Celestial Peak

Chapter 369: Beyond Slaughtering

"Older brother!!!" Leo was over the moon seeing his brother alive.

He was even spared from Wang Ling's killing intent and seeing the others tremble before Wang Ling made him see a glimmer of hope.

Wang Ling's body was battered, if this was any normal time he would have kept to himself and wait for the storm to pass. But at this moment with a broken body, he stood up against these mortals.

[The cultivation ranks have changed, the method also evolved… I know not what levels these people are but, I know they are not at the levels of Immortals. They can still be killed.]

With a single sword drenched in his and others' blood, Wang Ling faced his enemies with the killing intent that survived three lifetimes.

[This body can still harness the energy of the world, it is not Spirit Qi, nor is it Immortal Qi, but something else entirely… the world hath changed, but I can do nothing other than face it head-on.]

Taking a deep breath, Wang Ling could feel his body screaming out of pain, it was unbearable, but nothing too much. His bones creaked with every movement yet that was not his concern 

His attention wasn't on his enemies either, they were too busy being frozen in fear to pose a threat.

He had time to see what he could and could not do.

[… my bloodlines are there but it had yet to settle with me… the bodily mutation has yet to come and my wings have yet to grow back but…] Wang Ling drew what little bloodline he carried with him from beyond death.

[The True Devil can't physically manifest yet, the obsidian God's Mark has yet to show itself, and the Overlord Lines are not appearing… but I can at least do this.]

A single golden halo appeared behind him, the elements of the world began to shift in his favor, the nearby flames wavered, and with the help of the Holy Race's qi.

The two qi still remained in this world, which meant that Wang Ling's abilities still existed.

With the simple flick of the wrist, the soul of the one he killed took the form of a sphere on his palms. He devoured said soul and slowly used it as a supply for power, and after ten seconds, with the help of the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth and the Holy Qi's innate regenerative power, Wang Ling regained more bodily functionality.

Taking a deep breath, he planted his foot on the ground.

"Now, I'll kill every single one of you here." The sword in his hand hummed, but no one moved and at the sight of this, Wang Ling scoffed, "Are you not going to move, you cowards? I am but a weak man with no strength to fight back, at least have the balls to stand up to me." His voice was weak, by the venom it held was enough to kill a man out of humiliation.

Movement suddenly roused. 


From his left an enraged man crossed the distance between him and the other with ease, the movement was fast but it was a useless attempt because of his clouded judgment.

The weapon brandished was a saber, it was fast-moving but extremely shaky in terms of stability, in short, it was a useless sword, Wang Ling leaned to the side ever so slight and moved his hands up.

A quiet and serene movement appeared, Wang Ling's sword laced with the Quintessence of slaughter moved sliced through the man's arms, and then it shifted in direction to the enemy's neck, "Die."

Another one fell and another soul was gained.

Wang Ling ate and he regained his strength, and with the death of another, the flood gate opened.

Throwing mercy into the wind, three men dashed forth, the old man saw this and shouted, "Wait, nobody move!"

The three men responded to the order, but not Wang Ling as he used this opening to slice through their bodies. Three more fell dead upon touching the ground, this sight incited fear and desperation, the rest followed, they knew this kid would not listen to the Elder.

They all jumped forth, their intention clear, and that's to kill him without remorse!

"DIE!" one of them roared.

[How weird.] His thoughts preoccupied as he cut through the body of an enemy. He killed one but his thoughts were not even in the battle.

Fighting without a care, his body moved without him needing to think.

Wang Ling experienced something bizarre, his body, it felt light as if he was made of feather.


Blades passed through him, he was cut but not injured, blood flowed but it didn't slow him down. To him, these people were no different from children playing with a stick. 

Before a full minute could form, there was nothing left nearby, but more enemies were coming Wang Ling's way.

The ones busily searching the place and slaughtering the weak servants also came to attempt for Wang Ling's life. The bloodied figure he poses made Wang Ling seem like he would keel over at any moment, but the more he fought and the more he killed only made him stronger.

The more people die the more he could harvest soul and by the time everyone other than the Elder fell, Wang Ling managed to call upon three of his haloes.

[The Holy Qi stems from Heavens itself, it is easier to retrieve compared to the True Devil Qi.] He contemplated while standing in the middle of dozens of corpses littering the place.

The Elder looked at Wang Ling seeing his demeanor had changed, he could only think that the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Technique caused this overabundance of confidence.

"Hehehehe, so you actually knew of the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth, my dear disciple. That power, that speed, that vitality must be the cause of cultivating the technique that leads to Nirvana. If you had just told me about it then there would be no need for this kind of thing to occur."

The Elder who saw Wang Ling's sudden metamorphosis was left with drool streaming down his face.

Physically recoiling with utter disgust, Wang Ling looked at the old man with scorn filled eyes, "What the hell are you looking at me like that old man? Are you a predator of young men? Is what a "close companion" of mine would say if she was to see you." 

Wang Ling stated remembering one particular fox. 

Moving quickly, Wang Ling dashed forth and cut through the air without hesitation, the Elder raised his hand in response.

"If you don't want to answer me, I will take the answer out of you after torturing you!" The Elder was keen on deflecting the sword, he had done it earlier before and he was sure he could do it again.

This young man may have killed everyone here, but he's far from capable enough from taking him on. His hand glowed purple, lightning lacerated the air and when the flickering lightning touched the sword, the Elder was already prepared to make a follow-up attack.

He could see so clearly as if his eyes had evolved, it had nothing to do with this body, rather, it was his Dao. The path he took was that of slaughter filled with hatred and bloody slaughter, it stemmed from the death of his master and fellow disciples, Wang Ling walked the path of wanting redemption and with all that guilt weighing down his sword, he never managed to reach the true peak of swordsmanship.

But now, even with the broken body of an undeveloped child, Wang Ling felt freer than he ever had.

'This is it! This is what I have been looking for! This is the True Quintessence of my Sword Path — Pure Death!'

However, instead of bouncing back the sword cut through the lightning, the sword exploded into a white blaze and the fire surrounding the area moved without any warning. 

The fires weaved through the wind and found themselves on Wang Ling's sword and then his body transforming him into a crimson demon.

It was at this time that the Elder saw Wang Ling's grey eyes, quickly feeling death breathing down his neck, he wanted to jump, but to his dismay, the fact that he exchanged gazes with this beast of a human would become his gravest of mistakes.

Like a sheep meeting a Lion's gaze, it froze in fright. 

"Blood Seeking Sword: Fire Emperor!"


His body was split in two as towering flames devoured his entire being. The pained scream of the once arrogant old coot echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone's attention was taken by the towering flames. 

The Elder tried putting the fire out with force alone, but failed, instead, the fire only grew brighter until it turned completely white!

The Elder knew he was about to die, and with a glare, he turned to Wang Ling who was already on the move, and cut off his every limb!


He fell to the ground.

"Mercy… please." He begged for life.

"Is that your last words of apology, scum?" Wang Ling stated standing beside the burning pile of flesh.

Laughter then echoed, "HAHAHAHA! Do… you really think you can live? The Lopus family… they will come for you… and your brother will die a horri—"


"Without value till the end, just shut and die." A cold statement left his mouth.

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