Line of sight.

Under the gaze of the crowd of Ofie Enoch, the three humans who were slowly approaching with their steps suddenly burst out an inexplicable powerful aura!

Immediately afterwards, a blinding light attracted all the attention!

I saw Yi Hongan’s abdomen.

Accompanied by a dazzling white glow.

A striped belt.

Appears on the waist.

Unlike the general mechanical metal type of knight’s belt, it seems to exude an ancient aura from ancient times and extremely long ago!

The most conspicuous is the middle of the belt.

It was like a flame.

Crimson spirit stone!

“That is?!”

Unbelievable thoughts emerged from these Ophie Enoch’s hearts.

That human.

Around his waist, something suddenly appeared.

Definitely a knight’s belt!

Even if it seems to be different from the style of the knight’s belt that I have seen in the past, it must be a belt that can be transformed into a Kamen Rider!!

And that means.

The unremarkable looking human male in front of him turned out to be Kamen Rider?!

Without waiting for the crowd of Ofie Enoch to make a move.

Pacing closer.

Blowing away, a wisp of gunsmoke rose from the muzzle of the M4 mortar.

In Qin Tian’s eyes.

Flashed satisfaction.

With the blessing of the power of the title, a random shuttle bullet turned out to be a few steps repelled by the extremely strong and defensive bull Ofie Enoch.

For this ordinary firearm.

It’s already incredible.

The power of its increase, as described by the same title, M4 is controlled, and the weak retreat!

The next moment, the M4 disappeared from his hands.

It was included in the Knight Space.

White glow.

At the same moment, blooming on Qin Tian’s waist, a ZECT buckle knight’s belt belt that was exactly the same as Yun Baiwei appeared!


At this moment, I saw the three humans walking in front of me.

They all wore knight’s belts around their waist.

The heart was horrified to the extreme at the same time.

A crowd of Ophie Enoch.

It also came back to his senses.

Originally, the banter could even be said to be that the idea of killing these survivors in a joking posture had disappeared!

In its place, there was a thick panic!

As well as panic!

Unlike weak humans, Kamen Riders have the power to destroy them even stronger than their Ofie Enoch!

“Do it!”

“Strike them all, slaughter them before they transform!”

From the bull Ophie Enoch.

Almost roaring sound.

It resounded throughout the heavenly dome.

The moment the words fell, a group of Ofie Enoch immediately headed towards Qin Tian’s three.

An attack has been launched!


A piercing hum sounded from the horns of the bull Ophie Enoch.

Actually, it was launched again as it was just like that.

Same attack.

The horned tentacles catapulted from the air and bent, stabbing towards Qin Tian again!

Ofie Enoch, who has great melee combat ability.

This is its only means of long-range attack!

Beside it.

The cactus Ophie Enoch, whose body is densely barbed.

It is also an instant detachment.

Formed, dense spikes flew out!

The remaining ten, Ophie Enoch, who had transformed into Leo’s cavalry, quickly took out his exclusive weapon, the accelerator blade gun, from the storage device on the side of his left leg.

Accompanied by the locking of the target.

Pull the trigger.

The energy bomb instantly cut through the air and blasted towards the position of Qin Tian’s three!

In the face of this sudden attack.

It seems to be in the next instant.

The three of Qin Tian were about to be swallowed by the energy bombs that flew out.


Space around.

Buzzing and oscillation.

In the ripples spreading in a beehive, the blue Gatack insect meter and the red Kabuto insect meter shuttle through the space.

Tremor light wings in mid-air.

Fly down fast!

Blocking the position in front of Qin Tian’s three, it was like two phantoms constantly shuttling.

The spikes that will fly out.

and energy bombs.

Chop it all.

Shoot down!

The surrounding ground, under the bombardment of energy bombs, instantly rose up with flames.


In a deafening sound.

There is an explosion!

However, it was blocked by the insect instrument.

But two survived!


The air is torn.

In the air, not only twisting the horned tentacles that changed their orientation, but under the control of the bull Ophie Enoch, they evaded the interception of the Kabuto insect instrument and the Gatack insect instrument.

Above the crescent-shaped horns.

Flash sharp edges.

Towards Qin Tian, stab fiercely!

Five meters!

Three meters!

One meter… Arrive ahead!

“Go and die!”

In the gray pupils, a fierce look flashed.

In the roar of the bull Ophieno.

Two horned tentacles.

Aim at Qin Tian’s head.

Suddenly stabbed!

“Be careful!”

This scene gave way to Yun Baiwei, who was on the side, shouted.

An originally cold expression.

All changed.

Filled with panic.

In mid-air, Gatack Insect Instrument felt the intention of his master, and also quickly swirled around to try to block this fierce jab for Qin Tian.

However, even an insectoid instrument that can travel through space.

It’s also half a beat slower at the moment!

Seeing that at this moment of extreme danger, the two horn tentacles were about to pierce off, as if Qin Tian’s life was about to end.

Fell into the eyes of the bull Ophie Enoch.

But it was still Qin Tian, the flat expression that had never changed.

And, raised left hand!


The air shook, and in the ears of everyone present, a dull air boom was heard.

In a crowd of survivors of humanity.

In shocked eyes.

Qin Tian stood in place, and the two sharp horn tentacles seemed to hit the impregnable city wall and could not break further again!

Abruptly, he stopped in front of Qin Tian!

was Qin Tian’s left hand.

Dead grip.

This sudden change surprised everyone present at this time.

Yun Baiwei, her face full of worry.

They all froze slightly.

It seems that he was also shocked.

Immediately afterwards, while breathing a sigh of relief, looking at Qin Tian, who easily blocked the horn tentacles, an extremely dazzling brilliance flashed in her eyes.

Only Yi Hongan.

Not much of a concern.

After all, Qin Tian could wrestle with Yan Lu, who was a knight of transformation!

And also prevailed!

Even if you don’t change your body.

It also possesses powerful power far beyond some ordinary Kamen Riders!

Not to mention being the Chosen Rider.

No before transformation.

Under attack.

The power of the belt will burst out on its own, forming an invisible energy barrier to protect the lord.

Yun Baiwei’s concern.

It’s just a matter of concern.


And at this moment, among the crowd of Ophie Enoch, under the fierce and fierce look, the bull Ophie Enoch at this moment roared.

Curved tentacles.

Swing wildly.

It seems to be struggling, but it has no effect!

Horror flashed in its eyes.

Even puzzled.

It seems that he can’t understand that his attack was actually caught by the person in front of him, with the weak palm of the human being!

And shocked and surprised.

Next second.

All emotions of the bull Ophie Enoch turned into panic.

Just because.

On his caught, a sharp pain suddenly struck, and the tentacles that were constantly struggling from the crazy swing reached its body.

I saw Qin Tian’s hands.

The two sharp horns he grasped slowly clenched with his palms.

The power of terror.

Burst in an instant!


In the sound of cracking, on the hardest horns of the two bulls Ophife Enoch, a large crack spreads to cover the whole.

Immediately, it was suddenly crushed and exploded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


In the midst of a roar of pain.

With the horns being crushed.

The tentacles to which it connects.

Instantly all broke.

At this moment, on the head of the bull Ophie Enoch, the crescent-shaped horn had disappeared, and a large amount of white ash like dust and dust was scattered on the fracture.

Under intense pain.

Injuries to broken angles.

Already a permanent wound, there is no cure for it!

In the wail of pain.

Wildness is stimulated!

The bull Ophie Enoch’s gaze stared at Qin Tian deadly, and a scarlet madness flashed in his gray-white hideous pupils.

The next moment, its legs blurred for a moment.

Immediately, it swelled abruptly!

Like the elephant Ophie Enoch, his body size has expanded greatly, and he has changed into a sudden mad bull form that has not been shown in the original book.

A huge iron fist that originally had both arms.


In its place, there are four hooves that are comparable to a huge iron fist and contain extremely powerful!


In a furious roar.

The ground shook violently.

It’s like an earthquake.

Ferino, the bull who burst into the form of a mad bull, stared at Qin Tian with scarlet eyes, and walked towards Qin Tian with an unstoppable posture

Charge away!

In the flying dust, the stones scattered with the surrounding ruins were shaken.

A group of survivors in the rear.

Many people are unsteady on their feet.

Fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Eyes, looking ahead with great horror, the gray-white mad bull monster that is charging forward!

“That was… What monster?! ”

“Is this the second form of Ophie Enoch? How could it be so huge? ”

“Get out of the way! Will be crushed!! ”

The shouts of horror suddenly sounded noisy.

With the bull Ophife Enoch.

The second pattern was changed.

A charge was launched.

In the rear, the cactus Ophene Enoch and a group of Leo cavalry also attacked again.

Densely packed with sharp spikes.

Energy projectiles that cut through the air.

Towards Qin Tian and the three.


However, these attacks are still greeted by the Kabuto Insect Meter and the Gatack Insect Instrument, shuttling between spikes and energy projectiles to intercept and shoot down.

A deafening explosion.

Resounding through the ruins.

Blazing explosive flames burn up all around!

Illuminated by firelight.

Facing the charging bull Ophie Enoch.

The Kabuto Insect Instrument and the Gatack Insect Instrument, which intercepted all the attacks, cut two perfect arcs in the air and fell into the hands of Qin Tian and Yun Baiwei respectively!

In the horrified gazes of the survivors…




Traveling through the explosion, the air became blurred in the burning flames.

Three voices sounded in unison at this moment.

Brilliant brilliance blooms at the same time!

Position on the left.

As Yi Hong’an waved his right arm, the all-over silver Yaguru empty belt shone like a flame-red Yamadam spirit stone.

The power of the flame element boiled.

The knight armor emerged, instantly covering Yi Hong’s safety body.

Kamen Rider Empty Me Almighty Form.


And the right side.

Holding the Gatack insect instrument in her hand, Yun Baiwei changed her original coldness, and the posture of the iceberg beauty disappeared instantly, as if she had changed into a person.

A thick fighting intent flashed through his eyes.

With the Gatack insect instrument, the swiped over the ZECT buckled belt fits perfectly.


Deep sound effects sound.

Dark blue ripples.

Instant diffusion.

In the shining blue light, heavy metal knight armor covered the body, and the red compound eye light flashed away.

Known as the God of War, Kamen Rider Steel Bucket!


And in the middle.

With Qin Tian, the Kabuto insect instrument in his hand crossed and chimerized into his belt.


Honeycomb-like ripples spread rapidly.

Metal armor was formed.

It is accompanied by the shock wave generated when transforming.

Greeting the sun’s splendor.

In the reflection of the flames.

Kamen Rider Koto.

Transforms into a debut.


“That was… Kamen Rider?! ”

“Yes! It’s Kamen Rider! ”

“Qin Tian, they are actually Kamen Rider?!!”


At this moment, as Qin Tian and the three completed their transformations.

Location at the rear.

In the face of the furious state, the charging bull Ophie Enoch, a group of panicked survivor humans, the expressions on their faces froze.

Immediately, it was extremely shocking!!

It didn’t seem to have occurred to it at all.

The three people I just met are actually Kamen Riders!


However, this shock was striking.

In the next second.

It was broken.

The ground beneath your feet became more and more vibrant, and the stones in the surrounding ruins soared!

The area in front of the line of sight.

The body is inflated and emits a deafening roaring mad bull-like bull Ophie Enoch.

Already charging closer!


With the roar of the bull, the bull Ophie Enoch, who burst into the form of a mad bull, swelled to an exaggerated body of about 5 meters and suddenly stopped.

And the next moment!

The front half of its body was raised high, and the two hooves with terrifying power, with the furious force accumulated by the charge, were like hooves like giant iron balls.

Aiming ahead, the three Kamen Riders who have completed their transformations.

Fierce stampede down!

The shadows spread instantly.

Facing ahead, the behemoth suddenly burst into a stampede strike, and the Kamen (Zhao’s) Knight Empty Me and Kamen Rider Steel Bucket located on both sides instantly avoided to one side.

Let’s not talk about whether it can withstand this blow.

But if you can avoid it.

Naturally, I will not choose hard resistance.

Just the two of them, quickly dodged and jumped out of the trampling range of the bull Ophie’s hoofs.

They suddenly found out.

Qin Tian who transforms into Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Still standing where you are.

Not moving at all!

And the bull Ofie Enoch raised high, charging up the stampede of terrifying power, which already enveloped most of the area around Qin Tian.

Fell with a bang.


The ring-shaped shock wave spread out sharply with a roar.

Will be surrounded by ruins of stones.

As well as flying dust and sand.

Scatter them all!

Under the gaze of one after another, everyone saw a scene that was shocking.


Even Yun Baiwei, who was cold in nature.

Also surprised at the moment.


Looking at the knight’s figure covered in crimson armor, the beautiful eyes under its face armor flowed, and he saw Qin Tian’s transformation for the first time.

Fight with him.

Just by him, this initial display of the move.

I was deeply shocked!

I saw ahead, in the center area of the shock wave spreading in all directions, the two huge hooves that smashed down could no longer fall half a point in a suspended posture at this moment.

Kamen Rider under the hooves.

Trample to kill!

The surface of its gray-white hooves and feet, with well-defined veins, bursts out.

It seems, constantly.


However, let the bull Ophie Enoch, no matter how much he increases his strength, the hoof feet he wants to trample on cannot fall even a little!

As if, blocked by an impregnable wall.

And at this moment, it blocks the standing of two huge hooves.

It was Qin Tian’s raised left hand.

Like a strong shield.

Bend in front of you.

The crimson knight’s armor at the heavy arm is under the terrifying oppression of the mad bull bull Ophie Enoch, the furious power and shockwave.

But there is none, the slightest trace of cracking.

Perfect, withstood the blow!.

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