“What?! 300 million!!”

Everyone on the scene was not shocked, and all of them were surprised to look at the voice of the VIP room.

Jump directly from 200 million to 300 million!

This time, the addition is too fierce!

Many people suddenly jumped into the heart and almost fell from their seat.

At the beginning, Long Qingtian bought Golden Ox Grass six kinds of spirit medicine from more than two million suddenly added to 5 million, it is already shocking, but now, but 300 million!

Add 100 million directly!

This is not just a shock, but a shock!

The scene was a sao move.

Sitting on the couch, Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl looked at the scene everyone reaction, God se satisfied.

“young lady, you see, those country bumpkins are scared by you!” A maid behind the girl is not allowed to say with a smile.

“Three hundred million, just scare these people like Sky Blue Continent. If the young lady you out 400 million, 500 million, then don’t you scare these people?” The other maids also have a with a smile .

Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl laughed and said: “This time, Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs, I see who dares to fight with me!”

However, just as her voice fell, suddenly a voice sounded: “400 million!”

400 million !

400 million, rang in the air over the auction floor.

The original sao moving scene was immediately quiet, and everyone was stunned to see another VIP room coming out of the voice.

After a short period of silence, the entire scene suddenly exploded and screamed.

This person who is bidding is not someone else. It is the High Lord youngster of Chaotic Sea influence in another high-level VIP room.

“High Lord, already found out, the person who just bidding should be the person over the Desolate Wilderness Continent.” The middle-aged man behind the youngster is now opened the mouth and said.

“Oh, Desolate Wilderness Continent over there?” The youngster sat casually on the sofa and accidentally asked, “I know Desolate Wilderness Continent, which one is not?”

Middle-aged man shaked one’s head : “This is not clear, but according to subordinate guess, the other person may be the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple.”

Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple !

Desolate Wilderness Continent, the biggest influence, dominates most of the Desolate Wilderness Continent!

Youngster’s brow wrinkled and then opened, then asked: “And the seller? Have you found it?”

The seller, naturally, is the seller who commissioned the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce to auction the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.

The young-aged man behind the youngster and the elderly looked at each other and hesitated. Elderly whispered: “Now, I haven’t found out, the five employers, no matter what, don’t let go!”

Youngster blinks: “I don’t want to let go? Then find a way to let them loose!”

“Yes, High Lord!”

“400 million! The VIP room on the 4th is 400 million! Which other friend is bidding?!” At this time, the exciting voice of the lower level 9 auctioneer Zhu Yang sounded.

“Having a Divine Beast Kunpeng egg means having a Heavenly God powerhouse !”

“A Heavenly God powerhouse, worth only 400 million Origin Yang Pill? Is there any friend who has a higher price!”

Zhu Yang tempted the sound to sound one after another.

400 million Origin Yang Pill, a Heavenly God powerhouse!

Everyone’s throat couldn’t help but sway.

And the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl heard that Chaotic Sea High Lord had 400 million, and the pretty face was disappearing.

“young lady, this?” Maid carefully said behind the girl.

Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple The girl raised her hand and said, “I know how to do it!”

Just as she was bidding, suddenly there was another voice: “410 million!”

“410 million!” Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Girl is not startled.

Long Qingtian is in the VIP room, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat is said with a smile : “Boss, Gu Fan that brat is shot again!”

Long Qingtian nodded.

Just now, the bid for 410 million is the sound of Gu Fan.

Like Long Qingtian, after the six spirit medicine from Golden Ox Grass, Gu Fan’s VIP room was quiet, and now, finally, the bidding has begun.

Long Qingtian smiled at the corner of his mouth, but although he had to buy the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, but not at all eager to bid, still watching.

“450 million!” At this time, the sound of the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl sounded.

“460 million!” Gu Fan bids again.

“500 million!” Chaotic Sea High Lord opened the mouth and said.

These three bids are all ringing.

Almost a breath of time, the auction price has been shot 500 million!

500 million Origin Yang Pill, a heart-rending number!

When Chaotic Sea High Lord shouted 500 million, the scene was even more awkward.

Gu Fan, Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl not at all followed the bidding. Obviously, the price of 500 million Origin Yang Pill made both of them hesitate.

“510 million!” After a short silence, another strange voice rang from one of the VIP rooms.

Long Qingtian forehead divine light sweeping, he saw the Yi Gang, Yi Hou two brothers of the Four Seas Imperial Household, Yi Gang two brothers, who were met on the road, and were standing respectfully behind an elderly.

This elderly seems to be the Old Ancestor of Four Seas Imperial Household.

A Divine-level powerhouse!

It was the Four Seas Imperial Household Old Ancestor that just opened the auction.

After “520 million!” Four Seas Imperial Household Old Ancestor, another strange sound rang from another VIP room.

Long Qingtian forehead divine light passes through the restrictions.

“Black Yang Dynasty people.” I saw this VIP room, dozens of people wearing Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family costumes, sitting on the sofa is a middle-aged man, middle-aged man It is very similar to the Fei Gao killed by Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

“530 million !”

“540 miillion !”

“550 million !”

Then, the bidding sound continues to come from each and everyone VIP room.

Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect, Myriad Beast Sect, Supreme Profound Academy and other influences are also starting to bid.

Soon, the auction has been upgraded to 600 million!

Everyone in the auction floor below stunned and looked at the auction in the VIP room.

The auction site has been completely quiet, and there is no other sound besides those bidding sounds.

However, when the Chaotic Sea High Lord bids to 600 million, many of the influences have stopped bidding. No one has ever interfaced. Divine Beast Kunpeng has a starting price of 200 million, but now 600 million has tripled!

This price has exceeded the limit of everyone’s heart.

“650 million!” After a brief silence, Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple girl gnashing teeth shouted the price.

Chaotic Sea High Lord frowned.

650 million !

Although he wants to get the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, but 600 million more Origin Yang Pill to buy an egg that has not been hatched, is it worth it?

His face was seyin sunny, and finally shaked one’s head, his face was loose, and obviously he gave up.

“650 million !No. 9 VIP room out 650 million !” After waiting for a while, see no one bidding again, Level 9 auctioneer Zhu Yang shouted: “There is no friend who has a higher price, if No, then the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg is owned by No. 9 VIP room!”

“650 million, I don’t think anyone is bidding anymore!”

“right, after all is eggs, not Divine Beast Kunpeng, and most of them want to keep the original two Divine-level cultivation techniques with Origin Yang Pill!”

Everyone on the scene is not whispered.

On the auction floor, Zhu Yang waited for a while, and saw no one bidding again. He was about to hammer the timing. Suddenly, a voice sounded: “one billion!”

One billion !

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