An atmosphere of despair enveloped the audience.

Mutation suddenly!

In the rippled space, a red shadow shuttled out.

At the same time, a plug-in was brought.

As Qin Tian’s arm lifted.

Hold it in your hands!

“That is!”

Above the sky dome, Kamen Rider Orga, who kicked down with the dark gold electric drill, widened his eyes sharply.

Below, something that suddenly shuttled out.

It’s the Kabuto Insect Meter!

And it was horrified.

But then, from the rippled space, the thing that was grabbed by Kamen Rider Faiz’s palm fell!

A suitcase-like mechanical creation.

It is full of red, black and white colors.

The grip in the middle.

The style is almost exactly the same as Faiz’s exclusive logo!

The moment you see this strange thing.

Uneasy emotions.

Burst in the heart!

Absolute… Faiz must not be allowed to use that thing, otherwise something horrible will happen!

Instinctive warning.

At this moment, it was crazy to stimulate Murakami’s nerves.


With a roar, it erupted with the power of the whole body.

Urging the dark gold electric drill!

Quick kick down.

And below.

Look at the metal mechanical creation in your hand, grasping.

Qin Tian’s eyes.

It is also unforbidden.

A flash of fluctuations.

Coming? The strongest plugin belonging to Faiz! It’s also the key to your final form!

Faiz Burster!

The moment of transformation with the Faiz belt.

The Kabuto insect instrument then received Qin Tian’s instructions.

Go and find it.

Faiz Burster with a high probability of existence!

Without surprise.

So far.

Kabuto Insect Meter succeeded, found the Faiz Burster and brought it with him!

As Qin Tian said.

As long as he wishes.

Fate will be on his side!


In the sound of mechanical sound effects, Qin Tian held the Faiz Burster with his backhand.

At breakneck speed.

Press the 5 key three times in a row, as well as the Enter key!

【StandingBy! 】


The moment the sound effect sounded, Qin Tian had already taken out the Faiz mobile phone in his belt.

Immediately, insert it into the slot of the Faiz Burster.

【Awakening! 】

The sound of awakening sound falls 05.

Core covered by armor.

Suddenly unblock all restrictions!

Unlimited bursts.

The full power of Faiz!

At the same moment, a special transformation command was entered into the Faiz burster.

On the dome of the sky, that can’t stare into the universe that you see!

Lonely cosmic starry sky.

The mechanical creature that revolves around the earth and rotates again and again has a wave reaction for the first time under the rays of the sun!

“Buzz ——!”

Invisible signal fluctuations.

It seems to be coming from within the earth below.

Accepted by this lonely satellite.

Its surface is among the screens.

Suddenly, a special signal code emerged.

【555-2ACCEPT! 】

The next moment, surging energy surged from the satellite.

Piercing crimson light.

Instantly illuminate the surrounding universe!

Immediately, a dazzling red light was launched from the satellite and quickly fell towards the location of the earth’s signal source below!


Less than a second.

Sky dome!

A dazzling red pillar of light.


It is a shocking scene that can be seen anywhere on the planet.

Where it falls.

The entire arena shook violently for a moment.

It was like an earthquake.

In the dense, horrified gaze of Ophie Enoch.

The glass curtain above was shattered.

A dazzling pillar of light fell.

In the field, the surrounded crimson knight shrouded it.

Red photon blood flashed from the Faiz Burster, shrouded as the pillar of light fell, and then quickly spread to every part of Faiz’s armor!

In the dazzling brilliance.

The blazing energy to the extreme enveloped Qin Tian’s whole body!

The whole venue.

At this moment, it has been reflected in a crimson color!

Faiz’s metal knight armor was broken into pieces under the powerful energy.


It is the more powerful Burst Faiz Knight armor.

Gradually replace the covered body.

And this time.

Airspace! Surrounding area!

Intensive attacks from Ofie Enoch, as well as Kamen Rider Orga’s Dark Gold Electric Drill.

With great might.

Arrived with a bang!


In an instant, a gray-white weapon, or the claws of Ofie Enoch.

And overhead, a dark gold energy drill.

Hit Faiz armor hard!

Even the slightest space to dodge.

Not at all.

At the moment of the hit, the dazzling light of the crimson photon blood almost completely enveloped everything around!

Nothing, can’t see!

Can only be heard.

As if some, the sound of melting and erosion constantly sounded in the red light!

Next moment!


High temperature scorching energy waves.

Swing in all directions.


Accompanied by screams, washed away by the bombardment of extremely boiling energy.

A figure covered with black armor.

Cut the air directly.

It’s like a disembodied cannonball.

Flew out upside down!

Everywhere he passed, the terrifying impact directly smashed dozens of Ophie Enoch, and then smashed heavily into the wall of the arena.

Fang just stopped.


And with the collapse sound of the wall being shattered, Kamen Rider Orga’s entire body was directly embedded into the wall, blasting out a dented hole!

Immediately, the whole person fell to the ground.

Buried by large swathes of debris.

And the position ahead.

Extremely chaotic, filling the dense battlefield of Ophie Enoch, the area around the dazzling crimson light.

The furious energy diffuses and washes away.

Those dozens, the relatively weak Ofie Enoch.

Already under this energy.

Directly extinguished!

It was completely reduced to ashes and dissipated.

Only Kamen Rider Orga.

With the powerful performance of the armor.

Strong defense.

At such a close distance, he could barely resist the bombardment of this energy generated when Faiz’s armor performance was fully bursting.

But because of this, it was directly blasted out!


“Uh: Ahem. ”

Among the collapsed ruins.

Climb up the rubble.

The heavy gasp was mixed with Murakami’s painful cough.

At this moment, as he walked out of the ruins.

Fang can see it very clearly.

Black armor on its body.

It was as if it had fallen into magma, melted and corroded by extreme high temperatures, and a large irregular depression appeared.

It is enough to see that incomparably powerful energy is bursting out at this moment.

Fazi in burst form!

The furious energy it emits.

How horrible it is.

His gaze stared dead at the knight figure in front of him, shrouded in a dazzling red pillar of light.

The eyes were filled with unprecedented shock.

“Buzz ——!”

On the battlefield, the densely packed Ofie Enoch, their eyes were completely covered by the crimson extreme light!

No other color!

The fiery energy fluctuations spread in all directions like a tidal wave.

Where it passes.

Quite a few Ophie Enoch.

It is even under the influence of this strong boiling energy.

Painfully covered his gray-white pupils.

Off-white body.

All of them, scorched black.

Let out a scream of pain.

Seconds passed.

This ordeal.

Only then did it dissipate. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the middle area of the entire field, when the light of photon blood gradually faded away, the red pillar of light shrouded from above the sky dome.

Dissipate without a shadow!

At this moment, in the gaze of countless Ophie Enoch.

Surrounded by Faiz.

It shows its current posture!

The entire body was soaked in crimson red by the photon blood that ran through the whole body at this moment, and the original silver-white metal armor disappeared.

In its place, thicker white-gold knight armor!

Behind, there is one loaded.

Metal jetpack with Faiz logo.

And this is Faiz.

It is also the ultimate and strongest gesture.

Burst Form!

Just standing.

At this time, Faiz exuded a scorching energy fluctuation all over his body, which made the surrounding air become a little distorted.

“This: What is it?! ”

“On: What kind of joke, what exactly is the situation with this hot energy fluctuation like the sun?! ”

“Doesn’t it mean that the performance of the Faiz belt is lagging behind? Why did this guy, in front of which he changed into a form with invisible speed, now he has a more powerful form?! ”


The entire site, as Faiz transformed, burst form.

It became dead silent.

A large number of eyes stared at the dazzling figure in front of them.

Fall into distraction!

At the wall, Tian Li, who got some respite.

Looking at Fazi at the moment.

In his eyes, there is a dazzling light.

That is, full of hope.

Savior.. Crimson Knight.

It turned out to be Faiz:

Is this gesture?!

The prophecy is true, and the Savior has really come to save humanity!

In the heart, the belief that is upheld.

After seeing Faiz’s bursting form.

No more wavering!

Tian Li’s eye sockets.

Tears flowed.

Even the pain aroused by the bleeding wound on her body was directly ignored by her.

No sadness.

Yes, only the excitement and excitement of seeing hope.

And Tian Li had the same reaction.

And at the moment is located at the base.

Through the TV picture.

Looking at all the survivor humans who were broadcast live, their expressions ranged from the joy when Qin Tian killed the Heavenly Emperor and defeated the Earth Emperor, to the desperate fear when Faiz was besieged.

Until now.

It was like solidification, full of shocked expressions.

Enough to show their mood now.



What followed was an instinctive euphoria of excitement from the bottom of my heart.

That red light falling from the sky!

Faiz has never seen it before!

A new attitude.

All prove that the true Savior in that prophecy.

Here it comes!


After a brief dead silence.


The roar of a beast resounded in the surrounding environment.

Scorching white smoke rises.

At this moment, when Faiz stepped into burst form.

The hot and hot energy emitted gave the burning part of Ophife Enoch into a violent posture of losing his mind in pain.

After emitting a piercing roar.

In an instant, he rushed towards the bursting Faiz in sight!

The wind is howling.

The air is torn!

In all directions, in the roar of the strong wind, the head of Ophie Enoch either took an ordinary posture or entered the second form under the fury.

At breakneck speed.

Rushed, Qin Tian’s surrounding location.

Sharp claws.

Twinkle chills.

Under the gaze of a large number of eyes, these Ophie Enoch attacked.


“Bang: Bang bang!! ”

The sound of metal cutting, that sharp and piercing sound spread around.

Several extremely sharp fangs and claws.

Or Orphieno’s weapon.

With all his strength.

Precisely, it hit Faiz’s body and tore out a large piece of metal spark!

The figure of this knight in front.

As if no longer resisting.

Let Ofie Enoch keep attacking.

Try, tear Faiz’s knightly armor!


“Bang !!!”

Large sparks burst out one after another.

Time, little by little.

Under crazy attacks.

Gradually, these besieging Ofie Enoch gradually stopped, and the sound of gasping for breath resounded in the surrounding positions.

Even, several of them, Ophie Enoch.

A painful sound was made.

Just because of them, the 123 sharp claws that were used as weapons, were actually broken!

However, in sight.

The crimson knight’s figure.

Armor on its body.

In the sunlight, it reflects the luster of metal.

Don’t say broken.

Not even a scratch on the road!


Breathing steadily.

With pale golden compound eyes, scanning the surrounding Ofie Enoch, Qin Tian slowly raised the Faiz Burster in his hand.

That strong defensive power has already been initially experienced.

Then next.

Is.. Offensive!


A dull air boom, accompanied by a screaming explosion.

Fist covered with armor.

Feel free to punch out.

Ahead, a wild boar Ophie Enoch, who fell into a state of rage, his entire body was directly shattered, under the burning of blue flames.

Turned into fly ash and spilled.

“Tick Tick.”

At the same time, Qin Tian raised the Faiz burster and quickly entered the command number.


【BladeMode! 】

In the muffled mechanical sound effect, Qin Tian unfolds the Faiz Burster to switch to gun mode.

At its muzzle.

Accompanied by a fuzzy energy flicker.

A dazzling surge of energy.

A sword blade is formed!

Amazing, switch to Photon Broken Sword Mode!


Look, Faiz in sight.

It was an attack.

Around, several Ophie Enochs, who fell into a furious posture, roared and pounced again.

And yet greet them.

But in the pupil, the photon blade that flashed quickly magnified.


The sharp sword radiance violently tore through the air.

Qin Tian casually swung out the photon shattering sword.

It’s like cutting tofu.

Where it passes.

With great ease, he pounced on several Ophie Enochs in the surrounding area.

Cut it in two.

Immediately, it turned into ash and fell to the ground.

“Attack! Give it all to me! ”

“So many of us Ofie Enoch, no matter what form this guy turns into, is destined to tear us to pieces!”

With several heads of Ophie Enoch, he was easily killed.

The scene fell in.

A brief silence.

At this time, it seemed to feel the atmosphere full of a little fear.

Murakami Gap in a side position.

Suddenly roared.

As the rose Ophife Enoch, the power of thought surges and spreads in all directions to control all of Ophie Enoch.

The next moment, it seemed to be influenced by its words.

Or be manipulated by Nian Power.

Arouses their ferocity.

In an instant, a deafening roar resounded throughout the venue again.

Densely packed with Ophie Enoch.

Roared again.

Towards Kamen Rider Faiz’s position.

Pounce on the charge!


“Bang bang!”

Sparks splashed everywhere, facing siege from all sides.

At this moment, Qin Tian directly ignored it.

Let the attack fall.

Immediately he planned to use it.

In burst form.

Must kill!.

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