Celestial Peak

Chapter 377: Imprint

"The wound is closing, but it's too slow… well, this is going to be a handicap." 

This would be understandable if this was still the past, but Wang Ling had already assimilated the Holy Qi. His regenerative abilities have already improved several folds.

Added to his Holy Qi would be the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Constitution that allows him to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. 

Even in this level of cultivation Wang Ling was already hard to kill, but right now, he could tell if he doesn't take this seriously, he would die.

'I fought a much stronger Abyssal Demon before and it wasn't even this annoying. Even the dead is improving like crazy, I truly wonder how long I have been dead.' 

On his first death, it took a whole 100 years for him to reincarnate. In that reincarnation not much has changed, but this time, it truly makes Wang Ling wonder.

1,000? 10,00? Or even a 100,000?

"Either way this is a problem. Halting regenerative ability in a single contact, that's some dubious power. So that's how they can kill Immortals and Gods… welp, I'm going to encounter you shits in the future, better get used to fighting against you sooner than later."


The Boar Abyssal Demon roared and charged at Wang Ling. Its tusk pointed at him. 

Wang Ling could not fly and his body wasn't responding to him properly so he chose to turn his fingers into a sword and parry the beast.

The Abyssal Demon crashed to the tree and Wang Ling retreated deeper into the forest so that he would gain more foothold. 

Running at full speed, Wang Ling looked at his finger, "There is no lingering effect on me, so the rotting only takes effect if wounded. Good to know."


The Abyssal Demon Boar was running after Wang Ling, it was bent on trying to catch and kill him.

The beast was fast, too fast for an injured Wang Ling slowly the beast was catching up, 'If I don't do anything I'll be killed.' It had been a long time since he was cornered to such a dilemma.

'If I remember correctly, the last time I almost died from a fight was from an Abyssal Demon. I no longer have grandma on my side, let's see how this turns out!'

Wang Ling suddenly shifted his body and spun around. He turned his sword into a sword and unearthed the ground, he formed a smokescreen to see if it could see.

Black Tendrils shot out of its body and pierced the smoke, 'Doesn't use eyes, got it.' 

Wang Ling parried the tendrils using his leg. Wang Ling used his hands and pushed himself towards the beast.

He pounced at his enemy, the beast attacked him with its tendrils but twisting and turning his body, he managed to slip past them. Moving to the beast's side, he didn't immediately attack, instead he once again struck the ground with his legs!

With sheer power and full-powered sword qi, Wang Ling stomped at the ground! Blood then spurted out.

The soil became uneven the boar lost its footing, it now floated on the air and Wang Ling placed his hands on its unguarded body.

Using his fingers as a sword again, Wang Ling swung it on the beast's body. He managed to cut off its body. His right hand's middle finger bled as bones stuck out of the skin — it had met its limitations.

Only half remained but all of a sudden ten tendrils shot out of its body, it attacked Wang Ling.

He parried seven of them but managed to connect with the other three, two on his left arm and the other on his torso. 

"Ack!" He gritted his teeth, and with a sword qi clad right leg, Wang Ling struck the boar with enough force to send it flying upward!


Wang Ling knew that the boar was not dead. 

'My left arm is now unusable for the time being, if I use the sword qi on my right hand I will lost my weapons — I need to find a way to kill that thing.' 

It would land eventually and when it does, it would kill him. He must kill it before it could kill him.

"I'm not proficient at this but — "

Wang Ling activated the Holy Qi and called upon the three haloes while waiting for the Abyssal Demon Boar to come crashing down.

"I'll trust "his" determination."

Wang Ling had read a lot of books and from his journeys, he had seen plenty of fights and learned how a certain fighter uses their techniques.

He was most proficient with the sword because that was the way he had been taught by his master. He created his own techniques and for him to properly use techniques Wang Ling would need to train from the fundamentals.

But at this moment, Wang Ling had no more sword, his fingers and arms already damaged from the continuous sword intent.

The situation at the moment was unclear, he needed to conserve his strength! He no longer had that almost infinite amount of qi!

He could not almost see the Abyssal Demon Boar roaring with several tendrils lashing out watching to tear him apart!

He did not show a hint of fear.

He balled up his fist, planted his feet, let got his mind, and just let his body move. 

Gathering the force from the earth and without him knowing the Holy Qi helped absorb the ground's strength. By letting his instincts take over the body moved to initiate a single punch, a movement it had done for tens of thousands of times.

A body trained to the ways of the fist, the body of a determined man trying to revitalize his clan.

A fist tempered for years was unleashed from its slumber, the air warped, Wang Ling's body roared, and as the fist touched the Abyssal Demon Boar's skull, a massive force exploded from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Mountain Crushing Fist!"

A technique was not written on a single textbook appeared, a technique the original owner of the body surfaced!

His fist and boar's skull meat!


The ground underneath Wang Ling's feet cracked and sunk!



The beast let out a roar and managed to stab two more times to his side but in the end, the skull broke and dissipated to the wind.

Wang Ling won, but his body was still in tatters, and yet he didn't rest, choosing to bunt his Holy Qi's blood essence to increase his regenerative ability, Wang Ling had something more important to worry than himself.


He must search for Leo.

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