"Brother, please lend me the round table at home."

In rural households, square tables are generally used. The tables are not too small, but they are a bit crowded if ten people can sit there, and it is difficult to put more dishes on them.

Zhao Ping has a round table at home, which is a table top that can be stacked directly on a square table. With a layer of glass added, it becomes a round table that can rotate.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will take care of it later."

"Aqin, have you calculated how many dishes there are?"

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to prepare too many dishes, just enough. I have fish and shrimps at home. I bought some ribs. Don't braise them. I'll stew them in a pot later.

There is also one chicken and one duck each. I bought braised vegetables and just added two more seasonal vegetables. "

He had made an agreement with his sister-in-law about the chickens and ducks last night, and he had just seen them. She had killed them all, cleaned them up, and hung them in the kitchen under a vegetable cover.

Originally he wanted to pay 100 yuan, but his sister-in-law said something to him.

After the meal, Zhao Qin took a plate, filled it with some rice, and put the fish soup, broth, and bones on the table into the plate.

"What, you got a dog?" Zhao Ping saw that he was collecting these things, so he definitely wasn't for people to eat.

"Well, I picked up a dog and it was bitten by something. I felt sorry for it and took it home last night."

Zhao Ping didn't want him to raise him. After all, once he went to sea, he would never come back. If he didn't raise him well, he would turn into a wild dog again. It would still be troublesome to bite people.

But he was afraid that if he said it, his brother would think too much. After all, he was eating and drinking at his home.

"Don't worry. If I'm not at home, I'll ask the old lady to help feed her. She should stay closer to the old house."

"Just have your own idea."

Zhao Qin probably knew what his eldest brother was thinking. It was not that he was reluctant to part with the rice, but mainly because he was afraid of getting into trouble if it was not cooked properly. He couldn't explain it anymore, so he returned home with the plate in hand.

The dog was lying on the chicken coop under the eaves. Maybe because it smelled of alcohol and disinfectant, flies and the like didn't dare to get close.

Hearing the footsteps in the distance, it first froze its ears, then raised its head, looking at Zhao Qin's getting closer and closer, and then its tail began to wag happily.

"Silly dog, eat it."

Zhao Qin walked closer, poured the food on the plate into the broken bowl, then returned to the room and took out the disinfection and bandaging things.

After opening the originally wrapped legs, the dog trembled all over again, but it did not stop eating, and made a whining sound in its mouth to protect the food. Zhao Qin knocked it on the head angrily, and the dog stopped making noises.

Fortunately, the wound was not red or swollen. It was probably not infected. After changing the medicine, the dog finished its meal. Zhao Qin poured some more water into the bowl and then lay down to rest.

Thinking about Lao Lin's possible reaction, he fell asleep after a while.

Ah He came at about two o'clock, and the old lady came with him. "Is there anything you can do for me?"

"Grandma, you can just rest on a hot day. I made an agreement with my sister-in-law and she will do it."

"Arong has Miaomiao to take care of at home. How can she be so busy on her own? I'll go over and see if I can help." After the old lady finished speaking, she walked towards the eldest brother's house.

Zhao Qin knew he couldn't stop him, so he stopped being polite.

"Brother, is there anything I can do?"

"You're here just in time, help me clean up."

Zhao Qin couldn't clean every day, so he insisted on doing a small sweep every two days and a big sweep every half month. Thinking of having Ah He to help him, he cleaned the whole house inside and outside.

Before the cleaning was finished, Lao Xing came unexpectedly.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Didn't I say earlier that I would come in advance to help? What can I do?"

Zhao Qin pointed to the broom and asked him to sweep the floor at home. When people came, he would naturally not waste his labor.

Although Lao Xing was a five-guarantee, he was not slovenly. Anyway, he was much more attentive than A He. The three of them were much faster. With good hygiene, Lao Xing took Zhao Qin to smoke under the camphor tree outside.

"Aqin, Secretary Lin came to see me early in the morning and asked if you could withdraw?"

"Quit what?"

"Okay, let me do this again. You invite all the production captains to dinner for no reason. You don't want to run for election."

Zhao Qin blew out a puff of smoke and said in a calm tone: "Old Xing, I didn't mean it. Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, okay, okay, I misunderstood. What do you mean? If you don't want to talk to Lao Lin, I will just find a reason to get rid of this matter."

"What are you talking about? I can't speak clearly."

Seeing that he still denied it, Lao Xing thought he didn't want to talk, so he threw away the cigarette butt and stood up, intending to go in and eat watermelon. Ah He was already cutting it.

"I'm going to town early tomorrow morning. Lao Xing, do you have my phone number? Is there anything you want to bring?"

Lao Xing stopped once again, turned and squatted down again, took out his PHS phone and wrote down Zhao Qin's phone number. He couldn't help but probe again: "Aqin, what are you planning?"

"I bought three boxes of wine today, one of which is specially bought for you. I'll take it with me when I leave later tonight."

After Zhao Qin said this, he got up and went into the house to eat watermelon.

Lao Xing probably understood that this box of wine was to thank him for helping plan the purchase of a boat for Lin Lao'er's family. Of course, A Qin didn't mention it clearly, and he wouldn't make it clear. This matter had nothing to do with him.

He grabbed Zhao Qin again, "Old Xue asked you, do you still want to buy that boat? If you want to buy it, it will still be at the previous price."

"Buy some dick hair and let him keep the cubs there."

At almost four o'clock, the sister-in-law and the old lady came over, followed by Zhao Ping, who was still carrying a pick.

After unloading the things, the two women began to get busy. At six o'clock, people came one after another. The first ones were naturally those who were close to Zhao Qin.

For example, Lao Zhu and Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang also gave him the stewed vegetables that Zhao Qin had ordered in advance so that he could put them on the plate.

Zhao Qin and his eldest brother moved the table outside and put up the lights in advance, while Ah He was responsible for pouring tea for everyone.

"Aqin, we are not outsiders, please reveal the regulations first." Lao Zhang chuckled.

"There are no rules. We will start eating when everyone is here. If we enjoy the meal, we will praise it. If we are not satisfied with the meal, we are not allowed to curse."

Zhao Qin's words made several people laugh. Lao Zhu was a little anxious and winked at him frequently. When he saw him, he reminded him: "We are not outsiders here. Let's find out what you think. We can do it later." Please help me by saying a few words."

Although Zhao Qin and Lao Zhu often quarreled with each other, and Lao Zhu couldn't take advantage every time, the relationship between people is so strange, and Lao Zhu felt that he was closer to Zhao Qin.

Moreover, he and Lao Xing were the only two people who were not production captains but received the invitation. Before coming, he had thought that Aqin would definitely want to help convince these people.

"There is a guy with a bad breath. The reason why I'm treating you today is because I was a fool before and did some stupid things. This was not due to my elder brother's education. I turned back as a prodigal son and suddenly woke up.

I invite you to this table today to apologize for some of the bad things I did in the past. "

Seeing that he was still stubborn, several people didn't bother to talk anymore.

"Aqin, why is this dog here with you?" Lao Xing then saw the dog under the eaves and asked curiously.

"I went to the village yesterday, and it was about to die on the roadside. I couldn't bear to see it, so I rescued it. This beast has a long life." He told the truth.

At this moment, two more people came one after another, and everyone outside was chatting more happily.

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