Teacher Wu also asked if a swimming pool would be considered in such a big place?

Zhao Qin scratched his head. He personally felt that the swimming pool was a bit useless. This thing really exists. There is no dedicated person to clean and maintain it, and it is just waiting to get dirty.

I am a fisherman. If I were to swim at home every day, the whole village would probably laugh out loud. The ocean is so big and it’s not enough trouble.

If it is for my wife's use, the yard cannot be that high. What if someone climbs over the wall?

It doesn't matter if other people's wives wear less clothes, but not your own.

"Aqin, your main building is big enough, you can consider building a small heated swimming pool indoors, but the cost may be higher.

The first floor is 400 square meters. You will definitely not arrange a living room, just a living room and dining room. It is really too big, and just half of the area can be used as a gym and swimming pool. "

"Okay, then please design it, Teacher Wu."

Then Teacher Wu asked a lot of details, such as the hardening of the floor in the courtyard, whether to use marble or simpler cement, or to keep the soil natural.

Another example is the design of the front gatehouse, which adopts the archway style or the courtyard style.

After chatting in the open space for about an hour, none of the three of them complained, which made Zhao Qin look at them with admiration.

After returning home, each of them held a piece of watermelon and chatted for a while about some details. However, Chen Xue and Xia Rong couldn't get a word in, so they simply went aside and started chatting in a low voice.

"Aqin, the design fee is 20,000 yuan. I know this price is a bit high, but you have two acres of land, and I want to make good use of it."

Zhao Qin understood that he had no bargaining capital, so he agreed, "The price will be as you said. I also need to ask Teacher Wu to give me a breakdown of the building materials.

It doesn't matter if there are some errors in quantity, but I hope you can help me list which parts are made of which materials as detailed as possible. It is best to take into account economy and practicality. "

"This is not difficult and it is also my responsibility. I will try my best to produce the first version of the drawings within a week, and we will communicate with you then."

After the conversation was almost over, Zhao Qin followed the car to the town. Teacher Wu and the others found a printing shop to sign a contract, while Chen Xue accompanied Zhao Qin to the bank to withdraw money.

After withdrawing the money, he found Chen Xue with a smile on his face. He asked curiously: "What's wrong, so happy?"

"Leave me alone."

Chen Xue didn't say anything, and Zhao Qin didn't bother to ask again.

When they arrived at the bank, the ATM machine happened to be under maintenance, so they had to go inside to withdraw money. When Zhao Qin was lying on the table filling out the form, Chen Xue happened to see the piece of jade he was wearing. Seeing that someone gave it to him yesterday, he put it on today. , I was very happy.

After the contract was signed and 10,000 yuan was paid in advance, Teacher Wu and the others planned to return to the city right away, while Chen Xue was busy driving them to the city.

"Sister, thank you."

"Hmph, I'll treat you to another day. I want to have a big dinner."

"Okay, I'll feed it to you another day." After Zhao Qin said that, he ran away, leaving Chen Xue confused. Can noodles be considered a big meal?

He came to the repair shop, paid the maintenance fee, followed the masters to the dock, watched them install the machine, and cranked it to make sure it was OK, then he took the crank and rushed home.

When I returned to my eldest brother's house, I found that my brother and sister-in-law were settling accounts.

The price of grapefruit this year is just like that, 7 cents per catty, a total of 15,100 catties, sold for more than 11,000 cents.

Hearing the data, Zhao Qin couldn't help but twitch on his face. He might as well have traveled half a mile to Tianshan Mountain at his eldest sister's house, but then he thought about it. Without the systematic luck bonus, he would be nothing.

Being like a big brother is the attitude you should have in real life.

Thinking about it this way, and hearing that it was more than 10,000, he felt that the harvest was quite good.

"Brother, how much does this package cost per year?"

"The area I covered covers about eight acres. One acre per year costs 160 yuan."

In other words, it costs more than a thousand, and there must be pesticides, plus fertilization. As for labor, since the family is busy, it is often not counted.

"Brother, please ask around again to see if there are any mountain bags nearby. Let's plant more. Then we will become a big grower."

"How can you keep busy with so many things, including boats and mountains?"

"If there are more, we will hire someone to do it, but growing grapefruit is a bit too common. When the market is good, it only sells for a dollar or more. It would be better if we all grow loquats."

By then, he can make loquat paste himself, and Zhao Qin is already considering further processing.

Breeding will definitely be done in the future, but if all the chickens and ducks raised are sold to dealers, the profit will be very low, and the ability to resist risks is weak. If the market goes bad, you may lose money in a year.

Don't be in a hurry, take your time, and you'll be fine if you can put up a shelf in the next five years.

Alas, there is still a shortage of people. It would be nice if I could be more reliable. At least my family would feel at ease.

"By the way, is the boat ready?"

"It's done. I've also ordered the bait. I only put out longlines, so I ordered some live shrimps from Brother Dong's house." Zhao Ping was even more happy when he heard that the boat was ready.

"Aqin, I think that Axue really likes you. What do you think? Why don't you wait for our father to come back and find a matchmaker to talk about it?" Xia Rong said with a happy face.

I felt that Zhao Qin and the other party were not in the same family before. I just had a chat with Chen Xue and asked her if she had agreed on her husband's family and if she had someone she liked. When the girl denied it, she glanced at Ah without leaving any trace. Diligence.

And now Aqin has bought two boats, and there are still two boats. In addition, he has to build such a big house, which seems to be a big gap. Besides, Aqin is young, who can say for sure what he will do in the future.

"Sister-in-law, she is still studying. Let's wait until she graduates."

Seeing that Zhao Qin did not shirk like last time, Xia Rong said again: "You can settle the marriage first, so that both parties can feel at ease."

"My sister-in-law is of a different generation. She is really a worried person. Even if she gets a marriage witness, she should regret it or not. If she is a trustworthy person, we don't have to think so much."

"Aqin's words are correct. When the girl graduates from college, if both parties still feel it's suitable, they can consider getting married after they get engaged."

After Zhao Ping finished speaking, he sighed again. He still had to discuss this matter with his father. He didn't know when I would be able to come back.

In the evening, the family killed another chicken, and Ah He also helped out all morning. He had to treat someone to a meal, just to celebrate the harvest on the mountain.

After calling Ahe, the old lady was the only one left at home, so naturally she wanted to invite him too.

Because we were going to sea tomorrow, no one drank at night. Zhao Qin told the old lady that the construction of the house would start in half a month. The old lady became even more happy.

I thought that after the house was built, I could marry Ahe.

"Grandma, the daughter of the Hou family in the dock forest would be good."

After Zhao Qin finished speaking, Ah He cast a grateful look.

Lin Zhonghou is the old Lin at the village wharf who collected razor clams and sandworms before. He and the village secretary Lin Zhonghe are brothers. His daughter Pingping and Ahe have long been attracted to her.

"People who are doing business may not necessarily like our family."

"Please tell me. In fact, there are only a few people in the family, so it is more comfortable to come here to be my daughter-in-law. You are a generous person, so naturally you will not embarrass my grandson-in-law. In the future, you will be able to help take care of children and take care of the confinement period."

Zhao Qin's words made the old lady's eyes gleam and she nodded in panic, as if she had already seen the scene of hugging her grandson.

Early in the morning, after Zhao Qin got up, he found that his luck value today was actually 65 points, which was quite high. Based on previous experience, he could earn more than 30,000 yuan.

Fishing by two rows of longlines?

Or rely on that water pump?

As a result, as soon as I arrived at my eldest brother's house, I heard Zhao Ping say with some annoyance: "I have forgotten all about harvesting grapefruits. The sea is open today. I actually forgot about such a big thing."

Zhao Ping said and patted himself on the head.

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