Long Qingtian said that the wind was light, but listening to the two Supreme Elder ears in the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, it was like listening to a big jest.

After the two startedled, they looked at each other and laughed heartily, laughing, full of ridicule.

“brat, you said, will we waste?” The two said with a big smile, one pointed Long Qingtian: “believing or not, I will abolish you now with one finger!”

However, their voices have just fallen, and suddenly, they have a big palm in front of their eyes!

These two large palms seem to have no attacking power, but in their eyes, they cover the sky, and they have a kind of thought that they cannot escape and cannot resist.

The two of them were going to dodge, but when the throat was tight, they were pinched by the two big palms and then lifted up.

All this is just an instant.

When Luo Xi, who was standing on the side, did not respond, he was horrified to see the two Supreme Elders being held by Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, pinching their necks, just like carrying two ducklings and mentioning them from the ground.

Two Supreme Elder double tui kept screaming, and both hands flustered into the air.

Luo Xi looked at the scene, was stunned there, and then looked pale, looking at the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, eyes could not conceal the fear in his heart, cold sweat on his forehead, immediately dripping.

Although the two Supreme Elder strengths are not as good as him, they are not far behind.

Both are Saint-level 6th layer Peaks and have stepped into the Saint-level 7th layer.

However, two powerhouses close to the Saint-level 7th layer turned out to be in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

What is the strength of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign? !

“Divine-level early-rank ?!”

According to Luo Xi, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is at least Divine-level early-rank powerhouse.

Looking at the two Supreme Elders in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, the face se is constantly purple, and it seems to be mad at any time. Luo Xi trembles: “You, you, you!”

He trembled for a long time, but he didn’t know how to speak.

At this moment, the rays of light in the hands of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign skyrocketed, and two groups of horrible forces rushed into the two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder within the body.

The two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder screamed, only to see one of their bodies, and the sound of blasting continued.

a path of blood column bursting out from all corners of the body.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign sneer, throwing his hands and throwing the two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elders into the distance, the two bodies rolled and rolled into the corner of the VIP room.

Luo Xi looked at the two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder, face sedeathly pale.

He can see that the two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder within the body meridian have been destroyed by the power of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, all collapsed!

And even Qi Sea is broken!

Was scrapped!

Completely scrapped!

Looking at the dead dog, lying there, the whole body is constantly twitching two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder, Luo Xi cheeks constantly twitching, the pipe is constantly infused with cold air.

After a long time, the two Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder stood up in the corner and looked at Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, eyes both shocked and angry.

“You, you, good, so bold, dare to shoot us?!” One of them sensed himself with the body meridian, Qi Sea was completely scrapped, and looked roar.

“You are courting death!courting death!” The other is also stunned, eyes blood red.

However, when they had just finished speaking, they flew out and slammed into the VIP room wall. The entire VIP room shook, but the VIP room wall did not collapse.

And within the VIP room, set the restriction, how the outside not at all affects.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign retracted his hands coldly: “If it wasn’t for the Master who said that you were abolished, I will kill you directly!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign exudes like a prisoner’s aura, making Luo Xi seem to enter the ten thousand Zhang Ice Cave.

Luo Xi only felt that the body space all around solidified, he suddenly found that his Saint-level 7th layer Peak powerhouse could not move.

“You, what do you want? Here is the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce headquarters!” Luo Xi eats.

At this time, Long Qingtian had a finger in his hand, and a water mirror appeared in front of Luo Xi. In the water mirror, a picture appeared, which was the picture of Luo Xi who had talked in the secret room.

The two bombed Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder struggled to get up and saw the water mirror, and they were all gray and shocked.

They did not know that it was shocked by Long Qingtian to condense the water mirror, reproduce the method of their secret room, or to be shocked by the scene of their secret room conversation, known by Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian indifferently said: “If this is the water mirror, let the parties who come to the auction see the influence, what do you say?”

Luo Xi face is extremely pale.

If so, the tens of thousands of years of reputation of the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce is ruined.

At that time, Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce is afraid!

“You, what do you want?” Luo Xi took a deep breath and tried to calmly say.

“What do I want?” Long Qingtian’s face was cold.

Luo Xi bowed his head and did not dare to look at Long Qingtian’s eyes.

Long Qingtian did not say it, but took a photo of the backhand and took the piece of jade stone back from the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce Elder, then came to the sofa and sat down.

“Boss, kill them all?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat started asking, looking at the Luo Xi three people, the cat eyes are as cold as ice.

Long Qingtian raised his hand and said indifferently said: “The auction is over, sit.”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looked at each other and finally sat down and looked forward to the auction site below.

At the auction site below, the crowd crowd, not long after, a middle-aged man dressed in the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auctioneer went to the auction floor in front of the auction site.

The auctioneer gave a brief introduction to the auction rules and some related content of the auction. The auction started.

Among the VIP rooms, Luo Xi and the two Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder stood there, and they didn’t dare to speak. They didn’t dare to leave if they wanted to leave.

Time passes by.

They only feel that in the VIP room, the extreme is suppressed, and the xiong mouth seems to be pressed by a mountain, which is difficult to breathe.

Luo Xi face seyin sunny change, my heart is remorseful.

At first, he felt uneasy in his heart, but still holding a trace of luck, but now, this trace of luck has long been shattered, and the rest is only regret and panic.

He didn’t dare to grieve Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. After all, they were greedy first. On the contrary, he hated the two Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder, if not two, now Will not become such a result.

According to Long Qingtian, they auctioned the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique, they not only got 20% of the auction proceeds, but the Chamber of Commerce reputation must be improved again, which is a win-win outcome.

“Supreme Elder Luo Xi, you’s nothing?” At this time, Yuan Cheng Elder, who was outside the door, saw the VIP room. For a long time, there was no movement. The Luo Xi had not come out for so long, and could not help but ask.

c! .

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