
The location where the loud noise came from, the exercise room area with a huge space.

At this moment, the atmosphere is extremely depressing!

One of the youths was located.

Staring at the wall that was blasted away, in the dim shadow, you can clearly see a blurry figure standing in it!

The young man immediately raised his hand vigilantly.

Loudly asked.


At his wrist, a white glow shines.

The knight’s bracelet emerged!

The space around it.

The honeycomb-like ripples spread, accompanied by the humming of insects, and TheBee insect apparatus modeled on a wasp flew out of the space.

Twitching mechanical wings.

Hanging by, Shen Xiang’s side.

And this youth.

He is a member of the combat squad, Kamen Rider Thebee’s shapeshifter Shen Xiang.

Originally, he was active in the exercise room.

After hearing the alarm.

So he stopped exercising and was just about to rush towards the outside of the base, but the wall of the exercise room suddenly collapsed, obviously shattered and broken by external forces.

No doubt.

Some, an enemy has broken into the base!

Hence the current scene.

In Shen Xiang’s questioning.

In the shadow of the broken wall, the standing figure stepped on the gravel and slowly walked in.

The light spills out, reflecting a dazzling golden glow.

Impressively, it is the leader of the Shadow Society.

Kamen Rider Caucasus!

In the base, the surveillance that was completely destroyed in an instant, as well as the intelligence monitoring personnel who were killed, were all the first to be completed by him at the moment he broke in!

The purpose, naturally, is not to stay.

Even a trace.

This is also, for so many years, collected to obtain the insect instrument of the accelerated bug series.

At one point, he attacked special units in different cities several times.

Carry out the snatch.

But never, the reason for the true identity was discovered!

That goes beyond ascendancy.

Faster than that.

Completely able, dodge any reconnaissance radar, as long as you are a little careful, destroy all monitoring and there is no possibility of detection!

The azure blue compound eyes looked at the young man in front of him like a great enemy.

To be precise.

He was looking at the TheBee insect instrument beside Shen Xiang.

Under the face armor.

Jin Chengying’s eyes flashed with an inevitable essence.

“This is..?!”

After seeing clearly, the figure that came out of this shadow.

Shen Xiang’s pupils contracted violently.

It’s like approaching an enemy!

Just because this Kamen Rider has never been seen before, whether it is the style of its armor, or the knight’s bracelet and insect device on the wrist.

All confirmed each other…

It’s the same as yourself!

Kamen Rider with the ability to upgrade and accelerate the bug series!


Almost the next instant.

Shen Xiang immediately transformed without the slightest hesitation!

If it is by the other party.

If he turns on the Ascending Transformation Sudden Attack, I’m afraid he won’t even have time to transform!

【Castoff! 】

【ChangeWasp! 】

Honeycomb-like ripples that spread throughout its body.

At the moment the transformation is completed.

Shen Xiang immediately turned the TheBee insect instrument on the knight’s bracelet, and the current flashed, and the heavy armor quickly stretched and burst.

Switch to knight form!

And for Shen Xiang’s transformation, and the move to switch knightly forms.

Stand where you are.

Jin Chengying did not intend to launch an attack.

The first move.

Azuka blue compound eyes.

Just faintly, watching Shen Xiang’s transformation, like a wild wolf hunting sheep, watching the other party’s struggling actions before death.

The eyes were filled with disdainful indifference.


There are no words.

The battle is on the verge!

In the sound of mechanical sound effects, with Shen Shen slapped the side of the belt heavily.

Faster-than-light particles suddenly came alive.

Spread it all over the body!

In an instant, everything around me seemed to pause, becoming extremely slow!

Kamen Rider TheBee immediately entered.

The state of ascending!

Its body instantly turned into a yellow phantom, and at an extreme speed that could not be captured at all, it attacked Kamen Rider Caucasus!


Air oscillation.

Almost instantly, Kamen Rider Thebee came to the front of Jin Chengying!

The TheBee insect instrument, which can also be used as a weapon.

Its spike location.

Flash a sharp light!

TheBee pierced, cutting through the air and stabbing at Kamen Rider Caucasus’ head armor, just the first blow was like an assassin who had been preparing for a long time.

Towards the fatality of the enemy.

Launch a slam!

Seeing this, the sharp TheBee needle is about to hit.

In place, in Jin Chengying’s eyes.

A flash of disdain flashed.

Its hanging palm is also lightly patted towards the side of the belt!

【HyperClockUp! 】

The surrounding space blurred for a moment!

Faster-than-light particles boil abruptly!

It’s like water dripping into a pan of oil.

At this moment, the faster-than-light particles that shrouded Kamen Rider Caucasus’ body were several times more active and numerous, both in activity and in number than Kamen Rider TheBee!


The figure suddenly blurs and overlaps at this moment!

Kamen Rider Caucasus, standing in place, seemed to move… It’s as if it never moved!

However, in reality!


A large amount of metal sparks exploded from Kamen Rider TheBee’s body!

Powerful power.

Acts on the whole body.


It was as if he had been hit by a giant hammer flying at great speed.

A painful sound came out of the mouth.

The stabbed arm suddenly stopped in the air, and the body of Kamen Rider TheBee flew out directly upside down and fell heavily on the ground!

Bright yellow knight armor on its body.

I don’t know when.

Several dents appeared!

Falling to the ground, Shen Xiang at this moment only felt that his body was falling apart.

Especially the bones of the body.

Dull pain!

It seems to crack!

However, compared to the severe pain coming from his body, what filled his heart at this moment was extreme horror and deep puzzlement.

How can it be… Moment…!!

I was hit hard!

You know, he turned on the ascension, not in a normal state.

Confrontation, open the Ascension of the enemy!

And that means.

The ascension of the other party… To be better than yourself: Faster?!

How is this possible!!!

But the scene at the moment.

It’s horrifying!

Bright yellow compound eyes, staring dead ahead, on the figure that seems to have never moved, Kamen Rider TheBee supports his body and wants to get up.

However, it was hit hard.

Weak body.

But he did not obey his control at all, it can be said that he lost in this instant!

Suddenly, it seemed that something had been noticed.

Shen Xiang’s gaze.

Fell on Kamen Rider Caucasus’ waist, hanging from the left side of the buckle… That’s the same insect-style thing!

“That’s ——?!”

In an instant, it was as if something incredible had been discovered!

Shen Xiang’s heart set off terrifying waves.

Can’t go wrong…!

Although the insect instrument transformed into a different one, what the other party does not have on him is the insect instrument hanging on the side of his belt.

That in an instant, he hit himself hard.

Faster than upticking!

The great probability is the power brought by that insect instrument!

At this moment, Shen Xiang guessed the truth.

And in sight.

That, as if the figure that had never moved took a step.


Crisp sound.

The sound in the silence is like the beat of death, which is terrifying!

Slowly approaching!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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