Cave Cultivation: Only I Can See The Prompt

Chapter 5 Wooden Treasure Box And Storage Bag

Mufeng then continued to sweep forward.

This search led him to find several low-level spiritual stones buried underground.

[System prompt: Low-level spiritual stone x1]

[System prompt: Low-level spiritual stone x1]

[System prompt: Low-level spiritual stone x2]

Red prompts appeared in front of his eyes.

After a while, there were four or five more spiritual stones in his arms.

This made Mu Feng very happy.

The only flaw is that the treasure chest has not yet emerged.

He has almost explored one of two.

[There seems to be a treasure buried in the soil in front of you, dig it out and take a look! 】

Just when Mu Feng was getting impatient, a red reminder popped out in his eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Feng was very happy.

Pick up the flying sword as a digging tool and throw it quickly.

His hands are extremely fast.

With a burst of dirt flying.

A wooden box appeared in front of him.

"found it!"

Mufeng slowly threw the wooden box out, and all the information about the wooden box appeared in front of him as soon as he glanced at it.

[Wooden treasure chest: A low-level treasure chest in the world of immortal cultivation in Dongfu. There will be surprises when you open it. 】

"This is it!"

"I don't know what's inside?"

"I've been looking for it for so long, so don't let me down!"

With anticipation, Mu Feng opened the treasure box.

Soon several things in the treasure box came into Mu Feng's eyes.

They were a small yellow cloth bag, a stack of talismans and several glowing spiritual herbs.

Mufeng took them out one by one, and at the same time concentrated on scanning them above.

Suddenly, all the information about several items appeared in front of him.

[Low-level storage bag: a bag that can store items, with ten grids inside. 】

[Fireball Talisman: A talisman that can release fireballs after being torn apart. 】

[Qingfengcao: A kind of spiritual grass that likes to grow on cliffs. It is slightly bitter. It is an auxiliary material for refining the essence elixir during the Qi refining period. Year (ten years)]

"Storage bags!"

After seeing the introduction of the first item, Mu Feng couldn't help but scream.

Anyone who has read the novel about cultivating immortals will know the name of the storage bag.

With this bag, it will be much more convenient for him to store things in the future.

The remaining two items are of lower value than the storage bag.

One is a fireball talisman for combat, and the other is a spiritual grass for refining elixirs.


As soon as Mu Feng thought about it, he put the remaining two items into the storage bag.

[System prompt: Fireball Talisman x5]

[System prompt: Qingfengcao x3]

[System prompt: Wooden treasure box (built-in space 3 spaces) x1]

[System prompt: Do you want to disassemble the wooden treasure chest? When broken down, five pieces of wood are obtained. 】

"No decomposition for now!"

He doesn't need wood for the time being.

Instead, there is a lack of things to store items.

There are three spaces in this wooden treasure chest, which is perfect for taking back to the cave to store things.

After collecting several items, Mu Feng stored the newly obtained spiritual stones, spiritual fruits and wood into the storage bag.

As for the wooden treasure box, because it was an item with a built-in space, the storage bag could not be stored in it, so Mu Feng could only hold it in his arms.

After scanning again to make sure nothing was left behind, Mu Feng walked back to the light gate teleportation array he had just entered.

Another burst of white light flashed, and Mu Feng returned safely to his cave.

After putting down the wooden treasure box, Mu Feng opened the storage bag and began to count the harvest.

"Red fragrant fruit x7"

"Wood x5"

"Spiritual Stone x4"

"Fireball Talisman x5"

"Qingfengcao x3"

"Wooden Treasure Box x1"

“And the most important storage bag!”

Mu Feng was still very satisfied with the results of this exploration.

"I don't know how the progress of others is?"

Mufeng opened the chat channel curiously.

The first to enter is the World Channel.

"Ooooooo, I'm so hungry. Is there any kindhearted person who can give me something to eat?"

"Didn't you explore the cave earlier?"

"How do you store the items you discovered? I cut some wood, but it feels so troublesome to have nothing to store it."

"I was lucky enough to find a storage bag and put it in a bag."

"Damn it, I envy the European Emperor."

Look at the regional channels.

"How many caves have you explored? I have explored two, but my luck was average and I found some food."

"I just finished exploring one, and I had pretty good luck."

"I was so unlucky that I encountered a monster first. Fortunately, I ran so fast that I almost got cold!"

“Actually, being alive is the greatest luck, so I don’t need a bicycle.


"There is no exploration. I plan to practice to the second level of Qi Refining before setting off. This will make me more confident."

"A good idea, but I remember that the spiritual energy of the cave was very low at the beginning. It will probably take a long time to reach the second level, right?"

"It's okay, I'm better able to starve!"


Different from the small talk at the beginning, now everyone has more or less begun to explore the cave.

There are also some people who choose to stay put because they are afraid of encountering danger, waiting for others to be kind and rescue them.

There are also a small number of people who plan to practice to the second level of Qi refining before exploring.

These people are all people with relatively good spiritual roots.

Their cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary spiritual root practitioners.

Even if there is no spiritual energy in the initial cave, you can still practice normally.

To be honest, Mu Feng still admires these people.

If he didn't have this system prompt, he would probably have cultivated to the second level like these people before setting off.

Every bit more mana a place like this has, the better its chances of survival.

But now that he has a system prompt to know which cave is dangerous, he naturally doesn't have to do this.

"It's almost time to rest, it's time to explore the second cave."

In the novice phase, you can explore ten times per day.

If you don’t finish exploring, it will be cleared the next day.

If he wants to stay ahead of others, he must explore as much as possible.

Mu Feng immediately stood up and walked towards several eight light gates.

[I advise you not to go to the previous one. There are two silver-backed demon wolves in the middle stage of Qi refining resting inside. 】

[The light door in the north seems to be sealed by a ban. Unless you are proficient in formations, you will not be able to enter the secret realm of the cave inside. 】

[The exit of the teleportation array in the northwest is in a deep pool. Unless you have excellent water skills, don't go there. 】

[The secret realm to the east has the survival materials you need. If you are hungry, you can enter and try your luck. 】

Red prompts appeared in front of Mu Feng's eyes.

But there are not many to choose from.

It's either too dangerous or there aren't many supplies.

Mu Feng directly passed them all and continued to look at the remaining few.

[Shit, there is a swarm of poisonous insects in the southeast, you must not go there! 】

[The cave in the south is nice. There is a small spiritual grass plantation. The most important thing is that there is no danger in it. 】


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