Chen Dong asked Zhao Qin if he really had thoughts about his sister. This time, Zhao Qin was confused. He really didn't know her that well. Can I just say that?

Of course, this is also a trap. If he smiled playfully, Chen Dong would probably fall out and make a fight on the spot.

"It doesn't depend on what your sister wants. Of course I hope so."

"Not for fun?"

"Brother Dong, I am that kind of person."

"It's very similar." Chen Dong said still seriously.

Zhao Qin simply rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk to him anymore. He got on his motorcycle and walked towards the village.

I met Lao Zhang on the road. He seemed to be walking back from the pier. Zhao Qin stopped the car and asked, "What are you doing at the pier?"

"If tomorrow the village committee says someone is coming to town and they have ordered braised cuttlefish, I will go to the dock shops and ask if they have any big ones?"

Hearing the arrival of people from the village, Zhao Qin thought about it and said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, I think a village committee can support your braised vegetable stall."

"Hey, you don't know. There's a lot to eat, but it's hard to get the bill. It's already July, and the bill from last year is still hanging, which is more than 10,000 yuan. I don't want to take it this time."

"That's because you are stupid. If it were me, I could get this debt back in three or two days."

"Oh? Ah Qin, just teach me, don't worry, when I really come back, I will serve you the stewed vegetables, and I will give you a good cigarette." Lao Zhang said, took out the cigarette from his pocket and played it. branch.

Zhao Qin got out of the car, propped up the motorcycle, and pulled Lao Zhang to stand aside.

"You, you are too kind, you have to think of being tough."

"I can't!"

"Then do you want to be a good person, or do you want money?"

"I want money." Lao Zhang answered firmly this time.

"Stupid, you go directly to Lao Lin tomorrow, don't go to the accountant, it's useless. Just tell Lao Lin that your store can't be opened, because the village committee keeps saying there is no money.

It happened that the town leaders came. You planned to help the village committee cry out for poverty during the meeting, so you said that you still had more than 10,000 yuan to pay here, and asked the town if you could allocate some funds to the village. Remember, you must be upright when you speak, at least it looks like you are thinking about the village. "

"Is this useful?" Lao Zhang felt that this method might not work.

"Don't worry. But don't be soft-hearted. You were fooled by Lao Lin's two words and dragged you over again."

"Then how do I know if Lao Lin can delay?"

"You ask him to approve the note for you on the spot. If the accountant still refuses to pay after the note is approved, you go to Lao Lin to ask for it. These people are not afraid of honest people, but they are afraid of being stabbed in the head. Lao Zhang, these are all my good words.

Only if you are kind will I give you some advice. "

"Aqin, I know you're a nice person, but I'm afraid it will really get into trouble and they won't buy braised vegetables from me again."

This is Lao Zhang’s point of conflict. In fact, it is also the difficulty faced by many small businesses in society. They rely on large customers to provide food for them, but large customers are not happy to pay. This is how many small businesses suffer.

"You, you still don't understand. You are the only braised vegetable restaurant in our village. Where would they go if they don't serve it to your house?"

"There's one in town, it's not far."

"The ghosts in the town know them, will they allow them to pay the debt? From your side, you can pay once a year, but you won't push them if it's too much. Who in the town will allow them to play like this?

Also, you are the production captain. If they really come from the town, you will not make trouble or ask to check the village's accounts. Lao Zhang, you have to remember that good people can be bullied. "

Lao Zhang thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, since they don't dare to do anything to me anyway, I'll just do as you say."

After saying goodbye to Lao Zhang, Zhao Qin had just returned to his eldest brother's house when he saw his sister-in-law answering the phone.

Afraid that Miaomiao might touch it, the phone was placed on the incense cabinet and covered with a towel when not in use.

"I understand. A-Qin said he would go there, okay, I'll tell him... oh, he's back."

Xia Rong handed him the receiver and motioned for him to listen.

It was a call from the eldest sister. It probably meant that if he went, he would bring two changes of clothes. It was so far away and he couldn't go back in the same day. He was probably afraid that the villagers over there would gossip.

"I understand, sister."

After chatting for a few more words, Zhao Qin hung up the phone.

He called Lao Xing again, and Lao Xing came after a while.

"What meeting will be held in the village tomorrow?" Seeing the other party coming in, he asked directly.

"What people in town say about doing research, it must have something to do with the election. I don't know the details."

"Old Xing, there is something I want to hold you responsible for. Do you think I can trust you?"

Lao Xing was not angry either. He took the tea handed by Zhao Qin, took a sip and said with a smile: "Aqin, I really can't be trusted, but if you don't believe me, you won't come to me to talk to me."

"Well, Lao Xing, although you are tactful, you are not cheating. I admire you for this. The thing is like this..."

As soon as Zhao Qin explained the matter, Lao Xing stared at him blankly, "Aqin, what on earth do you want to do? Isn't it expensive to play like this?"

“I don’t want to do anything, I just want to make some contribution to the village.”

Seeing that he didn't seem to be faking it, Lao Xing stood up and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on this matter. If I dare to reach in and take advantage of a penny, you'll chop off my hand."

"I'm not afraid of you. You have to watch it for me. No one can reach inside."

Watching Lao Xing leave, Zhao Qin sighed.

"Aqin, I'm going to find a welder this afternoon to weld the canopy of the tricycle. Do you want to see what's going on on the boat?" Zhao Ping came back from nowhere, carrying a shovel.

"Okay, let's go together after dinner."

After the meal, the two brothers arrived in the town again, and Zhao Qin also told them about the idea of ​​making a sunscreen canopy on the boat.

"Master, can you make it into a movable one? And I request it to be two layers, one layer is a sun protection net and the other layer is a rainproof cloth."

"Then we need to install a slide. A better one is not cheap. If it's a bad one, I'll be honest. There's a lot of humidity on the ship, so it's probably going to break within two months."

The tricycle was left at the welder's shop and had to be picked up tomorrow. After negotiating the price, the two brothers walked to the village.

"Brother, I want to go to my eldest sister's place at the beginning of the month. I'm very busy these two days at the end of the month. Even if the weather is good, I can't go out to sea. If you go out with Ah He, each of you will get an extra 100 yuan in salary every day."

"You, why do you have to calculate so clearly? It's only 40-60 cents to rent a boat, and the fuel cost is all yours."

"It's better for us to be more clear about it, so that we can work together for a longer time. I know that my sister-in-law is a generous person, but I will get married in the future, and Ahe will also get married. It would be better if we set some rules now."

Zhao Ping thought for a while and nodded in agreement with his statement.

The eldest brother's situation is not big, because he has a simple temperament and his social circle is not large. This is his advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

After making money, the whole family can organize an annual trip. When Ah He gets married, the three families can go together. It’s good to think about it. It happens to take advantage of the fishing moratorium and the children also have a holiday.

"Brother, do you have any plans for the future?"

Zhao Ping was suddenly confused and remained silent for a while.

As people approach middle age, what they fear most is that others will ask you, do you have a dream?

There may have been one in the past, but the responsibilities on our shoulders and the real life have made our hearts become more and more tired, so tired that we have forgotten the word ideal.

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