"There shouldn't be any eels here, right?"

There is no soil nearby, only sand and gravel. It is said that eels don't like such an environment.

"The main purpose here is to catch soft-shell turtles and slides. Damn it. Last year, a birdie in our village caught a 17-pound slide and made a fortune."

Zhao Qin didn’t know what a stream slide was, but after asking, he found out that its scientific name is Eel eel, which is a large freshwater eel. The largest one can weigh more than 100 kilograms.

It is also one of the more precious ingredients in freshwater. Nowadays, wild ones can be sold for nearly 200 yuan per kilogram, which is equivalent to the earth dragon dug by Zhao Qin before, or even more expensive.

"Aqin, if you want to go down, you can follow this river."

Zhao Qin was not in a hurry and took a look at Xia Yingjie's gains first.

We kept collecting along the river, and collected several cages, which contained some croakers, stream groupers, and the like. There was one cage that contained two good largemouth catfish.

This kind of catfish is much more delicious than the bearded catfish. The fish meat is fresh and not fishy. The earthy smell of the bearded catfish is too strong. Not to mention that people at the beach don't eat it. The locals also use it to feed ducks.

The taste of the stick fish is also good, but it is very small, so it takes a lot of effort to put it together on a plate.

Just when Xia Yingjie gave up hope, he received a mandarin fish weighing nearly two pounds in the last cage, which finally soothed his bad mood just now.

"Ajie, what's the price of this mandarin fish now?"

"A pound or more of wild ones can probably be sold for RMB 35. This one is worth around RMB 60, which is enough to earn me more than I earned today."

Because this is living water, and the water area is large and long enough, the cage can be put away, re-baited, and found a place to put it down.

Zhao Qin also selected two water areas with many rocks for the four ground cages he brought, loaded them with bait, and set them down.

"How long does it take to collect?"

"Usually I leave it for a whole day. Sometimes I leave it for two days if I don't have time. There's no definite number. I will definitely not have time to collect it when there is a banquet at my second brother's house tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Qin thought for a while and decided to go back the day after tomorrow.

Next, the two went around a few more areas. The cages were relatively scattered. There were more than 40 cages in total. The harvest together was pretty good.

The total eels weighed more than seven kilograms, and there were two or three kilograms of crucian carp. The loach was probably only two kilograms, and there were also some large-mouthed catfish and snakehead fish.

"Today is the luckiest day in this month." Xia Yingjie was very satisfied with this harvest.

Zhao Qin did the math and found that it was worth two to three hundred yuan in total. It was indeed not bad. It was much better than driving screws in a factory outside. No wonder Xia Yingjie didn't want to go out.

However, this thing seems to be divided into seasons. Although the local winter is not too cold and you can put it in a cage, the harvest will definitely be reduced.

After everything was settled, the two went to the town to sell goods. The eel weighing more than seven kilograms was sold for 162 yuan. The price of wild crucian carp was also good. It was calculated at 8 yuan per kilogram like the loach. The mandarin fish was sold for 63 yuan.

Including large-mouthed catfish and snakehead fish, Lin Zongzong sold them for a total of 330 yuan.

Xia Yingjie took out one hundred and wanted to hand it to Zhao Qin, but he quickly blocked it, "Ajie, let's not do this."

It was already evening after returning home. Xia Yingwen asked about the harvest of the ground cage. When he heard that it had been sold for more than three hundred, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Zhao Qin noticed that Xia Yingwen was harvesting dandelions for drying, and asked curiously: "Brother, the dried product only costs more than 6 yuan?"

"No, the dried product can be sold for about 25. When we have time, we usually dry it and sell it."

Then he said that it usually takes three pounds of fresh produce to produce one pound of dried product. If calculated based on the price of sun-dried products, one catty of fresh products would cost about 8 yuan, but sun-dried products are also risky. People may not want them if they are not dried well. .

In the evening, the meal at the eldest brother's house is like this in the local area. As long as the distinguished guests from far away are related to each other, they usually have to eat at every house.

Zhao Qin didn't think it was troublesome and didn't have the hand gift, so he bought several red envelopes, and each child received 200 yuan.

In the evening, the eldest brother persuaded him to drink too much. After eating, Zhao Qin was also drunk. Zhao Mei had already prepared his bed and slept in the same room as Aze.

However, there were two beds in the room, so he didn't have to be wary of this kid's Sleeping Arhat Fist. He wasn't really afraid of the blow, he was afraid of the Shadowless Kick.

"Brother-in-law, this belongs to me and my eldest brother, and this share belongs to Ahe."

Zhao Qin took out the red envelope he had prepared.

Xia Yingwu squeezed the thickness of the red envelope, frowned slightly and said, "Just think about it, what are you doing with so many envelopes?"

"My brother and sister-in-law made the decision. If you have any questions, please ask them." Zhao Qin smiled and added, "Please help me vote for tomorrow's gift list and see how many are appropriate."

Xia Yingwu's eyes showed gratitude. This younger brother was so thoughtful. Just now he was thinking that if Amei's brother gave so much, his own brother would not look good.

Let Zhao Qin have a good rest, he took the red envelope and went out. After a while, Zhao Qin heard the conversation between the eldest sister and his brother-in-law outside.

"My brother gave it to me. He knew we were in trouble right now, so he just kept it."

"But this is too much, two thousand for a family."

"The gift list will be credited to one thousand when it comes. Just like your brothers and others, I have the final say on this matter. Anyway, Aqin is not married yet. Is it possible for you, the brother-in-law, to run away in the future?"

Then Xia Yingwu laughed.

When Zhao Qin got up early in the morning, a tent had been set up in an open space not far away. The eldest sister, her mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law were busy very late last night, and Zhao Qin could not help.

Four large tents were set up, three of which contained nine tables, and one was used as a kitchen.

Already busy with work, arranging dishes, chopping and washing vegetables, Zhao Qin originally wanted to help after washing up, but was pushed aside by the eldest sister again.

Let him drink tea at home when he is fine, and don't be an eyesore here.

Next to him, Xia Yingying was welcoming guests. There was a table set up next to him, and a man in his fifties was sitting there, holding a Maoist gift note.

Zhao Qin took a closer look and saw that the man's calligraphy was very beautiful. The red paper that had been cut in advance was folded into columns. The name was written vertically at the top and the gift amount was written in capital letters at the bottom.

Xia Yingjie drank more than Zhao Qin last night. He just got up and saw Zhao Qin coming from the table. He raised his head and said, "Hey, that little old man is the one I mentioned yesterday. He grabbed 17 pounds." The Birdman of the Creek Slippery.”

"It should be a relative of yours, right?" Normally the gift list would not be written by family members, but it must be someone close to you.

"My cousin."

Zhao Qin couldn't help but laugh. His cousin had turned into a birdman. It was conceivable that Xia Yingjie's eyes must have been red when the other party received such a big slip.

Local people eat three meals a day, and come early in the morning to have one meal, mostly chicken soup noodles, rice noodles and the like.

Dinner is lunch at noon, and in the evening, except for a few close friends, everyone will take the initiative to go home and not stay any longer.

"His handwriting is good."

"Not as good as me." Xia Yingjie said arrogantly.

Seeing that Zhao Qin didn't believe it, he actually walked closer, took the other person's brush, and added his name on the gift list.

A connoisseur will know if it is there as soon as it is written. A few random words are indeed very well written.

"How about it?"

"very good."

"You were admitted to Beijing University without studying. I graduated from high school. Strictly speaking, our educational level is the same. By the way, how did you get admitted to Beijing University?"

Zhao Qin didn't know how to answer.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Xia Yingjie sighed, "Do you know what my father said when I left home early on the day of the college entrance examination?"

"What did you say?"

“He told me the key is participation.”

Zhao Qin burst out laughing again, this sentence is spot on.

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