Celestial Peak

Chapter 357: Truth VIII

At the gate of the Wang Family's main house, people gathered with one intent in mind, greet the First Young Master back home.

It had been over two decades since his disappearance and many thought he was dead. But it had just been announced that the First Young Master had been found. Although the threat of the Abyssal Demons still looms over the people of the Celestial Spirit Realm, the people of the Wang Family cared for the appearance of the Young Master once again.

Wang Yue could hardly keep herself as she stood there with the rest of the family. Xun Jia and BingDiao were also there with kids around the age of seven to eight in their embrace.

There were three children and all of them was the son of Wang Hong. Wang Shu, the youngest of the three turned to look at BingDiao and asked, "Is Uncle Wang Ling really that extraordinary? Did Great Grandfather really lost to him before?"

The other two children also turned to BingDiao who merely smiled as she answered with a nod.

"He is that great and every story you heard about him is as true as it could get. He did slew the vile Devil of the South and single-handedly brought upon peace in our realm. Also, the issue about him defeating Grandfather-in-law is a matter witnessed by your father himself, do you think your father will lie to you?"

"Yes." The other two children nodded their heads. Xun Jia and BingDiao looked at one another with a smile.

BingDiao's and Xun Jia's faces showed a smile only a mother could show an understanding smile that had an underlying anger brewing below.

The three are the sons of Wang Shu Qing. They are Wang Min, Wang Shu, and Wang Lin. They have shown talents in cultivation and have always viewed their father as the strongest of his generation but their father spoke about the great Wang Ling who seemed to triumph over his every achievement.

The three thought he was lying and teasing them like he always does. But from the words of everyone they have asked, the answer was the same. He is a great man with unparalleled virtue.

They didn't believe their words for they only believe what they know.

Time passed and a rift opened before them. Traveling through space, the army of the realm stepped out and the first to do so was Wang Shu Qing, the General of the realm below the Origin. Known as the protector of the realm, the General fought for what he believed is right and that is protecting everyone that he can.

Behind him was the Second Young Master of the strongest family in the Realm, Wang Hong. Bearing the presence of a war god he was hailed as the strongest of his generation after his older Brother who joined their generation because of an unfortunate accident.

"Grandfather, Father!" The three ran forward giving the valiant warriors of their family a hug only to stop when their eyes caught sight of the handsome young man who bore eight black feathery wings.

In his arms was an unconscious beautiful fairy-like lady. With her eyes closed, she seemed like an angel that had descended upon this world and the three got their attention taken away by her presence even though she was not away.

The three children stopped dead on their tracks unable to move forward. It was not only the presence of the lady but also the man with the eight wings who got their attention.

They felt threatened but also at ease when they stood before Wang Ling. It was an odd experience that the young boys did not know how to explain what it was that they are feeling.

"Oh, is this your children, Wang Hong? They seem energetic. They will become good warriors in the future."

Wang Hong laughed at the words of his older brother proud of his children, "Indeed, they are talented for their age, even more so that I was. Children, this is your Uncle, my Older Brother, Wang Ling, show your respect to your Uncle."

The three children bowed to show their respect but their eyes left his pupils.

Wang Ling smiled at the three and with a twist of his wrist three rings appeared and he each gave them to the three, "You can keep whatever is inside the rings, it will help you cultivate."

Wang Shu wanted to ask something when a figure from behind jumped Wang Ling and gave him the hug that had been simmering for the past years.

"Older Brother, you are finally back!" Wang Yue showed no decorum that is fit for someone her age. She was already over 40 years of age yet in front of Wang Ling she was still like a child.

Wang Ling returned her affection and he too gave her a hug saying that he had come home. Tears welled up and flowed off her eyes. It had been so long that she failed to keep it in and jumped at him without any restraint.

It was not proper but no one stopped her or said anything against what she was doing. Wang Ling also spoke nothing to make her stop and just gave her the permission that she wanted.

Soon followed Xiao Fei'er who stepped before Wang Ling and took him by the ear and pulled it and beginning a lecture that shall last for an hour.

"You child, why didn't you try contacting us when you got stranded in the Lower Heaven!? You little..."

Everyone showed different forms of affection towards him and welcomed him back. Butler Sun merely nodded as he welcomed him.

He was welcomed just the way he was welcomed all those years back. The three children watched Wang Ling in the middle of the group of people and found it rather new. He attracts people to him, that was what they thought and their young mind has yet to understand that this was the correct answer.

Over the years of Wang Ling's travels, he killed and saved many people. He actively kills but never did he actively save anyone without his own interest in mind.

But as his fame continued to rise, Wang Ling's presence became similar to the sun that everyone could see. He was the light that gives direction while also destruction, but to the Wang Family he was the First Young Master they all adored.

In this life and past life, Wang Ling had companions, and he had already been finally freed by the curse of his past when he saved the life of Wang Yue all those years back. But with his family with him, he finally understood the intentions of his master why he wished for him to create a family of his own.

His master knew that Wang Ling will never be able to let go of his sins but with a family of his own that he must protect he will find new meaning in life. Before Wang Ling had even known it, his life was already tied to the members of the Wang Family.

Right now, he was already at the edge of the end. He is about to end his path, but the next and last step is yet to be taken. But the instant he does take it he will be able to understand what it is that he truly wished to have.

But with the situation being calm before the occurrence of the largest storm, Wang Ling was hesitant to take the step. It might destroy the path he had built and ultimately his family.

And similar to the past, the first family that he had created together with his master was slaughtered everything was calm.

In this life, he fears that the same thing shall happen once again.

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