Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 238: Cat Dad is All-In

Floating in the sky was Xiaomao on his flying sword. He bitterly looked at a certain item in his inventory.

Crystallized Karma of Poseidon

Asgard's minions had abnormally high HP. Xiaomao didn't know if it was because of Odin's blessings or other deities' power. But one thing for sure – Xiaomao couldn't defeat Joan and her 1500 soldiers without a proper weapon.

So far, Xiaomao's fireballs could cause one million points of damage, but that wasn't enough to one-shot these people. As for Joan, Xiaomao expected her to have a higher HP than Jiang Wei.

‘Do I have to provoke every god in the universe? Am I walking the path of Kratos or something? Heck, I haven't even played the newest GOW yet!'

Xiaomao grumbled and pulled the crystal magic staff out of his inventory. When it appeared, it howled and turned the thunderclouds white.


Sounds of thunder remained, but the lightning color changed to blue. Among the clouds, one of them transformed into a giant face of an ancient Greek god.

It was the face of Poseidon!

Poseidon's cloud didn't turn to Xiaomao or harm him. Instead, his lifeless expression and nonexistent pupils showed the cat that it was not the manifestation of the real Poseidon but the power of the staff.

While waiting for the tribulation lightning to strike Joan, Xiaomao dropped a new spell on her.



Glacial Spikes

This spell is the upgraded version of "Ice Lance". The caster can shoot five ice lances toward a target or multiple targets. Upon contact, the ice lances will explode and shoot ice spikes everywhere, freezing and slowing any target in their range.

Spell Type: AOE, Crowd Control

Rarity: Ultra-Rare

Cost: 5,000 MP

Cooldown: 20 Seconds

Effects: Shoot five homing ICE LANCES at the designated target. Upon hit, inflict the following effects on the victim(s).

– Inflict 120% Magic Damage and 50% Water Element Damage to foes (per hit).

– Detonate the ice lances and shoot small ice needles at surrounding enemies. Inflict 10% Water Element Damage per hit. Inflict [Freeze], [Frostbite], and [Hypothermia] abnormal status until the glacial is removed.

*[Freeze] – Decrease movement speed by 20%

*[Frostbite] – The body part that got frostbite cannot move until the frozen parts are removed.

*[Hypothermia] – Decrease movement speed by 1% every 10 seconds (Stackable). Decrease physical defense by 20% and magic defense by 50%. All Water and Ice Element Damage is triple.


Five ice lances flew toward Joan like homing missiles. The Valkyrie raised one of her eyebrows in amusement and swatted all five ice lances away with her bastard sword, using only one hand.

Upon hit, the ice lances exploded. However, as if Joan had predicted it, her large sword blocked all small needles that came for her.

Joan glanced at her sword, which was now covered with layers of ice. It expanded and was about to reach her hand.

The Valkyrie tossed the sword away. She pulled out a new bastard sword from her inventory and waved it around.

"You're no match for me, cat! Surrender, and I might spare your sorry life!"

Five shaman fireballs came after her next. Again, Joan used her giant swords to swat every magic projectile away. The fireballs exploded, but they caused no damage to her.

"You're being annoying, brat!"

Joan lost her patience. She looked up to the sky and flew toward Xiaomao, who had been floating below the dark cloud.


A crossbow bolt suddenly pierced Joan's left chest while she was charging. The bolt head was so fast and small that she didn't see it coming.


602,114 DAMAGE!

Because of the impact, Joan was knocked downward and crashed on the ground. She stared at the arrowhead, which lodged into her flesh but failed to destroy her ribcage.

"Petty trick!"

Joan tried to sit up and got back to the fight.


The dark goo of the black snow suddenly behaved like tar glue. It prevented her from getting on her feet. In addition, a large egg with an eyeball emerged from the ground next to her. Its eyeball opened and stared at her face.

Joan pursed her lips. She glanced at the weapon icons in her inventory.



p anda nOvel.cO,m A hundred bastard swords flew out and slashed all eggs and emerging creatures in the dark gas. She calmly exhaled and purged the virus in her body while maintaining her sanity level.

"This trick might work on mortals, but not for me! ODIN'S LIGHT!"

Joan's body shone so bright that it rivaled the strongest flashlight. A shockwave of light disintegrated the dark gas and the dimensional creatures around her and her allies, purifying the battlefield.

Without the dark gas, the meadow returned to normal, except for the river that Shepherd and his summon had created. Joan got back on her feet and glanced at the army of mermen.

But as Joan was distracted, green mist emerged around her.


<You have been inflicted with [Rabid Poison]!>


Rabid Poison

Gnolls, their habits, and their poor hygiene gave birth to this poison. At first, it was a common disease among gnolls. However, after gnolls gained intelligence with the guidance of Nian and Pangu, they created a spell to manipulate and control the poison.

Spell Type: Active, Debuff, AOE

Rarity: Super Rare

Requirement: 1,000 Dark Spiritual Root

Class Restriction: Any Mage

Cost: 250 MP

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Effects: Create a poison mist in the designated area. All creatures in the poisonous mist have a high chance of being infected with an abnormal status effect [Rabid Poison]

*[Rabid Poison] – This abnormal status have three effects as the followings;

– Inflict 0.5% HP damage to self every second when not in combat mode.

– Decrease all DEF, M.DEF, INT, and WIS to zero and increase ATK by 100%.

– Disable all spells and skills.


LET IT GO was not the only dark element spell in Xiaomao's arsenal. This debuff was also deadly on its own as it disabled Joan's skill and decreased all her defense stats to zero. However, it increased her attack power by 100%.

Joan clicked her tongue when she noticed the [Rabid Poison] status effect. She deeply inhaled and spat the fuming saliva. Then, she brought out a pill from her inventory and swallowed it.


<You have consumed Yggdrasil Leaf Pill.>

<All abnormal status effects and status debuffs have been cleansed.>

<For one hour, you are immune to all poison.>

The [Rabid Poison] abnormal status was no more, and Joan was now immune to the poison. She looked up and waited for Xiaomao to use another trick.


As soon as Joan shouted, the tribulation cloud delivered the first lightning bolt. The streak of lightning didn't go for Joan's lightning rod but for her.




In just one hit, Joan fell to her knees. She looked up and glared at the tribulation clouds in disbelief.

"Impossible! He's just a mortal! How could his grand spell cause so much damage?!"




The second black lightning struck her, almost depleting her entire health bar. Now, she had less than 300 million HP left.

If another lightning bolt hit her, she might really die!

Joan widened her eyes in shock. She ejected a hundred pills from her inventory and swallowed them whole.

Her HP recovered by 50%. However, a new lightning bolt descended.




Joan's face turned dark. She gritted her teeth and brought out another pill, which she had saved for an emergency. She looked at it and furrowed her brows so hard that her face was distorted.


Joan swallowed the blue pill in her hand right away.




Xiaomao looked at his new high score and glanced at Undine's evolution material. His face distorted as he imagined the pain that Joan might be suffering right now.



While a thousand tribulation lightning bolts focused on her. Xiaomao flew away from Joan and rushed to the battlefield on Shepherd's side.

‘No matter how strong she is, she doesn't have more than 375 billion HP, right?'

The inflation of damage and HP scared Xiaomao sometimes. He thought of the disparity between deities and immortals, wondering how terrifying Meowmeow's stats were.


A strange explosion sounded from behind Xiaomao. He turned around by reflex and swung the flame sword at the incoming person.


Xiaomao's sword hit one of Joan's flying bastard swords, knocking it away.



99 more bastard swords pursued Xiaomao. They formed a wedge formation as if they were a cavalry army platoon.


Joan's angry scream came from behind the formation of flying swords!

She was still alive!


Although Joan was alive, the tribulation lightning was far from over. She suffered from another lightning bolt.

However, a shocking development occurred. The damage was strangely low!

149,512! RESISTED!


Xiaomao turned his head around and looked at Joan, whose skin and armor were charred black from the lightning burn. Her garments and clothes were burnt to ash, leaving only the plate armor that covered her important parts.

A message floated before Xiaomao, warning him of the tough opponent. His Senpais also couldn't keep quiet anymore.


<Your target has resisted your Tribulation Lightning!>

[Cathulhu Instinct]: Don't get distracted! That bitch probably ate Thor's blood or something similar to boost her lightning resistance. Keep attacking her until you're teleported to the guild lobby!

[Foresight]: This fight will decide your fate! Do not face Joan alone! Work together with Shepherd and overcome this!

[Cathulhu Instinct]: One more thing – Don't forget to MUNYA her! NIHIL her if you must!

‘Lightning resist, Shepherd, eat her?!'

Xiaomao gulped and turned his attention to Joan. She already caught up with the army of pursuing flying swords, and she rode on top of them. In addition, her HP bar slowly recovered to 50%.

‘Annoying cockroach!'

As if Xiaomao remembered something that he hadn't used yet, he paced his breaths and calmed down. All eight bracers around his eight tentacles brightened, and his flying sword began ejecting white flame.

The white flame transformed into a microphone, and Xiaomao's inventory ejected a 100-meter-tall Bluetooth speaker, which was made by Andrew and Peter. He threw the huge thing toward Joan.

The Valkyrie looked at the speaker in bemusement. She raised her bastard sword and was about to cut it in half.

But Xiaomao suddenly shouted… or sang a certain song.

Ultimate Skill

Providence Song!



Meanwhile, the large magic circle of Shepherd was unleashed. Countless sets of equipment, swords, halberds, and shields manifested and automatically equipped on the mermen.

The big fish heads of mermen were covered in knight helmets, and their outer surcoats were painted white with a red cross at the center.

The mermen received game notification messages and turned around to look at Shepherd, who nodded at them.



The mermen's classes changed, and their levels increased to 800!

Merman Templar Knight, Level 800

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