Celestial Peak

Chapter 366: Life

Wang Ling's wish was simple. He wished for a momentary, power to protect, that was his wish. Wang Ling was someone with some grand ambition, but in the end, his ambitions were tied to the earthly desire to protect his family. 

The family of the past was the family he had previously failed to protect. He already saw his family die once, all of them died in cold blood, and despite it not being his fault, he still regreted it to the point he carried it to his second life.

The second chance he got in life was spent trying to reach an apex of power in order to get some form of redemption. 

However, what he got when he neared that peak, when walked that path to the apex was another mistake that led to the death of who knows how many. 

The world, no, the universe would be filled with blood and it would be his fault. In truth, he did not care about those people, but the start of the massacre would be at this realm, the realm where peace was supposed to be built on.

Wang Ling's body was already destroyed, his ligaments, muscles, and even soul was on the verge of collapsing. Yet his foundation stood tall and proud. The implosion was not enough to destroy it, not nearly enough to even shake the foundation.

Wang Ling wished for one thing and one thing alone, it was to kill so he could protect. The voice in his body reacted to answer this sole wish.

Strength flowed into his foundation and then into his veins and meridians. Slowly, he got up, chaos filled his body, but it was a silent flow, not a chaotic rushing of a river. His hands trembled and it became a sword. 

A burst of strength appeared from the depths of his soul, the black obsidian mark showed itself and the golden marks glowed. And before the Gray Figure could even notice what was happening, Wang Ling's body jerked and the hand which turned into a sword blended with his serene chaos qi and plunged it to the still regenerating heart of the Gray Figure.

The Gray Figure, whose name had yet to be uttered had its eyes widen as he witnessed Wang Ling's hands pierce his body. The body that had yet to reach its peak in terms of regeneration and power was pierced by the hand of chaos. 

The Gray Figure turned around, slowly, trying to see the eyes of the one who slew him. He then saw the "foolish", Wang Ling. He looked into his eyes and stared at his broken soul, he smiled for he could see the light of the previous "Emperor" glaring back.

It was a surprise, he smiled, thinking it was amusing how he used the same trick as he did.

Like the Gray Figure, the Emperor survived with nothing but a sliver of consciousness left. But unlike the Gray Figure, he hid in the depths of the first blood as to not become another variable in the world that no longer needs his presence.

'So, he chose to disappear... such a decision is the right thing to do. Disappearing into the past and letting the present play its course, sadly, that is not the path I wish to take.' 

The chaos qi the Gray Figure gathered in his body then trembled. He was not strong enough to contain this form after having been hit by a strike laced with chaos.

The Gray Figure smiled for he knew... he won.

"Sadly, you still failed."

Wang Ling exchanged gazes with the nameless Gray Figure. The body of the Gray Figure bloated up, swelling, the tissue that had been forming changed and became like a balloon. 

The qi of Hell, Heaven, and Chaos began mixing but refused to harmonize. It would soon explode and disappear. 

Wang Ling frowned. The body of the Gray Figure continued to swell as the barrier of chaos surrounding the Red Lands began to disappear. 

He frowned deeper, the qi that had been bestowed upon him by the voice was fading, he only has one more move in order end it all. He called upon the Blood Seeking Sword from his storage ring and channeled his qi to his Human Blood Essence, he plunged the sword to the dirt and a golden wall circled him and the Gray Figure's swelling body.

Seeing the Gate of Heaven technique, the Gray Figure laughed wildly... 

The Gray Figure's guffaw, however was drowned by the voice...

"So, you found the Gate of Heaven? I didn't think it would survive the test of time. I supposed you are ready to end your life? I scanned through your mind once, I saw your end, you destroyed your Blood Essence and turned to dust. Before, you had nothing to lose, so you did not fear the end, but now, you have everything on the line and once you die you will never return like before. Your soul has been tainted by Chaos, and chaos cannot enter the cycle of reincarnation, even the hope of a next life is but wishful thinking for you now. So, are you not afraid of death?"

Wang Ling nodded his head at the comment of the voice in his head. He began to think, he looked at the swelling Gray Figure, and after contemplating over his decisions, Wang Ling smiled.

"I do not, though I do desire wish to live longer. At least, I wish to say my goodbyes to my family, the ones who took cared for "Wang Ling" in this life. And I wish to say, thank you for granting me the chance to forgive myself."

Wang Ling's Blood Essence was slowly being depleted, it was burning off faster than an oil lamp.

"Even I cannot save you, but, it would seem that the Universe wishes to grant your wish..."

Wang Ling heard footsteps coming his way. He turned around and saw Bai Xue coming his way.

He was weak, but he smiled, he looked at her tear-stained face and reminisced of the past.

Bai Xue saw his state, she could feel his poor life essence she grew aware of his state. It was depleting at a very fast rate, she wished to break the Golden Light, but Wang Ling raised his hand, saying.

"Do not try, it will not break. Also, even if I undo it, I will die shortly after."

"What the hell are you saying? LING!"

"I am sorry, but it seems like this is my end. As I meet my end, can I please ask 'you' to show me the real 'you'? If I am wrong, I know that you are not the one who had been with me in my travels, please, let me meet her one more time."

Enclosed by the Golden Light, Wang Ling's voice was still clear to the ear and his request got through to 'Bai Xue' and for the first time in years, the familiar aura and the familiar tone of voice emerged from the mouth of Bai Xue.

"So, you are going to die?"

She sat down, stared at Wang Ling and asked the question as if it was not something that concerned her, all the while her heart began to tighten.

Wang Ling heard her cold response and he laughed weakly thinking that this was truly her.

"I supposed I was correct. Well, to answer your question, I should have already died, but luckily, I am still here. Sooner or later, I will truly die, it is only a matter of time. Xue...I am sorry...but, can I asks you a favour?"

"What are you apologizing for? You have done nothing wrong... I need no apology from you...just say your favour...one... one last time, I will do complete that favour." A crooked smirk appeared while her eyes reddened.

"Thank you..." 

Wang Ling looked at Bai Xue and opened his mouth. Tears fell from his eyes and Bai Xue let her tears gush. She listened to his words and as his words ended, Bai Xue watched Wang Ling get devoured by the explosion brought upon the by the Gray Figure.

His Human Blood Essence continued to burn, burning away at his life as it tried to preserve the barrier in order to keep the world intact. By the time the golden light dissipated, Wang Ling's death was confirmed.

As Bai Xue's tears fell, she raised her head and screamed to the skies. The world heard her pained cry. No matter what her feelings towards him was, whether it be companionship, or love she would remember him as the one who stood by her side. 

She watched his end, she cried. The two Kings arrived and stood by her side for some time, observing the area where Wang Ling died, they looked at the burnt ground and tried sensing the lingering qi.

They spoke only one line.

"He still lives." 

They spoke not of Wang Ling, but the one who was with him inside the Golden Light. The Gray Figure lives.

Bai Xue said no words, the five beings who called her mother watched her grieving back, unable to approach her, unable to comfort her.

Three hours later, the people of the Wang Family arrived. From Wang Ling's Mother to his nephews he barely got to know.

Xiao Fei'er stood before Bai Xue, asking where her son was. The promised he had spoken about returning had been left unfulfilled.

Bai Xue could see her eyes, turning red. In Xiao Fei'er's heart she was already aware of the answer, but she waited for Bai Xue's confirmation as she tried to cling to a single thread of hope that she was wrong.

Xiao Fei'er clung to Bai Xue, as if she wanted her to say something else...

But as Bai Xue shook her head, "He's gone." 

Xiao Fei'er's and the Wang family member's tears fell. They cried and sobbed, cultivators they may be, they found it painful trying to catch their breath as the truth settled in.

Bai Xue began to choke up, her strong front that sent Wang Ling off was broken down in front of the mother who had just lost her son. Bai Xue cried, she cried and cried without trying to stop the flow of her tears.

Her wails echoed throughout the forest, and once all settled down, Bai Xue recited the final words of Wang Ling...

"In this world, nothing is constant and nothing will remain stagnant. My life will end but do not be saddened for it is my choice. The time I spent with my family is something of a blessing I cannot thank enough. My world that only had red from the blood of my enemies blossomed as a sapling of happiness finally sprouted a leaf.

"The meaning of death I know too much, but the meaning of a joyful life I know none. But spending it with my family, companions, and friends I grew to understand what they are. This life is a blessing, it may have not lasted over hundreds of years, but it had already surpassed 70,000.

"I have reached the peak of Celestial and should have stopped when I could. 

"Alas, I have found myself at the end of my path...

"I will never tread upon this land nor will I ever see you again, but know that wherever I may be, I wish for your prosperity and health to never meet its end.

"Father, Mother, Yue'er, Hong'er, Xue, Renhuo, and everyone who stood by my side—thank you."

The flow of time would never end, the cycle of life and death would continue without fail. As life had been taken, another chance would blossom in the next.

And as wars waged in every corner of the universe a voice in the deep void echoed.

"I shall now grant you your heart's wish."

A broken light flickered in the void, the light was dissipating but a hand ever so gently caressed it and placed it near its chest. Trying to give it the warmth it wished to have.

The dissipating light gained its luster and once again, it disappeared with the man.

The path of the man who wished to conquer the apex had already been fulfilled, the path he took has ended yet it was not complete. He wished for power yet the truth echoed in his heart, a chance, he wish for a chance to right the mistakes and be with them once more.

Thus, in one corner of the universe, he opened his eyes once more. A third life to finally start the second life he had wasted.

"I shall return."


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