Celestial Peak

Chapter 353: Truth III

The realm that was not suited for the presence of Immortals was beginning to show its fragility. What was supposed to be a realm for celestials became the battlefield of Immortals?

Wang Ling took the full-frontal brunt of his flames. It was intense and terrifying, for the Demons that is. Standing with little to no clothes on, the demons that jumped on him was disintegrated. The full blast of Fer was simply too strong, too terrifying.

"Thankfully, I am immune to any elemental attacks."

Such is the thoughts of Wang Ling. It was particularly terrifying if he didn't have the lineage of the Holy Lord. The strength of his flames was too intense that it disintegrated the body of the Demons and when he turned over to observe what happened behind, he saw a gorge had been created.

The rock around it was melted and was still burning. It was quite a sight for Wang Ling and seeing it made him shiver. Truly, if he didn't have the Holy Lord lineage he would have been erased from existence.

He laughed and turned to the side and saw many more Demons taking the place of their fallen comrades. A tower of azure flames burst out with a Lynx on top and a Wolf from a blood-colored flame.

Wang Ling turned to the intensity of the two new flames, it was strong, stronger than what Fer and Suzhen could show. Also, their body didn't seem ethereal, it seemed real and it could be touched if one wishes to do so.

This is the third level of the True Flames of Chaos, Ascendancy. Granting a life to the flames and letting them incarnate as beings that exist solely to serve their master.

Wang Ling looked up and saw Yan Renhuo fighting the demons with her halberd. Showing a smile on his face, Wang Ling dashed forward in order to continue the battle against the Demons.

The world continued to shake and tremble, and from the chaos came the howl of the world wishing for everything to end. Bai Xue, who had her hands cupping her face to get away from reality began to tremble.

She was in the embrace of Xiao Yu. Being comforted for the fear she was showing was genuine. The pain in her mind was still echoing like the tumultuous wave of the eastern seas. The cries of her mind echoed deep within, but these cries were devoured by the cries of the world that echoed in her ears.

Its cries of pain echoed in her ears, as it was alive, the world was in pain.

Bai Xue slowly raised her head and observed the vicinity. She confirmed the damages that had been created by the fight between demons and the other races.

Upon witnessing the aftermath, Bai Xue turned to the area of commotion; there, she witnessed Wang Ling getting injured from all sides fighting with the never-ending flow of demons and seeing that made her mind click with her current self.

"Our home is being touched again, no, not again. Stop it, Ling, please don't fight, don't leave me again, you will die, please—"

"What, is happening? Bai Xue, are you alright?" asked Xiao Yu who had Bai Xue in her embrace.

Pained memories swept her psyche and she was devoured by the stream of unending negative emotions. A lock of her white hair began to change in color, from white it transformed to blood red.

A purple diamond gem about the size of a fingernail appeared on her forehead and it too changed in color and radiated a light that is deeper than what it had previously shown, she was in pain, her heart was throbbing from fear.

The diamond left her forehead and it glowed a brilliant blood-red light before shattering and forming a corona around her head. The blood-red light made Xiao Yu's mouth open wide as she recognizes that corona.

"High-God Realm. No, it is near a third of the corona but it is still half, she's a pseudo-High-God."

In God Realm, there are three stages without any minor stages. Low-God, Mid-God, and High-God; these three stages have no sub-stages as the [Mandate] they command is the only thing that dictates their level of strength.

The stronger the mandate they wield, the stronger their God Might would become. And the stronger their God Might, the more the [God's Corona] would near its perfection. If a corona of God Might appeared overhead and form a quarter-circle then you are a Low God. A half-circle is Mid-God and the third will be the High-God Realm.

Wang Ling and Yan Renhuo turned towards the light. It was a terrifying color but it was mysteriously full of life. And when he saw the figure of Bai Xue, he had a bad feeling of things and soon he instructed, "Suzhen, Fer, take care of things here, I need to stop her."

However, before the two can respond, Bai Xue's voice echoed throughout the entirety of Desolate Domain and her body began to morph and mutate.

Seven fox tails grew from her behind and the wings of a Dragon and a Phoenix sprouted from her back. Her hair was changed completely from white to blood red. Bai Xue's face began to warp and she cried.

"No, don't, not again, not again, not again, not again!" She continuously spoke in a pleading and sad voice, she was talking to someone but no one was in front of her and finally, she went silent for a moment and she whispered, "I'll kill you, the ones who desecrated my home!"

"Bai Xue, are you a— ugh!" Xiao Yu was asking Bai Xue and she secretly raised her qi to pseudo-High-God in order to suppress her. She does not know what is happening to Bai Xue, but if she was to let her go on a rampage the realm will crumble.

But then, a simple wave of Bai Xue's hand flew to her and Xiao Yu prepared to catch it only to end up failing and flying tens of kilometers away from where she stood.


Xiao Yu flew past a thousand kilometer and reached the nearest mountain where she crashed and coughed up a litter of blood.

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