"How could it be?" Bai Shan stared at Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao with wide eyes. How could it be? Worth is a member of the ponteoff family. Worth doesn't need to do this at all. "You set all this up. Do you just want me to leave worth? Is it necessary to break us up so cruelly?"

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" ignored Bai Shan. In the past, she owed the little Lord so much for Bai Shan, but now Bai Shan still thinks about Vos and the Vos that is bad for them. Bai Shan didn't think too much that the little Lord would be in danger because of her. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao turned and looked to one side. It was because she was not the little Lord. She felt even more angry when she saw Bai Shan like this.

Bai Shan saw Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao speechless and gritted her teeth. This place is too wet. It's still winter now. How should she stay.

More than ten minutes later, Ouyang Ruo appeared with breakfast.

"Have something to eat." Ouyang Ruo didn't expect that Voss really caught Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. They had no way to go here. Ouyang Ruo didn't agree with him, but now they have caught it, and they can't turn back, "Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, we won't embarrass you. As long as we can leave s country safely, we will let you go."

Ouyang didn't look at Bai Shan standing aside at all. Bai Shan was of no use to them. It can even be said that Bai Shan was a burden. I'm afraid Voss was unwilling to catch Bai Shan here. After all, it happened to this extent. A large part of the reason is Bai Shan's.

"Well," Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao nodded. Naturally, they didn't dare to do anything to the heirs of Xuanyuan family. Now Shaozhu and Lu Chen should have a good time outside, so it would be meaningful for her to stay here.

"Ouyang Ruo!" Bai Shan gritted her teeth. Why did Ouyang Ruo appear here, and what did Ouyang Ruo mean by saying those words, "you..."

"Just as you can see," Ouyang Ruo smiled and walked up to Bai Shan. Looking at Bai Shan's pale face, she was very happy, "Worth doesn't really love you, but you stupid woman still thinks he loves you and believes his words. Otherwise, how could you be here now? Frankly, if you weren't Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's friend, you wouldn't be worth anything at all."

Now worth must hate Bai Shan very much. Before, worth didn't hate Bai Shan so much because of her availability. Now Bai Shan is really good for nothing.

"What?" Bai Shan was shocked. The whole person was like being struck by thunder. Didn't worth say he really loved her? "How could everything be false?"

Worth accompanied her around, not only that, but also said to Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao that he really loved her. Bai Shan didn't know how it could be false. Isn't worth the heir of the ponteoff family? How could worth do those things?

"You're lying to me," said Ouyang Ruo, a woman who was not a good person at all. When she was in China, Ouyang Ruo did something disgusting. Bai Shan remembered, "you colluded with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao to deceive me."

Yes, it must be. Ouyang Ruo knows the strength of Xuanyuan family. How can Ouyang Ruo offend Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao? Bai Shan thought Ouyang Ruo must be forced to act by Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao.

"Is it useful to deceive yourself?" is Bai Shan really stupid or fake stupid? Is she still thinking about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's partnership to deceive her at this time? Ouyang Ruo thinks Bai Shan is really stupid to a certain extent and can't be saved. No wonder worth would say that Bai Shan is just a stupid woman. Now it seems that Bai Shan is really very stupid, "Who are you? You are just the daughter of the white family. You are nothing to worth. If the white family has the ability of Xuanyuan family, maybe you are true love to worth."

"You..." no, no, not like this. How could it be like this? How could Voss treat herself like that? Bai Shan didn't believe it. With red eyes, she rushed to Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao again and shook her hand to slap Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" directly grabbed Bai Shan's hand. She is not the young Lord, but she will not let Bai Shan do these actions. As long as she thinks that if the young Lord sits here now, Bai Shan will do the same, she wants to kick Bai Shan away directly, but she can't do it now. She must be calm.

"Bai Shan, you are bold enough." Ouyang Ruo has nothing to do now. After all, he is strict outside. "Maybe I can suggest that worth take you with him to escape, but I'm afraid worth won't look at you at all."

Ouyang Ruo now cruelly opened this side of worth, "if it weren't for my plan, how could you fall in love with worth so soon? But if I didn't plan, I'm afraid you don't know what love is in this cup."

"You..." Bai Shan retreated a few steps. How could it be? Her so-called true love was actually involved by Ouyang Ruo. She really loved worth. How could worth treat her like this? Bai Shan really felt very painful. How could this thing develop in such a direction? How could it not be designed by Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao?

Bai Shan hopes that what happened in front of her is false. She doesn't believe it is true. How can worth not love her? Whenever she looks at worth's affectionate eyes, Bai Shan feels very happy. No woman in the world is as happy as she is, but now they tell her that all this is false. How can she bear this cruel reality.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" looked at Bai Shan's decadent appearance, but her heart was secretly happy. Bai Shan deserved such an end. Of course, he said that the young Lord had separated them. The young Lord had never taken leisure to manage these people. Bai Shan just suffered for herself now.

"Xiaoxiao, ring the bell if you need anything, and someone will come over." Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao is the heir of Xuanyuan family. Even if they catch Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao here, they don't dare to do anything about Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. Ouyang must be right if he even wants to treat Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao better. I hope Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao won't investigate too much and turn around at that time, Ouyang Ruo glanced at Bai Shan coldly. "Bai Shan, you'd better be honest."

If Ouyang let a woman in her early thirties stay aside, he was afraid of what Bai Shan would do to hurt Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao. If Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao was injured, they would really die miserably. At that time, he was not worried about the police of s country, but about whether the whole society would do anything to them.

Ouyang Ruo leaves, but Bai Shan is still in a state of loss. Bai Shan can hardly accept this reality.

"Why, why?" Bai Shan's eyes shed crystal tears. Why didn't Voss appear? Why did Ouyang Ruo appear? He sat down on the ground and looked up at Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, who was sitting leisurely drinking tea. "Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, you know, you knew from the beginning that they were using me, right? Why didn't you tell me? Why?"

Why didn't they make it clear to her and why they designed her like this? Bai Shan felt that her heart had been dug up. She didn't want to suffer like this. Who would tell her that all this is not true? It's not true.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" lips slightly hook, "will you believe it? Don't you still think I want to break you up?"

Bai Shan didn't make so much noise in front of the little Lord, and even stunned the little Lord. Xuanyuan family knew this. Even when they wanted to punish Bai Shan, the little Lord stopped them, which made Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao very angry. What can Bai Shan do to let the little Lord treat him like that.

"I... I..." tears kept flowing down. She thought Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao and Bai Shan were going to break them up. Bai Shan was very painful. "But why don't you tell the truth of the matter? Maybe I'll believe it."

At the beginning, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao was busy with other things. It was difficult for her to meet her. She even had to be informed by the servants. Bai Shan felt that she was ignored. Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't treat her as a friend at all. Later, she didn't trust Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao because of Xiaoxiao's alienation?

"No, you won't believe it." Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao understands that the reason why the little Lord didn't tell Bai Shan is that Bai Shan is likely to have another misunderstanding. He thinks it was deliberately fabricated by the Xuanyuan family because the Xuanyuan family has that ability. "You will only have a more misunderstanding, otherwise how can you think that the heirs of the Xuanyuan family are greasy?"

Bai Shan's behavior spread among them. They were also shocked by Bai Shan's behavior. Unexpectedly, there were such stupid women in the world. How could the heirs of Xuanyuan family be the ones who would assassinate their relatives like that? The heirs of Xuanyuan family carry most things, It can be said that the heirs of the Xuanyuan family dedicated their lives to the whole Xuanyuan family.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" looked at the tea in his hand and didn't look at Bai Shan at all. Bai Shan really disgusted people more and more. Fortunately, it wasn't the little Lord's face towards Bai Shan.

"I......" Bai Shan clenched her teeth and shed tears. Her heart was torn bit by bit. She just heard that worth said how difficult it was to become the heir of the big family, so under her jealousy, her thought slowly began to deviate. How powerful the heir of Xuanyuan family is, but she Bai Shan is not.

When she was at school, Lin Xiaoxiao was a civilian, and her Bai Shan was superior, even though they had no intersection at that time; When Xiaoxiao returned to the state of China, Bai Shan had too much contact with Xiaoxiao. At first, she just regarded Xiaoxiao as a star, or she still felt that Xiaoxiao's identity was lower than theirs, but who thought that Xiaoxiao turned and became the heir of Xuanyuan family, which made her a little unbearable. At that time, there were some flames in her heart, but it was not big; After arriving at the s country, Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao didn't have much contact with herself. Bai Shan felt that she had a big gap with Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, so her jealousy became more vigorous.

"Needless to say," Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao doesn't want to hear Bai Shan pour bitter water. She's not the little Lord. I think the little Lord won't care much about Bai Shan's words now. Bai Shan has hurt the little Lord enough. Now if she listens to Bai Shan's words again, she's really worried that she will crush Bai Shan to death if she's not careful.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" not only has a good technique of changing looks, but also has practiced martial arts. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been caught here. When it comes to catching, it's actually designed by them. Worth, they don't know that they don't catch the young master at all. How can the Xuanyuan family make it so easy for them to catch the young master here, They have arranged many people to protect them around the little Lord.

Bai Shan sat there and kept crying. After a while, she stood up and went to the door and rang the bell hard. She wanted to see worth. She wanted to hear worth say that to her, otherwise she would never be reconciled. How could such a thing happen? Maybe worth didn't want to trouble her. Worth really loved her.

When Ouyang Ruo appeared again, what she saw was Bai Shan's crazy ringing the bell. She thought Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao had any needs. Unexpectedly, Bai Shan made such a noise.

"Bai Shan, have you done enough?" Bai Shan's messy hair and crying makeup make Ouyang Ruo feel that he sees a female ghost. "Stay well, maybe I'll let you go one day."

Bai Shan is of no use to them, but worth thinks Bai Shan has wasted too much of their effort and wants Bai Shan to suffer.

"Worth, I want to see him," Baishan wiped the tears from her eyes. She wants to see worth, she must see him.

"He doesn't have time to see you now," Ouyang Ruo also asked Voss if he would like to have a look, but Voss doesn't like Bai Shan at all. How can Voss waste time for Bai Shan, "you disgust him to the point of disgusting him. What do you think he feels about you?"

"No, it won't," Baishan still didn't believe it. "You, you didn't let worth see me!"

"Idiot," Ouyang Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to Bai Shan and looked at Xiang Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, just bear with it for a while. When we leave, we will naturally let you go."

Ouyang Ruo was helpless. It was really helpless to lock Bai Shan and Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao in the same place. He threw off Bai Shan and grabbed him. Ouyang Ruo left the room again.

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