Celestial Peak

Chapter 336: The Legend of the Mother

"You are unsure? That is not something I expected. Well, I supposed it is not for me to judge you at the least. You are but the byproduct of something that is beyond your power. Well, that is it I supposed. But answer me, have chaos surfaced in the world outside? I cannot exactly exit this place and check what is happening outside so tell me, what is happening outside. Have the Deities surfaced from their dwellings?"

The Black Dragon had been observing Wang Ling, it did not know if Wang Ling was speaking of the truth but still, the only thing she could do was sigh.

[This man is a mystery, I can tell that he is lying and his body possesses the two lineages but I can tell he has human essence in his body. I cannot tell if it truly is Chaos as I have not experienced it before but the qi in his body is something I can comprehend.]

And so, the fifth-generation Deity sighed in frustration. It never planned to do anything to Wang Ling in the first place, it was only surprising — shock at the sight of someone wielding the two qi.

Wang Ling looked at the Black Dragon and sighed, "I cannot tell you anything I do not know, but I can tell you that there are no Deities in the land, but I heard that the Abyssal Demons have appeared and is in a war against the Lower Heaven and beyond."

The heart of the Black Dragon began to beat wildly and as it smiled, the Black Dragon thought, [So the advent of Chaos is beginning to take place. It seems like another War is about to occur, will the Kings descend and destroy the Abyssal Demons and seal their worlds again or is this the time for the Deities to rise and welcome the coming? I cannot tell, sadly, I cannot bear witness to it on my own.]

"Is that so, well then, I have nothing more to say. Oh yeah, I never got your name."

"It is Wang Ling…"

"Wang Ling is it? Well, I should at least know the name of the person who has managed to pass through the trials. Then, I suppose this is goodbye, I will send you to the entrance now." The Black Dragon was about to wave its hand Wang Ling opened his mouth to question the actions of the Black Dragon.

"Wait, is there no such thing as a treasure at the end of this trial or something? Something that possesses a lot of qi or something like that, is there no such thing?"

The Black Dragon looked at him and laughed, "Haha, who said such a thing? This trial of mine is used to strengthen the user along the way of taking on the trial. There are seven Trials overall and in the seven trials, you will grow stronger and considering your strength and ease on how you approach the trials you will not benefit here. The prize is like those legends you know, "The journey is the prize you get" bye now."

"Wait, at least send me back to the second trial area. I'll do the whole trial, I need to improve my cultivation while I am here!"

The Black Dragon only smiled and had to think about it before sighing, "No one really challenges my Trials so I supposed it is not a problem. I shall let you resume the Trials."

With that, the Black Dragon sent Wang Ling to the second trial zone where he resumed his training shortly after.

When the Black Dragon left, she resumed drinking tea and enjoyed the atmosphere and as she closed her eyes, she remembered a legend right after telling the legend of the Emperor and its General.

Back in the olden days, the Deities also had their own legend of their own God, the Creator of all Beasts. It was said that the ruler of Beasts was a benevolent Goddess that reveres life more than anything else.

It hated conflict and would cry because of the death of its people. The Goddess of the Deities was a benevolent and wise being that stands above every other being. The Goddess was also born of Chaos but its power took a different turn.

Its power to create was not so strong and only took a part of its body to spread its never-ending glory. From the First Generation created from its own Fresh and Blood, the Goddess treated them as its own children.

But the benevolent Goddess not only treated the First Generation Deities as its children but every beast. It cried when the death of its children occurred. So by the time the war against every race happened, the Mother of all Beasts did not participate so actively or so they say.

When the Goddess disappeared, the First Generation of the Deities secluded themselves. But they left the words, "Great Mother will return to us with us once more", just wait for her return.

But some of the Deities did not believe their words and believed they were abandoned and hated their Mother for it. And so, the conflict of the different Beasts happened shortly after and the bloody battle for supremacy raged.

Many of the Deities already perished and wiped. Only a few remain, the Black Dragon's situation was rare as many of the other Beasts have already had their souls dissipate after the many conflicts.

However, this is just a Legend. An ancient nonsense that had been uttered eons ago when the Emperor and the General still existed.

"Well, if the Goddess of the Beast does indeed return, will she rule over us once again? Or will she be different from the stories?" She did not know, "Is this what the two qi boy felt?"

It was truly bizarre for the Black Dragon to doubt. And as it began to doubt, it felt something from beneath its feet. From underground, a mild and almost dismissible tremor was felt, the Black Dragon's eyes turned to slit and it uttered, "Do not make a commotion."

Now, it had been confirmed that something is truly happening around the Universe, "Is the Abyssal Demons getting stronger?"

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