Celestial Peak

Chapter 333: The Past

Wang Ling found himself inside a single path that leads to who knows what. He tried to look where this will lead and Wang Ling failed to do it. No matter what he does he can't see the end of the room.

Behind him was a wall. A dead-end and without anything to do, Wang Ling started walking. He tried flying but he can't, it seems like something was hindering his ability to do so.

At first he was walking, but soon after he picked up and the pace and ran with all his might. The Gray Figure remained silent, it was observing the situation and when it finally got the grasp of the space around them, the Gray Figure finally spoke, "We are inside the Temple, but I can feel fluctuations in space beyond this one, be careful. Also, you are still prohibited from using your Angelic Qi, we are still in the Lower Heaven after all. But Hellish Qi, you are allowed to go all out."

Wang Ling liked hearing that and he unfurled his wings and like an arrow, he flew towards the end of the passage. Flying using one's wings is not dictated by qi, he was at a total advantage right now.

Wang Ling flew to the end of the passage with ease, he met no guardian or anything of the like and when he got to the end he found himself in a dark room. It was pitch black, no one would be able to see anything if it wasn't Wang Ling who was in there.

He observed his surroundings and caught sight of a statue on the side. It was the statue of a Black Dragon and its detail was impeccable. Amazingly crafted, and the qi surrounding it was dense. It was more than five meters in height and Wang Ling found its size relatively small when he remembered the Black Dragon right outside the temple.

As if he was in some sort of ancient cove, Wang Ling looked around some more. And as he observed his surrounding more, he found that the room he was in was circular like a dome and on the walls, and ceilings there were etchings of what seemed to be a man against a Beasts and the other races.

There were numerous kinds of drawings scattered around and most of them were about a grand battle against beasts and the other race. But what got Wang Ling's attention the most were the engraved symbols on the wall. They were written as so to seem like nonsense but when Wang Ling observed it, the nonsensical symbols transformed into words he understood.

[These symbols are kind of weird, but they resemble the words of the Hell and Heaven Walls. Is this a part of history?] He read the symbols on the walls in secret. ["The Dragons d descend as Chaos and death finally spread throughout the land. The beasts and the divine fought as the Creator watched in sadness as its creation fought for supremacy. And so, the first war erupted in —", Cut off? Tsk, bad timing!]

Wang Ling wanted to learn more but this was halted all of a sudden as the symbols disappeared entirely. The drawings too had ended, had gone full circle and no more information appeared for Wang Ling to learn.

He wanted to see what more there is to the war but it was cut short. The Gray Figure remained silent throughout. He had thought it would say something regarding the words on the wall but it seems like it was going to stay silent this time.

[Maybe he knows nothing about this specific past. Is it the case just like the rest?] He asked himself.

But little did he know that it was merely silent because it was glaring at the symbols on the wall. Just like Wang Ling had deduced the Gray Figure know nothing. It did not know the words that was being uttered and it did not know what kind of war it was talking about.

But staring at the images, the Gray Figure was torn. These images for whatever reasons are making the Gray Figure waver from its original goal. The goal was to create the perfect successor who will rule the world beyond Heaven and Hell and unite everything under one banner just like before.

The Gray Figure wishes for peace, but for some reason, it was wavering. It stayed silent because it cannot speak as the words it wanted to utter was stuck on its throat. The Gray Figure shook its head, thinking, [It must be nothing, I will be able to learn everything when we return to the Celestial Spirit Realm anyway.]

The Gray Figure thought as such and then shook everything away. No matter what it does, it is all for his successor, it is not being selfish, that is its thought because that was its genuine plan.

Whilst the Gray Figure was wondering what was wrong with itself, Wang Ling finally managed to locate what it is that he needed to do in order for him to complete this trial.

He had flew up and on the place where he used to stand there were different patterns. As if they were dance, there were twelve different forms to be followed. Wang Ling observed this fact and flew down from above, "Do I need to copy it?" He thought.

He began to move and tried moving as the form indicated. He raised both arms and had his hands formed like a Dragon's claw. When he did the action he felt his qi circulating involuntarily.

The qi consumption was large on that single movement but Wang Ling did not waver because his qi reserves cannot be emptied so easily.

And so, he once again moved for the second form and then the third the fourth until he reached the twelfth form and it was then that he felt the convergence of qi around his chest area. The qi wanted to come out and as if he was a Dragon, Wang Ling opened his mouth and an earth-shaking roar came about from within his body.

The roar caused of his spread qi around the place and the dome-like room shimmered and with that, a wild fluctuation on space occurred. The ground Wang Ling was standing on glimmered and exploded into a bright white light and soon after the light disappeared he was brought along with it.

And then, from within the Dragon Statue, a sighed emerged and the invisible will of the Dragon that was hiding from the statue smirked when he remembered what Wang Ling had just shown it, "For a human to successfully do a dragon's roar in on the turn, just how strong are his veins and meridians?"

What mattered in executing that Dragon's Roar is not the pool of qi but the strength of the veins and meridian in a cultivator! Wang Ling just executed a technique of the dragons that matched the versatility of a half Dragonkin's ability.

But the will laughed, saying, "Hehe, but surely he will not be able to last long on the second trial. This is the Trial for the best of the best and the second trial and only be survived if you possess extraordinary strength."

On the second trial, Wang Ling found himself in the mouth of a volcano. In the mouth of the volcano, there was also a dragon statue where a Dragon's Will was observing what is happening and as it watched with widened eyes.

Wang Ling enjoyed his bath on magma that was formed from the heat of an Infernal Dragon's essence. Inside the magma was Wang Ling with Suzhen and Fer enjoying themselves just like a Family on an outing.

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