Cave Cultivation: Only I Can See The Prompt

Chapter 95 Another Battle With The Monster At The Peak Of Qi Training


There is no suitable opponent here for him to practice.

What is the specific power?

It still needs to be tested in actual combat.

Bring the soul-suppressing beads to your hand.

Mufeng looked at the treasure box again.

After confirming that nothing is left behind.

Take the little lizard and retreat from the altar.

"What a pity this formation is."

He glanced at the magic circle that was still in operation.

Mu Feng secretly thought it was a pity.

He is not strong enough now.

There is no way to take this formation away.

Otherwise, it would be nice to take it back and arrange it in the cave.


In this way, even if there are monsters or players coming over.

There is no cave inside.

"Forget it, I'm lucky to be able to get in without any effort."

"It's no use thinking so much."

Mu Feng felt that his idea of ​​taking away something good when he saw it was not a good idea.

But you know what you know.

It is impossible to change it.

This is called.

Know the world but not the world.

It doesn't seem to be used this way.

never mind.

who cares.

Mufeng shook his head.

Get rid of the messy thoughts in your mind.

Pick up the wiring diagram.

Continue to see how close the fourth altar is to him.

"The last altar is quite far away."

Mu Feng estimated his foot strength.

It takes at least a day's journey to reach the other altar from here.

It seems okay.

It would be nice if I could make it there.

One day says whether it is far or not, and whether it is close or not.

Now words.

He planned to find a monster first to try out his newly acquired magical weapon, the Soul Suppressing Bead.

See how powerful it is.

This gave him a rough idea of ​​his own combat power.


The best thing I encountered along the way.

If it deviates too much from the road map.

He didn't take the initiative to provoke anyone.

After sorting out the items obtained from the altar.

Mufeng continued to set off.

[There is a spiritual fruit plant under the cliff ahead. 】

Just left not long ago.

A red prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

"Spirit fruit!"

Mufeng's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a spiritual fruit in front of him.

Hurry towards that side quickly.

Spirit fruit is a rare thing.

The value is much higher than that of spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses.

Anyway, the fruits he has encountered so far are not as many as garbage.

The spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses are of no use at all.

Specially name a certain spirit flower.

Mufeng was very fast, and he couldn't help but curse.

Already reached the edge of the cliff.

This is a very deep cliff.

Or should it be better to say a big rift valley.

The cliffs were filled with smoke.

Can't see clearly what's going on at the bottom.

Fortunately, he has consciousness.

"found it!"

I used my spiritual sense to explore for a long time.

Only then did Mu Feng discover the fruit trees growing on the mountainside.

Because it's too far.

Mufeng could not check its information.

All I know is that it is a fruit tree that bears four or five peaches.

The fruit trees are in a dangerous position.

If ordinary people saw it, they wouldn't be able to pick it off.

But Mu Feng is definitely not among them.

Because he can fly!

Activate the flying charm on your body.

Let the little lizard guard it.

Mufeng himself slowly fell towards the cliff.

Maybe it's because it's on the edge of a cliff.

Mu Feng did not find any monsters guarding the fruit trees.

With the help of flying charm.

Mu Feng quickly landed on the spirit fruit.

"Yo ho!"

Just as he was getting ready to pick

Suddenly there was a sharp cry from behind.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge strange bird with wings more than five meters long flew out of the clouds and mist.

Attack him quickly.

"not good!"

The attack of the strange bird was too sudden.

In addition, air movement is not very convenient.

Mu Feng had no way to dodge.

I can only grit my teeth and activate the shield of the python scale armor to resist the opponent's first wave of attacks!


The strange bird is very strong.

A violent impact directly knocked Mufeng and his shield into the mountain on the edge of the cliff.

It caused the rocks on the mountain to shake.

Pieces of rubble fell off the cliff.

The roaring sound is endless.

"So strong!"

"At least the twelfth level of Qi refining!"

"Even stronger!"

He lowered his head and glanced at the python scale armor shield that was about to be broken by the strange bird.

Mu Feng was a little shocked.

The attack of this strange bird is too strong.

You must know that python scale armor is a top-grade defensive weapon.

The strength of the shield it releases is definitely close to catching up with mid-grade defensive magic weapons.

This strange bird can quickly scratch the protective shield in one go.

This shows that its strength is definitely a peak monster beast above the twelfth level or even the thirteenth level of Qi refining!

"Is it a peak Qi refining monster?"

Mufeng squinted and looked at the strange bird in front of him.

He was not afraid because the opponent was a monster at the peak of Qi refining.

On the contrary, there is some excitement!

When he first encountered the monster at the peak of Qi refining, his combat power was still very weak.

It was completely killed by the explosion of small lizards.

His strength now is completely different from before.

Facing this level of Qi refining monster again.

He no longer had any fear.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to playing against each other so that I can test my true combat power!

"Yo ho!"

the other side.

strange bird

Seeing that Mu Feng was hit by him, he was not dead yet.

The strange bird raised its head and roared.

Continue to hit him.

"Well done!"

Mu Feng shouted loudly and grabbed the green dragon flag with his right hand.

A few swings.

Suddenly, a huge green dragon that was close to being real roared.

Bare your teeth and claws and attack the flying strange bird!

Facing powerful strange birds.

He did not dare to underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

Just use the ultimate move of Qingjiao Flag!

The spirit of the weapon turns into a dragon!


The giant dragon collided with the strange bird, making a deafening roar.


The nearby mountain debris was affected by this shock wave and kept falling.

The scene was filled with smoke.

"Yo ho!"

Just when Mu Feng wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to explore the situation.

The strange bird chirped again.

It survived the collision unscathed!

"What a strong defense!"

"As expected of a peak Qi refining monster!"

Although there is no system to detect its information.

But judging from the opponent's attack and defense capabilities.

Mu Feng is sure that this strange bird is 100% a monster at the peak of Qi refining!

As to why it is not explored.

First, because the strange bird was too fast, Mu Feng's eyes couldn't keep up.

It all depends on divine consciousness to lock its position.

Second, the smoke here greatly affects his sight.

After several attempts to investigate without success, Mu Feng simply stopped investigating.

Anyway, he has absolute confidence in his own strength!

It's just a monster at the peak of Qi refining.

There is nothing to be afraid of!

While thinking.

The strange bird comes again.

Its attack power is very strong.

Mu Feng didn't dare to trust him.

Treading on Cloud Boots is exciting.

The body slid down quickly.

At the same time, he flicked his palm.

Several emerald green sword lights struck towards the belly of the strange bird!

"Clang clang clang!"

The sword light hit the strange bird's belly.

The sound of gold and iron colliding suddenly came to my ears.

The feathers of this strange bird are as hard as iron.

All the sword lights were blocked.

"Yo ho!"

The strange bird let out a cry of pain.

Obviously, all these sword lights were blocked by its feathers.

But the huge impact still affected the inside of its body.


Mu Feng's eyes lit up.

Open the bow left and right with both hands!

Suddenly, dozens of emerald green sword lights swarmed out.

Kill towards the belly of the strange bird.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The sword feathers meet.

Sparks shine.

"Yo ho!"


Mu Feng didn't explain his combos and just sent the strange birds flying everywhere!

The nearby rocks were knocked into pieces and fell into pieces.

Wails and roars are endless.

It looks spectacular.


I'll kill you while you're sick!

It hurts to see a strange bird.

Mu Feng hit the magic formula in his hand.

The soul-suppressing bead originally worn in his hand immediately turned into a giant ring measuring 10 feet.

Lock towards the body of the strange bird!

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