The relationship between Baishan and worth developed rapidly, but they had talked about marriage in more than a month.

For such a speed, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao also let Bai Shan do that. Even if they want to get engaged in the castle, she is willing to make room for them to get engaged.

Bai Hao is really helpless about Bai Shan's behavior and tries his best to let Bai Shan know the true face of worth. However, Bai Shan not only doesn't believe it, but feels that they don't want them to be together. Bai Shan and worth don't know what method they used. They even let Bai father and Bai mother agree to get engaged. The Bai family takes 10% of Bai's enterprise as Bai Shan's dowry, At the same time, the Bai family also invested a large amount of money into the ponteoff family business.

Early in the morning, Bai Shan happily took worth around the castle. She was very happy because they would be engaged tomorrow.

"Worth, I'm really happy." Bai Shan has never been so happy. Her life is settled. She's glad to meet worth. If she doesn't meet worth, she doesn't know what true love is.

Even if her brother doesn't like her with worth, Bai Shan believes that Bai Hao will understand the deep love between her and worth sooner or later.

Bai Shan seems to be the owner of the ancient castle. She doesn't have any reflection at all. In terms of layout, she accuses the servants of Xuanyuan family, and implies that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't ask her to invite other professionals to decorate. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't see Bai Shan. No matter what Bai Shan said, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao agreed to let them get engaged in the ancient castle, He didn't agree to let too many people in.

People outside don't know that the friendship between Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao and Bai Shan has been weakened, and Bai Shan doesn't want to be known by others. Therefore, Bai Shan just talks in her mouth and hates in her heart, and she doesn't do any substantive action.

Every time worth came, Bai Shan showed no contradiction with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao and the servants in the castle.

Standing upstairs watching Bai Shan happily pull worth around the garden, Xuanyuan's lips are slightly hooked. This speed is really too fast. Doesn't Bai Shan have any feeling? Do you really think worth really loves her? In that case, why must an engagement ceremony be held in the castle? Bai Shan is not from Xuanyuan family at all, but she wants to hold an engagement ceremony in Xuanyuan's territory.

"Xiaoxiao," Lu Chen handed Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao with a glass of orange juice. Xiaoxiao had been standing here for a long time. With Xiaoxiao's sight, he saw Bai Shan and worth playing happily hand in hand in the garden, "they two..."

Even if he knew Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's inner intention, just like this, the two of them stayed in the castle to hold the engagement ceremony. Lu Chen thought it would be cheaper for them, and it was hard for them to hear the noise. The servants in the castle didn't seem to like Bai Shan and WOSs.

"They are both very happy," said Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao happily. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao put the orange juice aside and sat down next to the sofa. Bai Shan didn't complain to the housekeeper these days. Bai Shan wanted to decorate according to her own ideas, but Bai Shan thought too much. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao could tolerate Bai Shan to borrow the castle temporarily, But we can't let all the decorations in the castle be manipulated according to Bai Shan's preferences, let alone Bai Shan doesn't know the value of those things at all.

Engagement is beautiful, but can they really be so beautiful together?

"Are you going to sit here all the time?" because Bai Shan and worth are going to be engaged in the castle, they are all decorated outside. Of course, not the whole castle is lent to them. Lu Chen chuckles. He knows Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's intention, but they just stay in the room and don't go out. That's not the way.

"No," they almost should come to find themselves. As early as brother Jin showed Bai Hao the information of ponteoff family, many things happened in less than half a month. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao thought Bai Hao must be unable to sit still, "accompany me to see them."

Lu Chen followed Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao out of the room and came to another room. Bai Hao, Luoze and Xuanyuan Jin were sitting here.

"People come together," Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao sighed. She hasn't seen such a situation for a long time. Luoze is also here. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao sat aside with Lu Chen. She didn't look at Luoze more.

"Xiaoxiao," Bai Hao felt a little relieved when he saw Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao coming in. He didn't know why things went so far. Obviously, they all knew the situation of the ponteoff family? Why do you agree that Baishan and worth have an engagement ceremony in the castle?

Bai Hao thought that if the Xuanyuan family hadn't seen so many untrue phenomena to worth, worth wouldn't hold on to Bai Shan. More importantly, when he hadn't responded, his parents took out a large amount of money to invest in the business of the ponteouf family. He knew that Bai Shan must have persuaded his parents, And I didn't tell my parents the real situation here, so that my parents were so easily deceived by worth.

"Let's talk about anything," Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao said to them this time. Bai Hao must be worried about the situation of Bai Shan and worth, but she won't help Bai Shan. Isn't that what Bai Shan needs?

"Why?" why did Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao so easily lend the castle to Bai Shan and worth for engagement? Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao can't agree. Bai Hao can't understand Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, or since Lin Xiaoxiao became Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, they no longer know what Xiaoxiao's heart is thinking, "they shouldn't be engaged here."

If Bai Shan doesn't borrow the ancient castle of Xuanyuan family, people of ponteoff family must doubt that the relationship between Bai Shan and Xiaoxiao is not so good, and worth may give up Bai Shan's.

"Xiaoxiao," Luoze also wondered why Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao wanted to do this. It was clear that she was showing the world that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao had a good relationship with Bai Shan. Did Xiaoxiao really care that Bai Shan would be used by worth? "What are you thinking?"

Hearing Luoze's questioning voice, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's heart was not very sad. If she had been in the past, she would be very sad.

"Nothing. It's just what Bai Shan wants, so I'll give it to her." no one stipulates that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao should think about Bai Shan. She doesn't have any good results if she thinks about Bai Shan. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't want Bai Shan to run to her and say that she's not good to her. Her patience is limited.

The corners of her lips were slightly hooked and showed a smile. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao felt very comfortable now. She didn't want to do other things according to who's idea. She just wanted to do what she wanted to do.

Xuanyuanjin stayed here because she was afraid that Xiaoxiao would be persuaded by them. She was afraid that Luoze and Bai Hao would embarrass xuanyuanxiaoxiao. Now, xuanyuanjin is very satisfied with Xiaoxiao's performance.

"It's just what she wants now," Bai Shan will regret later, because Bai Shan can't be happy at all, and worth is obviously using Bai Shan. Bai Hao is very anxious. Bai Shan is his sister. If he doesn't worry, who will worry? His parents are convinced by Bai Shan, And he had no evidence to tell his parents that worth was not a reliable man at all.

In the past few days, Bai Hao met with other people of the ponteoff family. When they discussed their engagement together, Bai Hao found that those people often emphasized that they wanted to borrow the ancient castle of Xuanyuan family. Not only that, they also wanted Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao to attend. Bai Hao saw their faces clearly, But Bai Shan thinks that some members of the ponteoff family are like this. Worth is not so concerned about interests. In this way, Bai Hao has no way at all. Worth is too perfect.

"What does she want?" Xuanyuan Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Hao. "You want this and that for a while. What is our Xuanyuan family? Is Xiaoxiao your slave?"

Xuanyuanjin couldn't get used to Bai Hao's tone. When she had nothing to do, she went to the little princess. Did she just serve them? Their Xuanyuan family itself has a lot of things to do. Moreover, the relationship between the white family and the Xuanyuan family is not so close. It can be said that they are people from two different worlds. Even if the white family is rich and powerful, it does not mean that they will make friends with the Xuanyuan family.

"It's not like that." looking at Xuanyuan, Xiaoxiao just sat there holding a plush puppet and leaning against Lu Chen's shoulder. Bai Hao caught a hurry, but he was helpless. Looking at his good friend Luoze, he saw Luoze staring at Xiaoxiao and Lu Chen gloomily. Yes, Luoze's own emotional problems are not easy to solve. Where does he have time to solve Bai Shan, What's more, Bai Shan asked for all this, "Xiaoxiao, in fact, you can drive us... Drive us out."

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