Time passes quickly, tens of minutes later.

Plane shopping street.

The body is black, made of high-grade materials and has bulletproof and other functions, and the vehicle with the special response team logo can quickly drive into it.

With the end of the battle.

Silent and uninhabited streets.

As the vehicle brakes stall.

The door opens.

Led by Yi Hongan, several members of the special response team’s knight combat team got out of the car.

Their gazes quickly locked on the one that fell to the ground.

The figure has fallen into a coma and sleep.

When I saw Zhuo Ren’s body.

That was a very serious injury.

Almost, the body that appeared dirty covered with coagulated blood, and the pool of blood left as a trail of battle on the surrounding ground.

Yi Hongan’s eyes.

A distressed look flashed.

And a touch of admiration.

After all, even if he is selected to become Kamen Rider, the figure in front of him is only a teenager!

Footage transmitted via satellite.

They saw it too.

Scenes of battle.

Even, through analysis and intelligence collection, I learned about Zhuo Ren’s relevant deeds.

In order not to be affected by Amazon cells.

Willing to hide in the middle of nowhere.

Spent years!

During this time, how he survived was unknown, and such deeds were enough to make Yi Hongan, a middle-aged man, admire the teenager in front of him.

After all.. If this is the case for the rest of the people.

I’m afraid it can’t be done at all!

It has long been affected by the wild instinct of Amazon cells and reduced to a man-eating Amazon monster, and the dead Yan You is a living example.

“Quick! Send him back to base. ”

“Carry out the treatment!”

Medical staff at several special response team bases. Carefully carried Zhuo Ren onto the stretcher.

Send medical equipment to the vehicle for loading.

Maintain vital signs.

Immediately, the armed vehicle of the special response team, which arrived at the fastest speed, hurriedly returned to the position of the base at great speed.



As the noon time passed.

Among the villas.

After eating a delicious meal cooked by Qin Tian, Mu Ningxue and Ding Mengqing covered their full stomachs with great satisfaction.

Immediately, he said hello to Qin Tian.

Run to the room on the second floor.

Secret chats between girlfriends that cannot be known to others go.

In this regard, Qin Tian did not have the slightest.

Thoughts that want to eavesdrop.

After clearing the plates on the table, he also answered a call from the special response team, knowing that the seriously injured Zhuo Ren had been placed in the medical room of the base for healing.

Yesterday, after visiting the Special Response Team base.

Qin Tian also had some understanding.

Among them, the medical room, or it should be said, each of the medical areas of the city special response team has the most top-notch medical resources.

Even, equipped with some from the secret realm.

Acquired healing equipment and means!

Even if the hand and foot are broken, or even the heart is pierced and other extremely serious injuries, as long as it is not immediately dead and hangs in the breath, it can save the person with a high probability.

And the speed of recovery from injury.

It’s also extremely fast!

Under such medical methods, even if Zhuo Ren’s right arm is completely twisted and almost scrapped, and there are many densely packed injuries on his body, he can still get the maximum degree of rehabilitation.

With this level of logistical support of medical resources.

This is also a member of the special response team combat team in various cities.

The reason for daring to let go of the first war.

At the same time, it is also one of the best conditions to recruit others to join the special response team!

After all, after joining the special team.

Their families are also able to enjoy such medical conditions.


After knowing the situation and hanging up the phone.

Qin Tian sat on the sofa.

With a sigh of relief, a little expectant look could not help but flash in his calm eyes.

A panel light curtain that only he can see.

Emerge before your eyes.

[Name: Qin Tian].

[Talent: Ultimate Knight Physique].

[Title: The Way of Heaven, the General Everything].

[Knight Drive: Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Skull].

[Knight Points: 103 points].

At this moment, with the end of the emergency that occurred in the Wushu shopping street this morning, Qin Tian defeated Kamen Rider AmazonNeoAlfa.

Thus, 30 Knight Points were earned.

The number on the panel has changed from 73 points to 103 points, which also meets the requirement of 100 knight points for drawing titles!

After so far, it has finally ushered in the second title draw.

Even if you already have it.

It can be said to be the only level title of the myth of “The Way of Heaven, the General Everything” that turns pretense into instinct.

But for the second title extraction.

What title can be drawn, for that unknown result.

Qin Tian had great expectations.

Title drawn!

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Tian’s mind moved, and he said silently in his heart.

Suddenly, the knight points on the panel.

A blur has changed!

Fall in the next moment.

It’s 3 points!

Immediately afterwards, dazzling brilliance blooms in the panel, like a rainbow of colors shimmering, which represent colors of different title qualities.

Constantly circulating before the eyes.

The most ordinary white, the fine blue, the epic purple.

Legendary gold.

And, the mythical only level of red!

Of course, among these brilliance that represents the quality of the title, there are also some colors that seem to contain special properties, pitch black like an abyss, and so on


Under Qin Tian’s gaze.

Almost seconds later.

The various colors that kept jumping in front of me slowly disappeared.

Three patterns like the beating of a slot machine.

With results.

Like the blue sky and white clouds, a soft blue light fills the eyes.

It has formed a title of excellent level quality.

[M4 harness, the weak retreat! ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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