Desolate ruins, silent at the moment.

Eye-catching energy beam.

The bombardment was filled with a large amount of debris piled up on the ground, accompanied by an explosion, and the flames swayed and rose, creating a crater.

In the air, there are still residual energy beams that cut through the air.

Boiling plasma compresses energy.

The burning white marks left behind.


Where the white trace trail passes, the area in the middle.

Dull sound of falling to the ground.

Suddenly it sounded.

Next to the cyclone attacker’s motorcycle, the gray-white figure smashed heavily on the ground, shaking a large area of ~ dust and sand.

Lie down on the ground.

The line of sight, starting to blur.

Staring deadly, the roundabout attacker at hand.

Among the pupils of the bull Ophie Enoch.

Flashed a strong unwillingness.

Just bad… Just a little, as long as you unscrew the grip, maybe you can escape!!

In his heart, he roared silently.

And its body.

At this time, the speed of disintegration is getting faster and faster!

On his body, he could clearly see that a hole penetrated the front and back of his body, and the gray sand at the wound even emitted a little hot white mist.

It was enough to see that ion energy beam.

The destructive power it contains!

Dead silence in an environment.

Bull Ophie Enoch held out his hand to the cyclone attacker motorcycle in front of him.

That’s just a stone’s throw away.

At this moment, it seems as far away as heaven in front of you.

Can’t touch it at all.

Even if it’s a fraction!

The gray-white arm covered by arm armor just stretched out, and all of it decomposed and turned into flying ash and fell to the ground.

His body has completely reached its limit!

“I… Unwilling: Yes!! ”

Full of despair and unwillingness, he shouted the last words, and the voice stopped abruptly.

The body of the bull Ophie Enoch.

At a speed visible to the naked eye.

Instantly reduced to ashes.

A gray-white pile of sand was formed, like a grave after death, and a breeze blew the sand pile apart.

With the death of the bull Ophie Enoch.

Located in the rear position.

At this moment, whether it is Yun Baiwei, who transforms into a steel bucket, or Yi Hongan, who transforms into an empty self.

But still, immersed in the shock.

Their gaze gazes.

All focused on the front.

That, the mark left by the bull Ophie Enoch when he was bombarded.

Amid the ruins of debris.

It’s like a hurricane passing through.

In the center of the ruins, an extremely long blank area appeared, and a trace of about 100 meters long was ploughed abruptly!

From one small clue one can see what is coming.

Just, just seeing this trace.

It’s conceivable.

How powerful and terrifying the power that erupted when that mad bull-like bull Ophie Enoch exploded!

And what caused all this.

It’s in sight.

That Kamen Rider Kabuto, covered in heavy metal armor!

Qin Tian!


A gentle breeze blows by, bringing a slight smell of gunsmoke.

Under the gaze of one after another, especially the shocked gazes of those survivors, Qin Tian held the Kabuto gun in his hand.

The raised arm slowly hangs down.

Location by the ear.

The pleasant prompts that only Qin Tian could hear sounded one after another.

“Kill the Leo Cavalry, Knight Points +10.”

“Kill the Leo cavalry, knight points +10….”

“Kill the cactus Ophife Enoch, Knight Points +1.”

“Kill Bull Ophie Enoch, Knight Points +15.”

With the last prompt sound falling, Qin Tian’s knight points that fell to 3 points after drawing the title of M4 Taming increased again!

Impressively, it increased by 116 points, directly reaching 119 knight points.

Already able to do it again.

Conduct a title draw!

Among them, the 10 Leo cavalry who were crushed and killed by the bull Ofie Enoch and indirectly killed by Qin Tian actually provided a full 100 knight points.

Occupies the lion’s share.

And the cactus Ophie Enoch, who was about to be killed by the empty self.

It is only, a mere 1 knight point.

Undoubtedly the weakest!

It’s a miscellaneous soldier.

As for Bull Ophie Enoch, 15 knight points all proved that his strength in the second form of the Advancing Mad Bull had already surpassed the Kamen Rider Skull that Qin Tian had solved.

Approaching Kamen Rider Nightmaster.

And the data of the panel.

At the moment, there are also changes.

【Name:Qin Tian】

[Talent: Ultimate Knight Physique]

[Title: The Way of Heaven, Director-in-Chief Everything, M4 Control, The Weak Retreat]

[Knight Drive: Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Sku11, Kamen Rider AmazonNeoAlfa]

【Knight Points: 119 points】

The gaze swept over and dissipated as the panel light curtain dissipated.

The blue compound eye light flashed away.

shows Qin Tian at this moment.

Excellent mood.

Unexpectedly, the Leo cavalry could provide 10 knight points, and if it was in the Ofie Enoch camp, those Ofie Enoch could transform into Leo cavalry in large quantities.

So this trip to the secret realm.

Qin Tian will be able to obtain it.

Lots of Knight Points.


In the middle of my thoughts.

Ripple diffusion.

The Kabuto insect instrument broke away on its own, and then trembled with light wings shuttling, submerged into the rippled space, and then disappeared.

Heavy knight armor.

It was also immediately that it turned into pieces and dissipated.

Qin Tian’s figure was revealed.

Front position.

At this moment, Yun Baiwei and Yi Hongan also came to their senses, and they all lifted their transformations and walked towards Qin Tian.

As the figure approaches.

Yi Hongan’s face obviously had a slightly excited expression.

Solve these Ophie Enoch pursuers.

It was definitely a good start.

Although, the cactus Ofie Enoch, who should have been killed by him, was directly crushed to ashes by Qin Tian’s bull Ofie Enoch.

But Yi Hongan didn’t care about this.

After all, who kills is not killing.

On the side, Yun Baiwei was shining in her beautiful eyes, staring at Qin Tian unabashedly.

A little shocked look can still be seen on his face.

And a touch of excitement.

It seemed that when facing Qin Tian, her posture of the iceberg beauty in the past could no longer be maintained.

“Senior Brother Qin Tian… Your strength is strong. ”

A cold, but very beautiful voice sounded slowly.

The tone was full of tone.

Extreme recognition.

Hearing the words, Qin Tian’s gaze also fell on Yun Baiwei’s body.

Immediately, he responded and said, “You are not bad either. ”

For Yun Baiwei’s battle.

Qin Tian naturally saw it.

I know some information about her from Yi Hongan, and her strength after transforming into Kamen Rider Steel Bucket is undoubtedly rich in combat experience.

Perfect to use.

Armament performance of steel fighting knight armor.

And her intelligence.

The title of goddess of war that has been circulated.

Extremely adaptable.

And as the words fell, after hearing Qin Tian’s praise, Yun Baiwei’s cheeks changed significantly, but then seemed to forcibly calm down.

With a sweet smile.

Facing Qin Tian.

But if you look closely, you can find that there is an incomparably rare flash of blush on her cheeks.


At this time, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

It sounded from the side.

Seeing that a group of Ophie Enoch’s pursuers were all killed, the survivors who came back to their senses approached one after another.

They at the moment.

Whoever it is.

There are excited smiles on their faces, even because of the harsh living environment.

Covered in dirty dust.

It didn’t hide it in the slightest.

Their extremely excited and shocked looks!

“You guys are so strong!”

“Qin Tian: You’re all Kamen Riders?! Seeing that you don’t run and stand still, I’m still worried, but now it seems that I’m worried in vain! ”

“Can’t go wrong! Savior! You are definitely the saviors!! ”

“Great! The prophesied Savior has come! ”

“We survivors, humanity is saved!!”


The noisy voice instantly sounded from the mouths of the survivors.

Their gaze.

At this moment, all of them converged on the bodies of Qin Tian’s three.

I was so excited.

Even though the three of Qin Tian had lifted their transformations, they couldn’t help but reappear in their minds when the three of them transformed into Kamen Riders.

Especially Qin Tian, who transformed into an unknown crimson knight.

That punch will take the bull Ophie Enoch.

Give a shocking picture to shoot out.

Can be in their heads.

Engrave for a lifetime! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These survivors of humanity, excited to discuss.

Among different words.

It seems to be talking to himself.

It seems to be a conversation.

Or mutter.

And the most spoken words are the three words of savior!


Face everyone’s excited gazes.

Distinguish noisy words.

Unlike Qin Tian and Yun Baiwei’s indifference, Yi Hongan was slightly stunned, and his mind couldn’t help but think of when choosing a camp.

A description of the context of the world.

Includes the name of the hidden mission that is displayed after selecting the human faction.

All with the savior.

These three words are related!

And now it seems that the three of them who chose the human camp are undoubtedly the saviors of these survivors in front of them! ! !

Come to think of it.

Yi Hongan’s face, because he took the lead in killing a team of Ofie Enoch’s chasers, the joy of ushering in a victory like a red door suddenly dissipated.

At this moment, the invisible pressure of responsibility.

Amplified in his heart.

I just feel extremely heavy.

After all, to become the savior in the mouths of these survivors, the next five days of the mission will inevitably be extremely difficult!

Whether it is the more than 2,000 heads, the number of Ophie Enoch.

I still learned it from the mouths of survivors.

In the Wisdom Brain Group.

There is still a strong Ofie Enoch who can be called the mainstay level among Ofie Enoch, and has a powerful Ofie Enoch that far exceeds the strength of ordinary Ofie Enoch!

The four-headed superior Ophie Enoch known as the Lucky Clover!

And above these four superiors, Ophie Enoch.

It is among the wisdom brain group.

As a master!

With a high probability, the strength belongs to the strongest level of president among Ofie Enoch!

After learning all this information.

Yi Hongan naturally knows.

How difficult it would be to complete the hidden mission called the Savior, and even the probability of being able to complete him.

That’s less than 50 percent at all.

If it is the Ofie Enoch camp, its powerful combat power is all dispatched.

Yes, in a five-day period.

Protect these survivors.

Complete basic tasks.

It’s all unknown.

However, Yi Hongan does not regret choosing the human camp, even if he chooses again.

There is only one reason.

That is… He is also human.

That’s enough!

Soon, seeing the excited words of the survivors, they became more and more intense, and there was no intention of stopping.

A girl named Tian Ri walked out.

Interrupted the crowd.


“Don’t say anything!”

The voice fell, and the survivors all stopped talking.

It seems that a girl named Tian Ri.

Among the survivors.

Has a lot of prestige, as well as the right to speak.

After stopping the discussion.

Tian Li’s gaze.

Fang Cai looked towards Qin Tian and the three again, and finally his gaze fell on Qin Tian’s body, and his eyes were also extremely excited.

And, with a look of excitement visible to the naked eye.

Take a deep breath.

After suppressing the excitement and excitement in the heart.

Tian Li Fangcai said extremely seriously: “That… Thank you for coming out and dealing with those Ophieno pursuers, otherwise we would probably be in danger. ”

“Also, because our strongholds are prophecies that a Savior will come to save us.”

“That’s why my partners are so excited.”

“I beg your pardon.”

As he spoke, Tian Li bowed deeply towards Qin Tian, Yi Hong’an, and Yun Baiwei.

Show your appreciation.

Immediately, she invited Qin Tian and the three.

Go to their hiding place.

In this regard, Qin Tian and the three.

Naturally, he readily agreed.

Soon, he followed Tian Li and other survivors, through the entrance of the extremely secret underground passage, towards the base of the stronghold where the survivors were now hiding.


On the other side of the city, the sun shines on the earth, bringing the warmth of all life.

On the streets, people come and go.

Lively discussions.


In the surrounding position, high-rise buildings stand tall, without the slightest trace of destruction, it looks extremely lively and prosperous, and the ruined area where many survivors and humans are hiding.

A stark contrast!

And if you look closely.

to be able to find out.

Lively and bustling streets, both the crowds passing by.

Or, in a street shop.

Eating snacks.

People drinking drinks.

on their faces.

From time to time, extremely strange lines will appear.

Amazingly, it’s all Ophie Enoch!

And the heart of the building.

Be able to see clearly.

There is a building that far exceeds the surrounding buildings, reaching at least 230 meters above, and it looks like the moon is holding the stars among the many buildings.

It is extremely eye-catching.

And this building.

Impressively, it is the base camp of Ofie Enoch, the Wisdom Brain Group!

The highest floor of the bright hall is spacious.

Sit upright in a chair.

At this moment, a tall figure in a suit was looking a little surprised, and his brows were slightly furrowed as he stared at the electronic devices on the desk.

A few shrill sirens sounded.

Be able to see clearly.

On the instrument, it is collected and summarized by the Wisdom Brain Group.

All Ofie Enoch’s identity information.

All are white.

However, among these white identity messages, several reds appeared out of place, and the number reached 12!

and turns red.

This means… These Ophife Enoch.

It’s dead!


Pick up the instrument and quickly click on the twelve messages of Death Ophie Enoch.

A tall figure in a suit.

A flash flashed in his eyes.

Dangerous glow.

And he is the base camp that controls Ofie Enoch, and is now the president of the Wisdom Brain Group.

Rose Ophie Enoch – Murakami Shōko.

“It’s the limit of lifespan.”

“Thus dying a natural death.”


Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Murakami scanned the message of the twelve Death Orphienos.

Guessing these Ophife Enoch.

Cause of death at the same time.

Murakami Gap is also the last place to see when they died.

When you see the instrument in the picture.

The positioning red dot displayed.

On Murakami’s face, the solemn expression suddenly disappeared, and then a smile appeared.

Ruins belt on the east side.

It seems that it was killed by those survivors.

It was the one who used the Caesar belt.

There is the Ofife Enoch factor.

Is it called Kusaka’s guy?

Can solve 12 Ophie Enochs at one time, including ten Ophie Enochs, equipped with the Leo Cavalry Belt issued by the Wisdom Brain Group.

Such a pretty strong squad size.

It was actually killed.

Seemingly…. It’s still a little underestimated his strength.

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