Wanton with a little crazy laughter.

As he spoke, Long Ofi Enoch even opened his arms directly, seemingly not putting this punch that Qin Tian threw in his eyes at all.

Undefended at all!

For himself, the fierceness can withstand the defense that must be killed without being injured

He is full of absolute confidence.

Just hand-to-hand combat with Kabuto.

The other party simply can’t cause much injury to himself

It could only tear apart his body surface defenses

Just leave a little wound.

This is the best proof of this!

However, the voice sounded, and as he spoke, the wanton laughter from Kitasaki and the words stopped abruptly.

I see ahead.

With Qin Tian’s fist.

Suddenly arrived ahead.

In a flash.

Kitasaki only felt that there seemed to be a shadow suddenly covering him, his entire body suddenly began to tremble inexplicably, and the organs under his body seemed to be alert.

As if to convey.

What information in general!

In the mind, a tingling sensation deep into the bone marrow.

Rush all over the body!

This is a warning of danger.

In this instant.

Reached the extreme!


Will die!

If you are hit by this punch, you will not die unexpectedly.

Even the defense of the body surface is extremely strong.

But still die!

No… No way!

It’s just an ordinary punch, not even energetic, not even a must-kill!

Why, will let yourself instinctively warn ?!

And so strong!

Thoughts flickered wildly.

But at this moment, even if the body has instinctively given a crisis warning in an instant, Kitasaki at this moment can no longer avoid it at all.

I could only watch the punch that was thrown.

Arrive ahead!

At this moment, unless Kitasaki, who is the dragon Ofie Enoch, switches to another form.

Switch to Dragon Man form.

Make high-speed moves.

This is used to dodge this attack.


It’s simply too late!

Even if you switch to the dragon form, the moment you turn on high-speed movement.

It must also be endured.

This punch!


Between the electric flint, all thoughts and thoughts.

Silence at this moment!

The wind is howling!

In line of sight, the right fist covered in armor had already cut through the air and smashed into Kitasaki, and the gray-white covered body of the dragon Ophie Enoch covered his armor.


With one, a violent explosion!

Long Ophie Enoch only felt.

Pain perception all over the body.

Be deprived of everything!

Physically, it is enough to withstand either Faiz or Kaixa’s double kill, and the unharmed terror defense is now useless.

In fact, it began to disintegrate and divide layer by layer.

Burst 480!

Countless cracks.

The madness spreads, from the sturdy armor of the body, to the arms and legs.

Even, spread towards the skull!

Like a porcelain doll about to break.

Break when you touch it!



In a terrified roar.

Kitasaki at the moment.

Eyes widen.

The gray-white pupils were filled with fear.

Obstruct… Block it!!

He only felt.

His body, disintegrating and shattering inch by inch, was close to the edge of all the explosions, and he had never felt that death was so close to him!

No, I can’t die.

I’m the strongest Ophie Enoch!!

The heart roared madly.

It seems to burst out.

A little power.

Almost, let Kitasaki instinctively use his ability that can be called a life-saving divine skill!

He is direct, proactive.

Will be covered in armor.

Break it all down!

Smash and explode!


The furious qi, accompanied by the raging roaring qi wave, spread out to both sides!

Punch out.

At this moment, Qin Tian’s front was already empty!

Under this terrifying punch.

A terrorist force close to a hundred tons.

Burst into it!

Direct, destroy and crush everything ahead!

Where the wind passes.

In the air ahead.

The large number of armor fragments that exploded turned into powder, and dissipated in the howling wind.


Steady breathing sounds.

Punch out.

Then the fist fell.

Looking at the position in front of him, which was already empty, the rough and powerful dragon Ophie Enoch had disappeared.

It seems, under that punch just now.

Killed by smashing!

But Qin Tian’s gaze.

However, staring at the side position, the blue compound eyes flashed a light.


Did you survive?

It’s a good life-saving ability.

The thought flashed.

In the line of sight, I saw that among the ruins in the distance, a gray-white body under the night sky was trembling and leaning against the collapsed wall.

Full-body, incomparably strong armor.

It’s all gone.

Instead, after the armor was shattered, it looked a somewhat emaciated monster-like body.

Impressively, it is the second form of the dragon Ophie Enoch!

Dragon human form!

The terrifying power contained in that punch.

Imminent, the moment of shattering.

Kitasaki is crazy.

Using the ability that he used to save his life, he actively decomposed his strong armor in the form of a demon to resist damage for himself.

Thus, the switch (dafj) is in the Dragon Man form.

Move at super high speeds.

Escape directly!

Therefore, Fang Cai narrowly escaped from this killer punch.

However, even if it is used.

It can be called the life-saving ability of the golden cicada to shed its shell.

Affected by the strong wind.

At this moment, Kitasaki, his dragon-like body, is also full of cracks, and a large amount of gray sand spills from the cracks.

Impressively, it was also received.

Extremely serious injuries!

“Strange: Monster! ”

At this moment, Kitasaki’s gaze was staring into the distance.

The crimson knight’s figure.

The eyes were full of fear.

Even, he even shouted out the word monster, which was enough to see how horrified and terrified he was at this time for Qin Tian, who almost punched him to death.

Not the slightest discovery.

As Ophie Enoch, he is more worthy of the word monster.

Run.. Must run!

Under fear.

In Kitasaki’s mind, only this one thought remained.

In my heart, fear has spread.

No more desire to fight.

Even in the form of a dragon.

With his super high-speed powerful ability, he was completely able to attack Qin Tian wantonly, even if the other party threw that terrifying punch again.

Can also be avoided.

However, Kitasaki, who was already a little frightened.

Don’t dare to fight again!

What was in his heart.

Only escape!


The buzz flickered, and he stumbled out a few steps, and then decisively turned on the ability of super speed, and his figure suddenly blurred for a moment.

Disappear in place.

Chose to escape!

In place, for Beiqi’s escape move, Qin Tian just indifferently put his left hand.

Placed on the Kabuto insect meter.

Then nudge the unicorn.


Suddenly, the arc spread and spread, flashing on the heavy armor.

Immediately, the gas gushes.

Stretch it out!

The next moment, Qin Tian’s right hand moved the Kabuto insect instrument to the other side.


The sound falls, accompanied by synchronized mechanical sound effects.

Air streams, ejecting from gaps in the armor.

Immediately in the hum of the arc.


The armor split and exploded.

The blue light shone, and the red unicorn rose immediately chimerized into Kabuto’s head armor, fading as the heavy armor faded.

Under the night sky.

Kamen Rider Kabuto, the knight form is displayed in the gaze of Eri Tian in the distance.

“That is?!”

“Qin Tian’s transformed knight, can he actually switch forms?”

See this scene.

Tian Li’s eyes widened in surprise.

After all, before.

When dealing with that bull Ofie Enoch, the Kamen Rider Kabuto that Qin Tian transformed into was also the one covered with heavy armor.

Until now.

Tian Li saw his knightly form for the first time.

And than its masquerade form.

No doubt.

At the moment, Kabuto’s knightly form, both handsome and overall.

It’s going to be too handsome!

Under Tian Li’s gaze.

Qin Tian, directly switched to the knight form.

The next moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Blue compound eyes.

Staring, entering the super high-speed transformation, the figure turned into a blurry streamer, and the dragon Ofie Enoch instantly disappeared from the position he left.

Qin Tian’s left hand slapped the side of his belt.


The surrounding faster-than-light particles are instantly active.

Covers the armor that shrouds Kabuto.

In sight.


It seems that they are starting to slow down gradually.

Until complete stagnation.

Qin Tian at this moment.

Impressively, it was also in the state of super high speed, and the streamer, which seemed a little blurry, suddenly became clear.

Look at the dragon Ophie Enoch, the direction of escape.

Qin Tian: It’s also a step forward.

And in the eyes of Tian Li.

At this moment, her expression became extremely surprised, and she even rubbed her eyes.

As if seen.

What an incredible thing in general!

I saw that Kamen Rider Kabuto, who was still in sight just now, just blinked for a moment, and disappeared like a teleportation!

Together, the dragon Ophie Enoch just now.

All disappeared from sight.


This is.. So fast that I can’t see?

There was a vague guess in my mind.

Tian Li hesitated.

Looking ahead, the area of the battlefield where no more fighting was no longer taking place, she immediately took a step and ran to Kitasaki, where she had lost Delta’s belt.

Pick it up.

Then, she ran again to the area where she hid her Faiz belt.

Continue to move the stone remains.

Trying to put Faiz in the belt.

Dig it out.

Ruined land.

Under the night sky.

The streamer, which was so fast that it was impossible to detect, instantly spanned an extremely long distance.

It’s like a falling shooting star.

Leave some afterimages.

“Ahem: Cough. ”

Suddenly, among the ruins.

Blurry gray shadows.

Suddenly appeared.

After stumbling a few times, Long Orfei Enoch stopped his fleeing steps and coughed in pain a few times, and the gray sand in the cracks on his body was still falling.

It was originally unburdensome.

Ultra-high-speed movement that can be used at will.

Now, it only lasts a few minutes.

It’s already overwhelming.

Enough to see.

Kitasaki, who is the dragon Ofie Enoch, is seriously injured at the moment.

Should have escaped, right?

That monster-like guy!

Under ultra-high-speed movement.

Can’t catch up, right?

The thought flashed.


After recovering slightly, Long Ofie Enoch actually entered a super-high-speed movement state again.

It disappeared in place.

Not the slightest notice.

The position behind you.

The red phantom flashed away, following his trail at an unhurried pace.

Dark blue compound eyes.

Gaze ahead.

At this moment, Qin Tian’s heart was full of expectation.

The reason why it is not killed immediately.

This dragon Ophie Enoch.

Instead, hanging him, letting him constantly escape and silently follow, Qin Tian had only one purpose, that is, under the leadership of Long Ofi Enoch.

Find, the location of Ofie Enoch Base Camp.


The streamer flashes.


Panting in pain, Dragon Ophieno withdrew from the super-high-speed movement again.

However, at the moment in his gray pupils.

But it was a joy.

Return… It’s back!

I saw that ahead, the sky dome had already lit up somewhat, and it seemed that the night was about to pass, and the appearance of a city with towering buildings appeared.

And that, is all Ophie Enoch.

The zone where you live!

It is also the base camp, where the Wisdom Brain Group is located.

However, this joy.

It hasn’t lasted for a few seconds.

It froze abruptly.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the color of joy in his pupils turned into disbelief, as well as a thick look of fear!

Just because, a little light.

Be able to see clearly.

A shadow.

Suddenly, from the rear position, shrouded.

At the same time, a sound of footsteps.

Suddenly, it sounded!


Instantly, it was as if stimulated by something.

The body of the dragon Orphie Enoch.

Turned sharply.

Look to the rear.

When he saw that something in front of him fell into his eyes, Kitasaki’s gray-white pupils almost shrank into a sharp glow, as if he saw something unbelievable!

“Nope: No way! ”

On the ground, Kitasaki’s phantom flickered.

His terrified voice rang out.

“How could you.”

“Catch up?!”

I saw the shadow ahead.

Its owner is that way.

Crimson Knight!


However, unlike the original appearance covered with heavy armor, the heavy armor of Kabuto’s body at this moment has disappeared.

This one, a morphological shift.

Let the dragon Ofie Enoch.

I guessed in an instant that the other party might be the same as myself!

Heavy armor form.

Same as his Majin form.

There is a strong defense.

And the power of terror!

In front of him, this lightly armed form with faded heavy armor is in contrast to his dragon form, with ultra-high-speed movement ability!

Therefore, they can explain each other.

Why catch up!

However, even if he guessed it, Kitasaki’s expression was still full of disbelief.

Just because he knows.

The Kamen Rider in front of him catches up, what does it mean!

Impressively represented.

Death will come to his own!

The end of life.


“I’m not going to die!”

“I am the strongest Ophie Enoch, I want to kill the king of Ophie Enoch and become the new king, how can I die here?!”

Extremely frightened, Kitasaki ignored the overload of his body.

The pain that comes with it.

It actually entered a state of ultra-high-speed movement again.

Trying to escape.

Just escape back to the city.

Be safe yourself!

With the cover of the rest of Ofie Enoch, he can escape, even if those Ofie Enoch are no match for this Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Heavy casualties are inevitable.

But so what!

As long as you can survive, that’s the most important thing.

Those Ophie Enoch did not die.

What does it have to do with him!

It doesn’t matter at all!

A crazy roar roared in his heart

However, the dragon Ophie Enoch in the ultra-high-speed state only took the first step, accompanied by a sudden muffled sound.

In the side position, a whip leg suddenly kicked.

Under the strong force.

Directly, kick Long Ao to the ground.

His body was on the verge of collapse

Suddenly the part shattered

Spill large swathes of dust and sand.

Kicking out at will knocking out the dragon Ofie Enoch, Qin Tian at this moment was staring ahead.

What the city looks like.

Under the face armor, Qin Tian’s eyes fluctuated for a moment, and a look of satisfaction flashed.


The base camp of Ophieno

Got it.

Immediately, his gaze fell on the dragon Ophie Enoch.

Then this battle

It’s time to end too.

In the terrified look of the dragon Orphie, the sound of mechanical sound slowly sounded.




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