
On the balcony, the wind whistled and several petals fell.

Under the armor of a trident-like head.

Blue compound eyes flashed with light.

On the right arm, the shoulder armor of Nanyang’s big insect horn flashed a sharp golden light in a slightly dim environment.

And the most eye-catching.

But it is Kamen Rider Caucasus, whose left position is the ZECT buckle at the waist.

That’s somewhat similar to the Kabuto insect instrument.

Silver-red unicorn style insect meter!


At this moment, no one found that on the balcony on the second floor of the alley on the side.

Actually, a Kamen Rider appeared!

After the transformation is completed.

Jin Chengying slowly raised his right hand.

The white light flashed, and the communicator appeared in the knight’s space and fell into his hand, and the next moment his low, inaudible voice was inaudible.

It rang abruptly against the communicator.

“Hands on.”

The voice fell.

At this moment, it is located in Tianyun City, in various hidden corners near the base of the special response team.

several, received an order from the chief.

At the fastest speed, the members of the Dead Shadow Society who arrived sounded Jin Chengying’s voice in the communicators they were carrying.

“Yes, start the raid!!”

Suddenly, after hearing the hands-on order that the leader said.

Several members of the Society of the Dead are scattered all over the place.

The face is all exposed.

Excited smile!

In their eyes, there were no emotions, only a strong destructive desire, as if their lives had been left behind.

It seems, there is no concern at all about raiding the base of the special response team.

Greet them.

With a high probability, it is the end of death!

And these members of the Shadow Society.

Impressively, they are all under the command of Jin Chengying, who are deeply eroded by the Gaia memory toxin, and under the control of continuous brainwashing, they are not afraid of death at all!

The next moment, with the hands of one of the members.

Took out a secret core.

The light flows above it.

Under the control of this member of the Shadow Society, gray glows appeared on the surface of the core of the secret realm.

Immediately afterwards, it flew directly out of the core of the secret realm.

Fell to the ground.

Impressive, a defender mech!

And as more gray light fell.

In an instant, dozens of defender mechs armed with protective rifles and hot weapons appeared in this remote and unnoticed corner location!

And the number is constantly increasing!


Received the instruction.

These defender mechanists rushed out directly with firearms.

Its goal is to be in front of the line of sight.

Where the Special Response Team base is located!

Surrounding location.

At this moment, a large number of defender mechans suddenly appeared from different directions and charged towards the special response team base!

“Groove! What are these things? Mob?! ”

“They all have guns in their hands!!”

“They… It seems that they all rushed towards the base of the special response team, they are going to attack the special response team?! ”

“Hiss… What a big event! ”

“I rely on, where are the outlaws so brave? Dare to attack the special response team base, didn’t I hear that there is any evil organization in our Tianyun City? ”

“Wow! What are you still stunned for, run!! If it is affected, the little life is gone! ”


In an instant, with a large number of defender mechandisia, they rushed out.

The surrounding crowd exclaimed.

It seems that it was not thought of at all.

In broad daylight, there will be so many thugs with guns attacking the special response team base as an official organization!

Immediately afterwards, many people began to run away quickly!

After all, under such a big movement.


It’s extremely dangerous!

If you are a little careless, you will be affected to the point that your life will be lost inside!

“There is an enemy attack! Get on alert! ”

And this movement was naturally caused instantly.

Attention of patrol officers at the Special Response Unit base.

Their expressions changed.

It seems that he didn’t expect that Tianyun City, which was extremely calm in the past, actually appeared so many outlaws at this moment to launch a charging attack!

“Bang bang!”

In an instant, gunshots began to sound one after another.

On the walls of the base.

The heavy firepower firearms deployed were also quickly activated, and a large number of bullets were vented.

One by one, the charging defender mechs.

Beat into a sieve.

Immediately, it exploded.

The flames are rising.

But it was more, and the defender mech from the Shadow Society rushed out of the explosive flames and rushed towards the Special Response Team base at the same time.

Also, pull the trigger of the firearm in your hand.


In the midst of extreme chaos.

In the crowd.

Those several members of the Shadow Society who had released the Defender Mechanical Soldier walked out with something in their hands and a hideous smile on their faces!

The next moment, as their arms lifted.

Reveal what is in your hands.

It was a Gaia memory with a completely different color!

“Magma!” (Magma).

“Anomalocaris!” (odd shrimp).

“T-Rex!” (Tyrannosaurus).

“Violence!” (violence).

In the low, mechanical sound of several members of the Shadow Society.

They all slammed down the button of Gaia’s memory in their hands.

Then it hit the memory link of the body!

In the dazzling light.

Their bodies swelled, and the power of Gaia’s memory surged in their bodies, slowly dissipating with various colors of light.

Revealed, several extremely terrifying doping body weirdos!



In the moment the transformation is completed.

Hot magma, bullet-like, densely packed spiked teeth, right hand swelling and enlarged, and a chain ball that smashed out rapidly

Several attacks, containing terrifying destructive power.

Instantly bombarded the base of the special response team.

In the midst of the screams.

Outside, dozens of members in charge of patrolling were directly killed.

Heavy firearm on a solid wall.

In the explosion of magma masses.

and, the bombardment of huge chain balls.

Directly destroyed and scrapped!

This moment.

The alert alarm of the enemy attack instantly exploded inside the base.

Screeching sirens.

In every place in the base, the department in charge of intelligence supervision was also anxiously reporting what happened outside the base.

“Alert! Surprise attack on the outside of the base! ”

“Please the members of the knight squad located at the base, immediately act to snipe and fight!”

Suddenly, he was in the conference room on standby.

Or exercise rooms, and other members of the Knight Combat Squad located in various areas of the base.

His face changed drastically.

The roar that came from it all confirmed the authenticity of the siren!

Actually, someone dared to launch an attack on the base ?!

Such a thought.

Flashed in their minds.

And immediately afterwards, they all snapped back to their senses, and then moved quickly.

Rush outside the base.

Go head-to-head!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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