Catch The Sea: Start With A Sand Shovel And Take Over The Entire Beach

Chapter 131 Fishing Always Makes People Feel Good

At the head of the village, Secretary Lin is 65 years old. It is said that he can continue to work. After all, the national law only stipulates that the village committee should be elected every three years.

But there is no stipulation on the number of terms for re-election, which means that you can continue to work forever.

However, when the township manages each village, there is an unwritten rule. Generally, village secretaries can only serve three consecutive terms, which is nine years, and this year is Lao Lin's last year in office.

Early in the morning, he was sitting in the living room with a gloomy face, and his son Lin Yang stood next to him.

"Let me find out clearly. Zhao Qin really sent invitations to all production team leaders?"

"Well, not one of them is missing, except for the production team leader, and then there are Lao Xing and Lao Zhu from the canteen." Zhao Qin did something like sending invitations in a big way and had no intention of hiding it from anyone, so Lin Yang heard about it early in the morning. .

Secretary Lin frowned slightly. He really didn't expect Zhao Qin to be involved.

"Dad, I don't think there's anything to worry about. With Zhao Qin's bad reputation, it's only fair that he can be elected, and your prestige in the village. I don't believe that those people will side with him and not you."

Secretary Lin snorted, "People these days are looking for stability. Let me tell you, they are not afraid of Zhao Qin being a gentleman, but they are afraid of Zhao Qin's bad reputation. This is called bullying a gentleman rather than messing with villains.

If I were to be re-elected, they would definitely support me. The Zhao family's waiter would have no chance at all, but now it's you. "

Lin Yang said tentatively: "Dad, how about from above..."

"Hmph, the higher-ups have been advocating for younger people and higher education at the grassroots level. If the higher-ups find out, you're afraid you won't have any chance at all. The Zhao family's waiter looks so good.

And even though he didn't do serious business before, when it comes to speaking, you can't compare to him. "

"But dad, Zhao Qin, who is from the village committee, didn't invite anyone. Maybe he didn't mean that."

Secretary Lin looked at his son with disgust, not sensitive to the matter at all, "Let me ask you, do these people in the village committee have electoral votes?"


"Yes, why would you invite them if you don't have Zhao Qin? Besides, if you invite them, something bad might happen. If you are stupid, don't think Zhao Qin is so stupid."

Hearing what his father said, it seemed that he had no chance of winning, which made Lin Yang irritated, "Dad, our surname is Lin, but we are a big family in the village, why should we let a man named Zhao be the head?"

"Now it's not based on clan power. Okay, you go and bring your wife back. I'll think about it again. By the way, she has hypoglycemia. She weighed a few kilograms of candy on the way back.

Look at what you, a man, think, your own woman is in the hospital, and you act like nothing is wrong. "

Hearing this, Lin Yang agreed quietly, but when he turned around, a trace of hatred suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Just at this moment, Lin Yang's son ran in and threw himself into Secretary Lin's arms. "Master, I want to buy a ball. You promised me."

"Buy, buy, buy. If Hutou wants it, grandpa will definitely buy it." Then he said to Lin Yang, who had just walked to the door: "Go to the county to pick someone up, and when you come back, bring a ball for your son."

"I know, Dad."

After his son left, Secretary Lin coaxed his grandson for a while, then wandered to the village headquarters, and happened to bump into Lao Xing head-on.

"Old Xing, where are you going?"

"There are people at the village committee during the day, so I'll go out for a walk." Lao Xing said with a smile.

Secretary Lin took out a cigarette and gave Lao Xing one, pulled him and squatted in a corner of the yard, and then said, "Aqin wants to run for office?"

"Ah, no, I don't know." Lao Xing acted innocently, as if he really didn't know.

"Old Xing, do you think there is a possibility of A-Qin quitting?"

Lao Xing thought for a while and said: "Secretary, I can find something to do in the village because of your kindness. Aqin is also a child in the village. We have watched him grow up.

When I first came back two years ago, I was a little confused, but he has always been nice to me, and he has indeed changed a lot during this time, and he has become more sensible. I can help him with some things, but I really don't know about others. "

"Oh, Lao Xing, you should take good care of your health. There is no fire in the village, and you are a five-guarantee household. I think I will give you 150 yuan of meal subsidy every month. This money cannot be paid to you directly.

I told Lao Zhang that if you serve braised vegetables every month, you will be responsible for the village’s account. "

"Oh, thank you secretary, then you should be busy first. I'll see when Aqin has time and I'll have a chat with him."

"Okay, then go ahead."

Zhao Qin didn't know what Lao Lin was thinking, but he knew that Lao Lin should be worried. If Lao Lin really didn't take any action, he might as well create more difficulties for the other party.

Of course, he didn't have time to think about this at this moment, he was fishing.

Ayuan took a string set and stood on a gentle slope. Anyway, he didn't get anything out of it, so he just had fun in the shallow water.

The large rock that Zhao Qin was standing on was occupied by Zhao Ping, and he and A Yuan could only stand on both sides.

"Let's see who breaks the turtle first today." Zhao Ping thought that he was in the best position and said to several people with confidence.

Zhao Qin gave the previously tied fishing group to Ayuan. The new fishing group had just been tied at the moment. As for the bait, it was also some small miscellaneous fish collected in the ground cage yesterday. It had been frozen in the refrigerator. This will bring Got some over.

According to his last experience, the bait he hooked up was not big, unlike his elder brother and Ah He who wished they could hook up a whole fish.

Throwing it into the water, shaking the line from time to time, the three of them had not made any move, but Ayuan caught a fish. The little guy was so excited that he kept reeling in the line, and was still yelling, "Dad, little one" Uncle, I caught a fish, it’s so heavy, I can pull it without you.”

When he pulled it up and saw it, Ayuan was depressed. It turned out to be a puffer fish. He also knew that this thing was useless.

"Give it to me." Zhao Qin reached for it.

"What for?" Although A Yuan was depressed, he still gave the puffer fish to Zhao Qin.

Zhao Qin took it, squeezed the pufferfish until it swelled, and then began to shine his shoes. Seeing his operation, Ayuan's eyes lit up, "Uncle, give it back to me, I want to shine my shoes too."

"I asked you whether to lose or not." Zhao Ping was speechless when he saw his operation.

The uncle and nephew polished the shoes clean. Not to mention, this shoe polishing thing is really useful.

After wiping, he threw the puffer fish into the water. Because it was bloated, the puffer fish just floated on the sea. It took a while for the puffer fish to subside before sinking into the water.

Among the three of them, Zhao Ping was the first to fish. As a result, when he started to reel in the fish, the excitement on his face disappeared because there was not much tension on the line. When he pulled it up, he saw that it was a Shijiu Gong, which was quite big. , there are three or four.

"A big mouth and a greedy person are worthless. This guy has taken them all." Zhao Ping said depressedly.

"Brother, go back and add two pieces of tofu, it will be enough for a meal." Zhao Qin also joked.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a pull on his line. He pulled up the line fiercely and hit the fish.

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