really! Long Qingtian hearing this , nodded.

Divine Beast Kunpeng’s egg was born, Four Seas Imperial Household impossible Only Yi Gang was sent.

However, Long Qingtian was frowned, and if so, I was afraid that all the influence powerhouses would come, Divine Beast Kunpeng’s egg, he didn’t care, but Golden Ox Grass and Heavenly Monster Fruit, he is determined to win.

This time, the major influences come to the powerhouse more, then, the auction item, the bidding must be very intense.

Later, Long Qingtian asked some questions about the auction, Yi Gang, Yi Hou two brothers is a question and answer.

After a while, Long Qingtian learned a lot about this auction.

The Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, in addition to auctioning Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs, also auctioned a Divine-level cultivation technique and a Divine-level martial skill!

Divine-level cultivation technique !

Divine-level martial skill !

This is also something that makes countless powerhouses crazy.

For some people, the Divine-level cultivation technique and the Divine-level martial skill are even more attractive than the Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs.

Because, Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs, just eggs, not adult Kungpeng, if it is adult Divine Beast Kunpeng, it is different.

Of course, the Divine-level cultivation technique and the Divine-level martial skill are not owned by the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, but others are commissioned by the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auction. However, it can be seen that there are tens of thousands of years of Wind Cloud. The “powerful” of the Chamber of Commerce.

General Chamber of Commerce, who dares to pick up this business?

The night is gradually passing.

Day se is getting clearer.

Yi Gang two brothers This is to say goodbye to Long Qingtian.

“Boss, if so, will Martial God Palace, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect, Myriad Beast Sect six factions come?” After the disappearance of Yi Gang and the others silhouette, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat opened the mouth and said.

Divine Beast Kunpeng Egg, Divine-level cultivation technique, Divine-level martial skill, Martial God Palace, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect This Six Great Super Influences impossible is not people, and maybe Zhuo Chang will come in person.

The Divine-level cultivation technique and the Divine-level martial skill are also very attractive to the Divine-level powerhouse.

“If so, that would be better.” Long Qingtian indifferently said.

“We will also go.” After a while, Long Qingtian said, after finishing, flew up.

Just as the Long Qingtian rushed to Yongfeng Dynasty di du, Yi Gang and Yi Hou two brothers, who were far away, talked about the identity of Long Qingtian.

“big brother, you said, he, will it be Long Qingtian?!” Yi Hou opened the mouth and said.

Long Qingtian’s variant beast is a cat that is already a household name.

Yi Gang shook his head and said: “Should not, Long Qingtian, the variant beast cat, is nine tails, and that is only one, only one tail, this is not a fake, and I heard that Long Qingtian is handsome, but we have seen this black. -haired youngster looks very ordinary.”

Yi Hou said: “big brother speaks correctly, now, Sky Blue Continent, many youngsters are learning Long Qingtian, with a cat pet or conquering the cat-type monster beast, this black-haired youngster should be the same.”

Since the first round of the Dragon Flaming Valley, Long Qingtian has become the object of the entire Sky Blue Continent.

Because Long Qingtian has a variant beast cat, many youngsters have come with cat-type monster beast or cats to imitate the Long Qingtian style.

This phenomenon is very fanatical.

Sky Blue Continent Many of the monster-beast trading company’s cat-type monster beast have been robbed.

Of course, Yi Gang and the others don’t know that Long Qingtian, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign have illusions, so what they see is not Long Qingtian, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat. There is also the original face of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

This time, the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce held an auction, and the parties went to the event, and Long Qingtian naturally did not go as it was.

“big brother, you said, that middle-aged man strength is strong, or is that cat strong stronger?” Yi Hou then asked.

The middle-aged man in his mouth naturally refers to Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Yi Gang pondered and said : “It can easily strike to kill two elders Nether God , the cat should be level 8 monster beast , but give me the feeling that the middle-aged man should be stronger, I am afraid that it is Saint-level Powerhouse.”

“Saint-level powerhouse !” Yi Hou startled.

Yi Gang looks dignified: “right.”

It was not long before Long Qingtian and the others left the place, and dozens of silhouettes fell on the peaks of Long Qingtian and the others. Soon, they came to the campfire all around.

These dozens of people are also wearing Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family costumes.

Obviously, they are all people of Fei Family.

In the middle, it is a middle-aged man, which exudes Qi of Blood Fiend.

“You find me around!” After the arrival, the middle-aged man face seyin Shen, said.

“Yes, Great Commander!”

After a while, these people dug up a fee for higher-grade people corpse.

The fee higher-grade people corpse, Long Qingtian not at all let it disappear with True Fire, but let the Four Seas Imperial Household guard dig a large pit and bury it, so these people will soon find it.

Middle-aged man Looking at Fei Gao corpse, suddenly picked up and hugged, and shouted: “Gao, who is it, who killed you! Who killed me?”

“Tell father, father to take revenge for you!”

Middle-aged man The powerful killing intent makes all around guards amazed.

This middle-aged man is Fei Gao father, Fei Ming.

This Fei Ming is not a Fei Family Patriarch, but is in the high position of Black Yang Dynasty. It is the Great Commander of the Black Yang Dynasty four army camp! Hold millions of soldiers and horses!

Moreover, I am a Saint-level powerhouse.

This Fei Ming has three sons, but the most loved one is the younger son Fei Gao.

“Gao Er!” Fei Ming voice is low, sighing: “You are at ease, father will find out the murderer, will definitely kill him! Will definitely destroy his family!”

“You continue to search, see all around, are there any suspicious clues!” Fei Ming looked up, eyes blood red, shouted.

“Yes, Great Commander!”

After an hour, these guards naturally found nothing. There is a guard hesitantly said: “Great Commander, there is a wine scent next to the bonfire, this wine is very special.”

“Oh?!” Fei Ming flew to the side of the campfire, and sure enough, under the scent of the air, there was a scent of wine in the air, and this wine was fragrant and fascinating.

He has countless drinks and has never smelled such aroma.

“Gao, you are at ease, I will definitely find out who is drinking!” Fei Ming eyes yin as cold as blade.

Long Qingtian Three people left, four days later, arrived at Yongfeng Dynasty di du.

When Long Qingtian arrived, they saw the north gate of Yongfeng Dynasty di du ten feet wide, and the traffic was soaring and crowded.

Long Qingtian After entering the city, the 300 feet wide street in Yongfeng Dynasty di du is also crowded.

“It seems that Divine Beast Kunpeng Egg and Divine-level cultivation technique are really attractive!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sigh’ed.

These people are naturally coming from Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs and Divine-level cultivation technique.

Long Qingtian said: “Go, let’s find a place to live first.”

Now, there are still three days from the auction ri period.

So Long Qingtian walked along the street and came to a big restaurant.

“Wind and drunk.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked up and saw the name of the big restaurant, not allowed to say with a smile: “The name is right, I don’t know if this wine is really the same as Boss. “”

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