Zhao Qin pointed to the slope behind, and Xia Yingwu ran over there without paying any attention to the lunch box on the ground.

When he saw everything up and down the slope, he was stunned again.

"Brother-in-law, is this a good thing?" Zhao Qin is not stupid. He can naturally tell from Xia Yingwu's reaction.

Seeing that his brother-in-law didn't respond, he directly opened the system panel. He was shocked when he saw it, because the merit value suddenly increased by 1,000 points. Come on, this is too exaggerated. Is it on the same level as the big yellow croaker?

"Aqin, have you ever heard of Anomatis?"

Zhao Qin thought for a moment and understood what was in front of him. He had never seen it but had heard of it. Since ancient times, there was a saying that "there is ginseng in the north and anomatis in the south."

Like ginseng, it can be called the king of medicines.

It can treat and prevent nephritis, diabetes, hematuria, etc. Like dandelion, its flowers, leaves, stems, and roots are also used as medicine.

It is the true treasure of vegetation and the king of yams.

"Brother-in-law, isn't this expensive?"

Xia Yingwu kept nodding his head, but he reacted quickly this time. He squatted down and held a small shovel. While digging, he taught Zhao Qin: "Aqin, try to leave as many roots as possible, and dig the shovel deeper. You pick from the ground, and the slope I'll pick it from the wall."

Seeing how excited he was, Zhao Qin said amusedly: "Brother-in-law, are you not picking red mushrooms anymore?"

"With this, who would pick red mushrooms? But leave the red mushrooms there. If Ajie and Big Brother have time tomorrow, they can try their luck again."

Zhao Qin learned from his brother-in-law’s previous picking method. Because Anomatis creeps on the ground, he must first carefully smooth out the stems so that he can find the real roots. After finding them,

The shovel is slightly tilted, inserted into the soil, and the roots are disconnected. Then, with a pry, a Anomatis can be dug out completely.

Anomatis, also known as golden thread orchid, is a perennial plant of the orchid family. It is not only a rare herbal medicine, but also highly ornamental. If you dig it up and sell it to others as bonsai flowers, the profit will be even greater.

But the two of them didn't bring anything handy at the moment, and there were a lot of them here, so they didn't have the time to sell them as bonsai.

"Brother-in-law, how much does this stuff cost per pound now?"

"I don't know, but even if it's fresh, if it's less than 500 yuan, we won't sell it. Let's dry it and keep it until the market gets better."

cultivated goldenrod

The two of them dug for more than an hour, and the baskets were filled to the brim, which should weigh about ten kilograms. When they saw that there were only a few scattered grains left nearby,

Zhao Qin took out his cell phone and took a look. It was already half past one in the afternoon, and he was still thinking about collecting the cage.

"Brother-in-law, stop digging and leave some seeds."

Hearing the first few words, Xia Yingwu was still thinking of retorting, but when he heard about leaving seeds, the shovel in his hand paused, and he nodded for a moment: "Yes, too much is not enough. You should leave a little, for fear of being discovered by others and dug up." ”

"Then don't worry about us. Just don't cut the grass and root out the problem."

The two of them packed their things. Xia Yingwu was quite satisfied with today's harvest. He even thought to himself, if he really had such a harvest from climbing the mountain, who would be a teacher?

Zhao Qin just didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely say something sarcastic: Where is the candle, where is the gardener, brother-in-law, your consciousness needs to be improved.

"Let's go?"

"Let's go." Zhao Qin said, carrying the basket first, while Xia Yingwu found a not thick tree trunk, tied the two snakeskin bags with a rope, and picked them up.

When they arrived at the place where they separated before, Xia Yingjie was sitting on a stone smoking.

Zhao Qin thought that he had smoked in the forest before, and couldn't help but twitch on his face. Damn it, forest fire prevention, he also made a mistake. He must pay attention to it in the future. Fortunately, it has been raining lightly today, otherwise it would be over by accident.

"What are you doing? It's almost two o'clock."

Xia Yingjie was complaining. Just after he finished speaking, he saw that the two of them were carrying snakeskin bags and backpacks, and asked curiously again: "There are so many dandelions over there? The ones you dug must weigh several dozen kilograms." "

"Go home quickly and talk about it later." Xia Yingwu urged.

The three of them rushed here. When they got home, it was already past two o'clock and close to three o'clock. Xia Yingying had been back long ago and was drying dandelions in the yard. From time to time, she looked up at the path in the distance.

I complained in my heart that this point has not come back yet.

Finally, I saw three figures and my second brother carrying a load. He had a smile on his face. It seemed that today's harvest was so good that he lost track of time while he was busy.

"Brother, come here." Xia Yingwu picked up the burden and shouted to his eldest brother before walking into his yard.

Zhao Mei was relieved when she heard their voices. She was really afraid that her man had not been on the mountain for a long time and would get lost this time with his brother.

"Why do you do it so late?"

Xia Yingwu and Zhile didn't answer. He took out a raincloth from the main room and spread it in the yard. Seeing that his eldest brother and his father had entered the house, he quickly closed the front yard door.

"Second brother, wait a minute." Xia Yingjie had already sensed something unusual. He went home, took off his backpack and rushed over, but was almost locked out.

The family stood in the courtyard and watched Xia Yingwu busy.

Xia's father noticed something was wrong in the basket on his back. What he picked didn't seem to be dandelions. He stepped forward and took a closer look. He stared at Xia Yingwu with his eyes wide open and said, "Awu, which mountain did you pick this from?"

Seeing his father's expression, the eldest brother also stepped forward and took a look and exclaimed in a low voice, "Oh my God, Ah Wu, where did you pick them from the mountain? How come there are so many wild anomatis? I haven't seen them for two or three years." I saw one."

Xia Yingjie was not calm when he heard that it was Anomatis. He stepped forward and picked up one and took a closer look, "Fuck, second brother..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the boss slapped him on the head and said, "Keep your voice down."

"Thanks to Aqin, he and I were separated from Ajie..."

After all, Xia Yingwu is a teacher, and his expressive ability is very strong. He can explain things clearly in a few simple sentences.

Hearing that there were also red mushrooms, a few people hurriedly looked inside the snakeskin bags.

Father Chen only glanced at it and said to Lao Dadao: "Hold your hand and pour it out quickly, so that all the stuff underneath is crushed. Use a basket to put some more in it."

When the red mushrooms were poured out, several people stared wide-eyed again. Not only the quality was good, but the key was how many there were!

At Father Chen's age, he has never seen anyone go up the mountain and pick up so many red mushrooms in a long time.

Everyone's eyes looked at Anomatis for a while, then at the red mushrooms spread out on the ground, and after a while, they all turned their attention to Zhao Qin.

"Aqin, you are so lucky. I have fallen down on the mountain several times, but I never encountered such a good thing."

"Choose a higher slope and fall down. Maybe you can pick up martial arts secrets in addition to mountain treasures."

Xia Yingjie rolled his eyes, thinking that he was Aze's age, right?

"Ajie, next time you mention me, don't use the word birdman."

Xia Yingjie couldn't help laughing when he saw what he said seriously. This kid has a really good memory.

"Don't leave this at home, hurry up and sell it. Ah Wu, I saw it sold in the market. Ah Wen knows someone who buys mountain goods. You two go together."

After Xia's father finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. Most of these treasures belong to Zhao Qin, so he quickly added, "Aqin is also coming with us."

Zhao Qin shook his head and said: "Brother-in-law, please go and sell it. I have to collect the cages with Ajie."

"What can you gain from that cage? These are the goods you picked up. What's going to happen if you don't go there?"

No matter what Xia Yingwu tried to persuade, Zhao Qin didn't want to go to the market now, because he had just checked the luck value of the system. After picking up Anomatis, there were still 25 points left. There must be good things.

My eldest brother and the others didn't go to sea today, so I guess it all fell on me.

"Forget it if Ah Qin doesn't go, they are all family members. Ah Wu, you ask the boss to make the order more clearly." Zhao Mei made the final decision. In her opinion, they are all relatives and it doesn't matter.

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