her hands.

Chen Xue was a little confused by his operation. It took her a while to react, and she broke away with a blushing face, but after a while she stretched out her hand again.

"Hmph, I went on a run with you, what's the benefit?"

"What's the benefit?"

"Pearl." Chen Xue felt itchy with hatred when she saw him pretending not to know, this guy knows how to play tricks on others.

"Oh, I gave the last one to your cousin. How about we go back and get hers back."

Chen Xue felt that she had been tricked again. She made an angry little fist and punched his arm a few times. However, the next moment, her little hand was held by Zhao Qin's big hand again.

This time she tried to pull away twice but couldn't. She glared at Zhao Qin in shame, then turned her head to the side and stopped trying to pull away.

Zhao Qin played with it for a while, then put one hand into his pocket, pulled out two pearls, and put them in her palm.

Chen Xue's body shape is his ideal. He already likes good skin. In terms of personality, he finds it even more compatible.

Talking about a vigorous love story, Zhao Qin himself would probably laugh out loud, but if he wanted to be with the person he loves, it seems that Chen Xue is indeed his perfect match, and he does not deny that he has The other person’s favor.

In fact, when he came today, the reason why he acted so rogue was because he had sinister intentions.

He understood that the closer he and Chen Xue were, the more Liu Naixun would regard him as one of his own. There was already a layer of separation between people who were asking for help to sell goods, and people were also asking for help. He was not sure how caring Liu Naixun would be.

If Liu Naixun misunderstands the relationship between him and Chen Xue, then Liu Naixun will definitely take advantage of it. This is where his dark thoughts lie.

Yes, he is using Chen Xue, or in other words, Chen Xue's good impression of him.

He doesn't regret his previous thoughts, but it doesn't stop him from really wanting to get together with Chen Xue.

Feeling two round things in her hands, Chen Xue did not turn her head to look at him, but turned her face to one side with a sweet smile.

"If you're sleepy, just take a nap. Hum, I lent you your shoulder when I came here. I can pay back the debt this time."

PS: I don’t know the market price of bird’s nest, but the prices of health care products in 2005 were about the same as they are now. It’s easy to understand why Melatonin and Life-1 were so popular at that time.

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