The engagement ceremony finally ended smoothly, and the guests left the castle one after another, but the scene did not seem so happy.

"Bai Shan," the smile on the face of worth's sister Emma disappeared. For a moment, the group sat in the hall, and she didn't give them a good face. Even if Bai Shan's parents were there, Emma still looked high. "Why didn't Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao show up?"

If it wasn't because Bai Shan was Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's friend, how could their pontolf family agree to let Bai Shan marry into their family? Emma showed off to her friends that her brother-in-law and daughter-in-law were Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's friend, the heir of Xuanyuan's family, and said that she could see Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao herself at the wedding banquet, but they didn't see Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao at all, Even Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's personal guard didn't see it, which made Emma feel that she had lost all her face.

"Xiaoxiao has something urgent to go somewhere else," Bai Shan was unhappy when she saw worth's sister. She was also complaining about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. Since she lent her the castle, why didn't she appear, even if it was only a few seconds.

Bai Shan completely forgets that she used to tell Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao not to screw up her engagement party and warned Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao not to do anything and let Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao not appear. In fact, Bai Shan doesn't need to explain that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't intend to attend. Just as now, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao has left the castle with Lu Chen to visit other places.

"Didn't you explain to Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao in advance?" Emma didn't believe Bai Shan at all. If she was really a good friend, how could Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao leave because of a little thing? Emma didn't believe that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao would have something urgent to leave today. "Are you hiding something from us?"

Emma stares at Bai Shan with fierce eyes. Bai Shan doesn't like it. Even the Bai family is good, but how can a small Bai family deserve their ponteouf family? Emma and many ponteouf family people don't know the situation in the family. They are still inviolable.

"Emma," said Bai's mother when she saw that her daughter was said by Emma. She felt very uncomfortable. She didn't expect that the other party would care so much about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. "Today is the day when Bai Shan and worth are engaged, not Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. It's normal that she doesn't show up. She is the heir of Xuanyuan family..."

"Even if the heirs of the Xuanyuan family have more things, they don't rush for a moment. Aren't there many elites in the Xuanyuan family?!" Emma looked at Bai's mother proudly and felt that the middle-aged woman didn't understand the rules at all. "You Baishan didn't have the ability to make Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao appear."

Today, when those friends left, they asked themselves why Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't appear. Emma didn't know how to answer. She just felt teased by Bai Shan.

"Sister Emma," Bai Shan pursed her lips and felt very wronged. Is it really so important that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't appear? "Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao won't appear at all."

Bai Shan is also angry. Today is clearly her engagement banquet. She is the protagonist. Everyone should be concerned about her. However, at the time of engagement, she heard many people saying that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't appear, which makes Bai Shan feel that those people came to her engagement banquet for Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, which hurt Bai Shan very much.

During the day, Bai Shan has been very patient. When the engagement banquet is over and the guests leave, she still hears those people talking about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, which makes Bai Shan very angry. She also has anger in her heart and has no place to vent. Now worth's sister still says that, which makes Bai Shan feel unbearable.

"What?" Emma looked at Baishan in shock. What happened? "Aren't you her friend?"

"We've fallen out for a long time." since they all found something wrong, Bai Shan was not afraid to tell them, so that they didn't mention Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao in front of them every time. She really didn't know what was good about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. On the contrary, she thought Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao was really artificial. Since they lent her the castle, why did people disappear without a trace, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao planned to embarrass her from the beginning.

Bai's mother and father are unbelievable. Looking at Bai Shan, how can Bai Shan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao be so? Isn't your daughter always close to Xiaoxiao?

"You... You... You..." Emma angrily pointed to Baishan and turned to worth. "You're looking for a good woman!"

"Sister," Voss looked at Emma with a headache. He also just knew the situation. He always thought that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao was deliberately indifferent to Bai Shan. He thought it was a test for him and Bai Shan, but he didn't expect that Bai Shan fell out with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, which made his calculation come to naught.

Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao lends the castle to Baishan to get engaged with him, but Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't appear. Worth knows that this is a slap in the face. The fact is telling him that Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't care about Baishan as much as they think.

Worth had thought that even if the relationship between Bai Shan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao was not very good, it wouldn't be so bad. Who thought Bai Shan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao would fall out.

"Cancel the engagement!" Emma screamed. She absolutely doesn't agree with worth and Baishan's engagement. Moreover, Baishan still said that she had fallen out with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. She doesn't know that the ponteoff family will be implicated by Baishan at that time.

Emma didn't like Bai Shan before. It was because Bai Shan was Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's good friend that she was good to Bai Shan. But Bai Shan was not Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's friend, but she even got into a standoff with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao.

Emma thinks it's a small thing that Baishan humiliates her, but it's a big thing to offend Xuanyuan family. The ponteoff family doesn't have to pay for Baishan.

"No," Bai Shan just got engaged today. She doesn't want to be like this just because Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't appear at the engagement banquet. Her parents are still here. Fortunately, she told her parents that people of the ponteoff family like themselves very much, but now she let her parents see such a side.

"Bai Shan, what's going on?" Bai Fu didn't understand that Bai Shan and worth's engagement had anything to do with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. During the day, they wondered why those people mentioned Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao from time to time. For a moment, even Emma, Bai Shan's fiance worth's sister, was also mentioning Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao.

"Dad, I'll explain to you later." Bai Shan is very upset now and has to solve Emma first. "Sister Emma, worth and I have just got engaged today. You can't solve it by breaking the engagement. Don't forget that this ancient castle is the ancient castle of Xuanyuan family."

If Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao is really useful, then temporarily borrow the name of Xuanyuan family. Bai Shan has to admit that although she can't see Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, Xuanyuan family does have that ability.

"Xuanyuan family?" Emma looked at Baishan suspiciously. What does Baishan mean? Do you still want to come to their ponteouf family? "Bai Shan, you'd better see your own identity. Our ponteouf family is a big family, a big family in the West. Even if you marry, you should marry a big family in the East, not you."

Emma glanced at the white family in disgust. She couldn't see the white family at all. Her brother should find a more powerful family daughter.

"Emma, don't say it for the time being." worth has no way for the time being. After all, he and Baishan have just been engaged today, and he can't say that they will terminate their engagement. Moreover, the Baishan family is still useful to him. Baishan's chess piece can't be easily abandoned. "Shan is very tired now. We'll talk about those things another day."

"No," said Emma, who didn't know when to do it another day. "Bai Shan doesn't deserve to marry into our ponteouf family. Don't you say she is Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's good friend? But now? She should be Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's enemy?"

"Let's talk later." it's a friend or an enemy. Worth thinks it still needs to observe for a few days. After all, Baishan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao used to be good friends. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this. He thinks that Ouyang ruo's plan should be no problem. When Ouyang Ruo met Baishan in the ancient castle, Baishan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao should still be better at that time.

What's the problem? Worth still can't figure it out, but this problem will be clarified sooner or later. What's important now is not to contact the engagement, but to let the Bai family believe his heart to Bai Shan. After all, too many people talk about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao today.

"Uncle and aunt, please believe that Shan and I will not dissolve our engagement." the Bai family still has room to use. Worth will not give up Bai Shan easily. After all, both of them have been engaged in Xuanyuan family castle, which has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. This engagement can not be dissolved by dissolution.

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