Darkness envelops the city.

Moonlight, as well as lights everywhere, bring light to pedestrians.

With the application submitted by Iwalu.

Sent assistance.

Arrive in Jiangyang City.

At this moment, in the base of the special response team, discussions are being held on the plan to encircle and suppress the mysterious leader of the Dead Shadow Society, and determine how to change the layout next.

and everything.

And Qin Tian.

At this time, stay at home as usual.

In a warm atmosphere.

and his own sister.

Eating a meal.

The smell of the meal filled the entire living room, and as the dinner time ended, Mu Ningxue rubbed her full little belly with satisfaction.

Incredibly satisfying.

Sure enough, as long as it was a meal made by Brother Qin Tian, none of them were unpalatable.

Even if it’s coriander with folded ear roots.

This kind of listening.

It’s a terrible dish of dark cuisine.

It can also be made incomparably delicious!

Looking at his sister, the very satisfied smile, even at the end of every meal, his own sister is this look, almost become the standard.

But Qin Tian, who is a chef and brother.

Still with a knowing smile.

After all, what else is your own cooking skills, which is loved and recognized by your own sister.

What makes you want to be happier?

Immediately, Qin Tian also straightened the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

“Brother Qin Tian!”

When Qin Tian walked out of the kitchen.

Come to the living room.

Habitually, I sat on the sofa and planned to watch the evening news.

Mu Ningxue shouted towards Qin Tian.

Then his face was full of excitement.

Quickly ran over.

As if he had found something funny, the whole person threw himself on the sofa, got into Qin Tian’s arms, and handed over the pink cute style mobile phone.

“Look! There is a very interesting knight’s belt, alas! ”

As Mu Ningxue’s voice sounded, the mobile phone he was holding was handed to him.

The screen of the content on the phone screen.

Amazingly in sight.

I saw that the content on the screen was a column report, and the picture above it was a knight’s belt shining with a red metallic sheen.

Its style is almost the same as that of Lost Drive.

The only difference is.

Knight’s belt in the picture.

Not just on one side, but on both sides there are slots that can fit into Gaia’s memory, and if the style of the lost drive is like the character V, then this knight’s belt in front of you.

It’s W!

And the name of this knight’s belt.

It’s a double drive!

With Qin Tian.

In the mobile phone screen handed by Mu Ningxue, the column content displayed was scanned and scanned.

Her own cute sister.

Her voice was filled with excitement.

It sounded again: “Brother Qin Tian, this knight’s belt is so powerful, it can actually transform from two people into the same Kamen Rider together, alas.!” ”

“According to this column report.”

“It is said that two people after transformation can connect their hearts and minds with each other!”

“It’s amazing!”

Listen to Mu Ningxue’s voice.

Qin Tian raised a gentle smile on his face, stretched out his right hand and pinched his sister’s cheek, and at the same time said with a smile: “Hmm… Knight in one. ”

“Kamen Rider W.”

“It’s amazing.”

Hearing Qin Tian’s answer, Mu Ningxue nodded more and more excitedly.


I didn’t mind in the slightest, my own brother.

Pinch your face.

In his eyes, he said with a little longing: “I hope that on the next Chosen Day, I can also be lucky to be selected to be the Chosen Rider, and the best belt is this double drive, hee-hee.” ”

Looking at Mu Ningxue.

The cute appearance of crossing your hands together and making a wish.

Qin Tian released the hand that was pinching her face.

Then he rubbed it.

Her long silver-white hair.

With a smile, he said mockingly: “Isn’t it a beautiful girl who said last time that she likes the little bat of Yalan?” Changed your mind so quickly? ”

Hearing this, Mu Ningxue was slightly stunned.

Then his face turned abrupt.

Blush shyly.


“No, of course I like the little bat tooth, but… Want.. If.. Can become Kamen Rider with Qin Tiange: That must be better. ”

In the end, Mu Ningxue’s voice became smaller and smaller.

Almost inaudible.

And her fair face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, he blushed to the extreme, like a ripe red apple.


“I’m back to my room!”

The next moment, Mu Ningxue stuck out her tongue coquettishly.

Immediately, blushing shyly.

Quickly ran away!

Under Qin Tian’s smiling gaze, he rushed to the second floor with a hurried step, accompanied by the sound of the door slamming shut.

The whole living room fell into silence.

“This girl…”

Dual drives?

Retracting his gaze, Qin Tian pondered.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.


At this moment, the mobile phone rang abruptly.

Broke the living room.

The quiet atmosphere that I just fell into.

Qin Tian came back to his senses.

Take the phone out of your pocket and see the unknown number without a note on the phone screen.

Fingers swiped and the call connected.

Accompanied by a hands-free press.

“Qin Tian.”

On the other end of the phone, a voice that sounded extremely gentle.

Slowly ringing.

And at the moment when the voice is heard.

Qin Tian already knew.

The identity of the other party.

It was when he entered the secret place on the outskirts of Ofie Enoch that was filled with a large number of Ofie Enoch, he met the director of the secret realm monitoring bureau – Ji Jingyu.

“Director Ji, is something wrong?”

The next moment, Qin Tian’s flat voice sounded.

Already guessed in the mind.

The other party called.

Inevitably, there is something that needs to be done to get rid of oneself, or some other suitability.

No nonsense.

Go straight to the topic.

And hear the words.

On the other end of the phone, Ji Jingyu laughed, and also said without ink: “Then I won’t be polite with you, call you this time.” ”

“There is indeed something that needs (okay Zhao) to ask for your help.”

“To be exact.”

“It is needed, many strong people like you, who hold the ultimate power of knights, join forces to enter a secret realm and solve and kill the secret realm weirdos that exist in it.”

It takes a lot… Knight ultimate power

And the uncharted?

In an instant, Qin Tian captured the key points in Ji Jingyu’s words!

At the same time judged out.

The secret place that Ji Jingyu mentioned.

Its degree of danger.

It must be extremely high!

After a short silence, it seemed to give Qin Tian time to think, and Ji Jingyu said again: “That secret realm was after the first vision of the Chosen Day. ”

“It’s probably on the spot where it was discovered ten years ago.”

“The first exploration, because the loss is extremely serious, its danger level is too high, so it is listed as a forbidden land, and thus a precious seal-type secret realm object.”

“Seal its entrance!”

“And the code name of this forbidden secret realm is…”

“Bloody kill!”.

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