Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 234: Cat Dad’ Generou Deal

Looking at their macot being tortured, Hwarang Guild' member were enraged. They brought out their weapon and looked at their leader.

"Bo, let' go out and kill Xiaomao!"

"We can't watch anymore. How dare he humiliate and torture our Cookie?!"

"That' right. Cookie' *Ahem* meat *Ahem* belong to u! How enviou… I mean, how horrible!"

Vermilion tared at the lat guy with red eye, and the latter hrunk away. The former coffed and turned to the battlefield. Then, he looked at the current SP.

Seven minute had paed, and their guild managed to gather 4,200 SP, which wa enough to build weaponry factorie and tower.

"We can't win if we keep hiding behind the catle wall! Scout team, you go around the map and find a reource to build an etractor or a reource factory. A for the ranged DPS, come with me to kill Xiaomao! A for the melee, protect u from Xiaomao' troop! Craftmen, build Anti-Air defene tower in the middle of the field!"


Hwarang member opened the main gate and ruhed out like a mob. They ignored the threat of Xiaomao' firepower.




The war cry of Hwarang Guild wa o loud that Cookie and Xiaomao could hear them from the ky. The phoeni looked at hi people and gritted hi teeth.

Graa! (You're finihed, tupid cat! My friend will kill you!)

"Sure, munya. I gue I'll do thi intead."

The bracer on Xiaomao' tentacle glinted, and all eight tentacle etended by 100 meter. The long arm tied the body of Cookie like a rope.

Xiaomao looked down and pointed the tip of hi flying word at the people below.

However, intead of uing a fireball and intantly wiping out the puruing party, Xiaomao pured hi lip and ued omething ele.


The fire word' tip uddenly acted like a flame thrower. It fired a long tream of flame a if a dragon breathed fire at the crowd below.

The trail of fire and the heat caued the crowd to dipere and backed away from the flame. However, none of them wa harmed.

A the crowd' charging momentum wa interrupted, mot of them tood there and waited for intruction from their leader. Uing thi opportunity, Xiaomao turned hi flying word around and ordered it to fly toward hi guild' catle.

"I'm taking your chicken home, munya! If you want him back, do nothing for an hour and pre the urrender button, munya! If promie that I won't eat him or kill him, munya!"


He alo heard the deperate cry from hi familiar.



Speechle, Vermilion furrowed hi brow and watched the catopu flying away.

"What' net, bo?" One of Vermilion' ubordinate looked back and forth in confuion.

"… Search for reource, build defenive tower and war factorie. We prepare for a iege battle."

"What about your pet, bo?"

Vermilion fell into deep thought. He opened hi game menu and preed the friend tab. Then, he earched for Xiaomao' name and added him a a friend.


A few econd later, Xiaomao accepted Vermilion' friend requet. Seeing that Xiaomao wa willing to talk, Vermilion aked him through a voice chat.

"What are you doing with my pet?"

Xiaomao intantly replied, "Harveting hi meat, feather, and organ for food material, munya. Oh, don't worry. I'm healing him to full health every time I cut off hi limb and meat, munya."


Although angry, Vermilion uddenly had an inpiration. He boldly aked Xiaomao.

"Can you give me ome of the feather and meat?"

"Of coure, a long a you urrender quietly without putting up a fight after the match' timer i cloe to zero, munya."

"Doe it tate good? What kind of tat or perk do you get from eating a phoeni?"

The converation hocked Vermilion' ubordinate. He looked at their bo with round eye.

Vermilion huhed the crowd and turned hi attention to the voice chat. Xiaomao took a while to anwer thi time.


Xiaomao poted a creenhot of the decription of Cookie' breat meat and feather.


Fledgling Phoeni' Breat Meat

Thi lean cut of meat i a preciou material for many legendary medicine and food. Eating it raw can alo be beneficial a it i bacteria and viru free!

Item Type: Food, Medicine

Rarity: Legendary

Effect: Eating it raw give you the following perk;

– Permanently increae Fire and Light Spiritual Root by 1,000.

– Permanently increae Ma HP and MP by 10,000.

– Obtain a permanent abnormal tatu [Phoeni Cure].

*[Phoeni Cure] – You are a worn enemy of the phoeni race. All phoenie will proactively hunt you down to avenge for their kin.


Fledgling Phoeni Down

Thi phoeni' feather i till young and incomplete, but it can be ued to heal a fatal injury and remove all tatu debuff. Mater alchemit can refine it into a reurrection potion if they have enough ingredient.

Item Type: Conumable, Ingredient

Rarity: Legendary

Effect: Eating it raw give you the following perk;

– Fully retore all HP and MP.

– Remove tatu attribute debuff.

– Permanently increae Ma HP by 100.

– Permanently increae Fire and Light Spiritual Root by 100.


After ending the image, Xiaomao gave them a kind offer.

"10 breat meat, 10 feather, and your phoeni' urvival for your white flag at the 59th minute. What ay you, munya?"

Vermilion and hi ubordinate widened their eye in hock when they aw the decription of their macot' meat. None of them had thought of etracting meat from their cute phoeni before, and Xiaomao howed them what they had mied in life.

Everybody regretted not thinking of thi earlier. Had they known that their pet wa thi impreive, they would have raied Cookie a livetock!

Being enlightened, Vermilion looked at hi ubordinate.

"Let' vote. The meat or the match?"




Back at Xiaomao' catle, the catopu and Cookie both litened to the converation between Vermilion and hi ubordinate through the voice chat. Thoe men forgot to turn the chat mic off when they were talking.

Cookie heard everything while hi meat wa being etracted. He hed tear of adne and anger.

GRAAA!! (Batard! Don't accept the bribe and help me! Why are you thinking of taking my meat?!)

Xiaomao hook hi head a he quietly cut two of Cookie' leg and regenerated them back with hi white flame pit. Then, he turned off the voice chat microphone.

"See the true color of your mater, munya? When you're trong, they rely on you and worhip you. When you've fallen, they are ready to eat you alive, munya."

Graa… (I wanna die. I don't want to live anymore.)

"Why, munya? Becaue you're humiliated or being treated a livetock?"

GRAAA!! (I don't want to be eaten by anyone! I'm a upreme being!)

"But they want your meat now, munya. Even if I let you go, they will urely ill-treat you from now on."

Cookie glared at Xiaomao. Although he wa ehauted, he till hated the cat.

"I have a propoal, munya."

Graa (What?)

Xiaomao howed a bottle of acred water to the phoeni.

"If I remember correctly, phoenie need a ource of energy and Qi to grow bigger, right?"


Xiaomao grinned. He topped cutting Cookie' meat and rubbed hi tentacle like a hady merchant.

"Why don't you quit being that guy' familiar and join my dungeon, munya? I can provide you helter and the endle ource of thi water, munya!"

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