Fei Gao looks at Long Qingtian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, coldly said: “You are not Sovereign-level powerhouse.”

At this time, even if he is stupid, I can see that Long Qingtian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign’s Sovereign-level strength is fake.

In fact, strike to kill the two Martial Ancestor powerhouses, not Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, but the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat on Long Qingtian’s shoulders, but everyone has turned their attention to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign On the body, so the two Martial Ancestor powerhouse were not linked to Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

On the surface, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat aura is all-in-one, ordinary, and on the shoulders of Long Qingtian, just like a normal pet cat.

At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has closed the wine altar.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Looking at Fei Gao, jokingly said: “brat, when did we say Sovereign-level powerhouse? You are stupid!”

At this time, everyone looked at Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

“Stupid?” Yi Gang, Yi Hou two brothers look at each other.

Fei Gao’s face sinks and looks at Long Qingtian said: “didn’t expect I look away.” Speaking of this, look at the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign next to Long Qingtian: “Martial Venerable middle-stage or late-stage Powerhouse ?”

Long Qingtian seems to be around twenty years old, so Fei Gao decided that the shot should be Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign has no interface, he is too lazy to interface.

If Long Qingtian hasn’t spoken yet, these flies, he has long been shot dead.

For him, the kill-higher-grade person is just a wave of things, and even no need to wave.

Fei Gao Sees Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. Not only did he not answer himself, but he didn’t even look at himself. His heart was angry and it was a contempt!

However, despite the anger, Fei Gao still suppressed his anger.

After a while, he said to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign: “Now, you can roll!” Speaking of this, then the guards trapped by Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign: “Let them both leave.” ”

He couldn’t see through the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign strength, so he decided to let Long Qingtian go.

For him, the most important thing now is to solve Yi Gang and Yi Hou.

As for Long Qingtian, if you run into it later, it will not be late.

“Roll?” Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign haven’t spoken yet, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has been cat eyes, then laughed.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Laughter, listening to Fei Gao’s ear, very harsh.

“brat, are you letting us roll?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat smiled a little exaggerated, licking her belly and saying, “Is there a problem with your brat head? Or is , Grandpa Cat I just didn’t hear clearly?”

In Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, the other person’s words are indeed ridiculous, and the brain is indeed problematic.

However, the words and laughter of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat were heard in Fei Gao’s ear, but it aroused the infinite anger of Fei Gao and the killing intent that had just been suppressed.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign just despised him, but now, even a cat despise him? !

“Death, you are courting death!” Fei Gao stunned: “Give me the cat, kill it, kill it, and the two, all die, die!”

“Yes, Young Master!”

All around guard, loudly should be, immediately, flying out of ten people, attacking Long Qingtian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

The other 15 people continued to besiege Yi Gang and the others.

The ten people who flew out were all Martial Ancestor powerhouse.

And ten people, each strength is stronger than the previous two, and some even reached the Martial Ancestor 7th layer.

Ten people shot, blade glow, sword glow, fist shadow, intertwined into a net, enveloped over.

Fei Gao looked stunned and looked at Long Qingtian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, which were shrouded in ten attacks.

He would like to see how the other party broke the attack of the ten men under his command.

Ten Martial Ancestor powerhouse attacks, and some reached the Martial Ancestor 7th layer, even Martial Venerable powerhouse, it is difficult to break ten Martial Ancestor powerhouse attacks!

However, just as Fei Gao’s face was full of flowers like a flower, suddenly, the screams sounded, and he saw that the ten people who had attacked Long Qingtian actually flew out at the same time.

Moreover, without exception, the blood in the mouth is mad.

What makes him amazed is that the person who shot is the little cat in his eyes that looks like a pet!

The cat that said that he had a problem with his head!

At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat took back his tail, rolled up the roll, and curled behind him.

Like the high-grade people, the Yi Gang two brothers and the guard behind him were shocked and looked at Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat incredibly.

“big brother, this?” Yi Hou’s throat swayed.

Yi Gang has no interface.

Obviously, they are all digesting what they have just seen.

Before, they didn’t see who struck to kill the two Martial Ancestor powerhouses, but this time, they all saw it.

However, none of them thought that it would be the cute little cat on Long Qingtian’s shoulder.

There are thousands of shocks in their hearts.

At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat said to Long Qingtian: “Boss, they?” The eyes looked at the higher-grade person, meaning how to deal with it.

Long Qingtian saw Fei Gao and his all around guard, indifferently said: “All killed.” The wind is light, but a killing intent is like a hurricane, so everyone in ones heart trembled.

Fei Gao snapped out of it ,hearing this ,laughed heartily up, swearing: “All killed? Then I have to look, how do you kill me?” Finished, “shouted: “two elders Nether God, you come out!”

As his voice fell, I saw a turbulence in the space, a path of stunned sound waves from the heavens and everywhere, such as wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, such as infant crying, such as the beasts.

Yi Gang two brothers and their guards cover their ears and face a pain.

Long Qingtian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat face calm.

Fei Gao startled.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat coldly snorted and said : “dressing up as God, playing the devil !” Finished, facing void, opening, shouted: “meow !”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, this sound is not very loud, but it has a terrifying deterrent and a power to kill. The call of the original wail like ghosts and howl like wolves suddenly stops, then two figures from void It fell out.

It was two elderly wearing a black robe. After they fell out of the void, they looked at Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat with horror.

“two elders Nether God, how are you?!” Fei Gao asked, panicking.

Two black robe elderly shaking their heads: “Young Master, we’re nothing.” However, the two just finished, they spurted a bloody sputum.

Yi Gang two brothers looked at the two black robe elderly, the two elders Nether God, they know, Martial Venerable powerhouse, and all are Martial Venerable 4th layer, but what? !

They looked again towards Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and their eyes changed.

Yi Gang and the others, Fei Gao is even more frightened and gray.

His biggest reliance and arrogant capital, two elders Nether God, even a family of cats can not resist? !

Then, he saw that Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat void had a shot, and the two elders Nether God, who had just smashed the blood, flew out and rolled a few times on the ground, and there was no sound.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sneer: “Learn a Nether God sound killing technique and dare to call Nether God?”

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