Celestial Peak

Chapter 329: Why?

"W—Why can't I do it? Control, space and open a rift, why can't I do it?!"

Bai Xue's had spent a lot of time attempting to control space and two years later she was starting to get the hang of controlling space. Which was totally not something like she would be capable of.

Just like Wang Ling she was a genius, she was the only genius that could match him in terms of latent ability and even ferocity. However, right now what she is showing is not something she would do.

Her control over her qi was slowly deteriorating. It was as if she was losing control of her own body. She began to feel fear once again. She tried to call out to a name, but even that name disappeared.

And as she felt even more suppressed because of some odd feeling within her soul; her soul began to tremble and from within her own body, a shout, a roar exploded from within her body, "GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK AND GET OUT! DISAPPEAR!"

The voice's words were cut short as Bai Xue shut her own senses. There it was again, voice calling out to her as if it was trying to reclaim something. She grasped her head as if trying to fight the voice.

However, the voice was rampaging. It was reeking of killing intent, dense killing intent. It was rampaging attacking her mind, it was corrupting and as 'Bai Xue' tried suppressing the voice, it managed to let out a few more words, "THOSE ARE MY~~" But it was cut short once again.

'Bai Xue' fell to her knees and lost her consciousness. She dreamt of a man with a valiant figure, he stood tall against all odds, he faced her with his fist and as despite whispering, "Ling." the figure before her was not Wang Ling, but the qi of that figure was still that of Chaos Qi.


The archipelago up north stretches for thousands of kilometers. It was wide and almost unending. Filled with beasts that was not even supposed to exist in this layer because of their cultivation level.

Though there is no God present, Wang Ling still ought to be careful. It was rumored that the strongest beast around is around the pinnacle of the twelfth meridian. He will die even with his newfound powers and abilities. He can't fight a beast like that without reaching the level of the seventh meridian and the very least with his lineage must be utilized.

But as he stood there on the shore with his Ocean's Lull activated. He didn't even hesitate to fly off.

He needs no further preparation. Any further preparation will be meaningless as he had already reached the optimal amount. He was flying like a missile and as he did he activated the Soaring Devil in order for him to move quicker.

Faint Hellish Qi exuded out of Wang Ling's body but it did not matter for he was alone in the vast and almost desolate. Aside from the occasional beast Wang Ling avoids, he will only engage in a fight unless it was absolutely needed.

Also, every single time he kills and spreads blood on the ocean he will change course before returning to the direction where the Black Dragon's Trench lies.

This is the ocean, the territory of his enemies, they are beings that can smell blood from who knows how far. Being not so adept in the way of oceanic may just be his weakness.

With his carefulness and his never-ending stamina, Wang Ling managed to reach the Dragon's Temple in three weeks' time. Not that he was already on the temple but at least above the trench.

Below him was a patch of a dark blue color. The depth of the trench is a few hundreds of thousands deep, twenty thousand below sea level was hard enough as it is but hundreds of thousands is not something even some Immortals can handle.

The heat, the pressure, and the sheer amount of beast down there that will assault you is something that will shred many cultivators to many pieces. However, as Wang Ling took in a deep breath, he brought out his swords. Four of them hovered around him and without much hesitation he dove deep into the water.

With his descent, the creature that has a sensitive touch to the water all jumped up to check and see the foolish prey. When they saw it was a brave yet foolish third meridian Immortal they all jumped in joyous laughter and then swan towards Wang Ling in an attempt to devour him.

[Three on the side and four from behind!] Wang Ling already noticed the swarm of the beast and with a headcount of the beast that entered his Ocean's Lull, Wang Ling made his move and stopped his movements letting the three on the side passed but letting the other four get closer.

"Suzhen!" Fire underwater seemed to be something useless but with the intensity of Suzhen and her current form, her uses was far more than what Wang Ling would anticipate.

Suzhen with her serpentine body began to weave around the four gigantic fish Immortal beasts coming for her father. Suzhen roared aloud and then her five-meter long body extended and before long her very body was no less than a thousand meters in length and a twenty meters in width.

Her sudden extension of length made it easy for her to devour. Suzhen's growth had been making Wang Ling rather satisfied. Ever since they stepped foot on the Lower Heaven, Wang Ling had seen her growth to be exponential.

She devoured the beast and scared the others trying to come for her Father, she moved towards Wang Ling and let him get on top of her head, "Call me again, Father."

Wang Ling returned to him descend and then let Suzhen back into his body but kept her at the ready if anything was to appear. Inside, Fer was arguing why he didn't get to come out.

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