The more Gu Fan wants to get angry, the more uncomfortable in her heart, the one behind her is a Gu Family powerhouse: “You, come over!”

“Young Master Gu Fan, I don’t know what to order?” The Gu Family powerhouse came forward.

“Isn’t that person?” Gu Fan asked.

According to Gu Fan, it is natural to bid for him in the auction, and buy the “man” of Golden Ox Grass, Heavenly Monster Fruit, and six kinds of spicy medicine.

“Not yet.” The Gu Family powerhouse hesitantly said, then looked at Gu Fan face se, carefully said: “Young Master Gu Fan, I see, this matter, or forget it, that person is not simple!”

“right, Young Master Gu Fan, this matter, even if I didn’t shoot the red heart fruit this time, we will buy it at other Chamber of Commerce, and I will definitely buy it.” Another Gu Family powerhouse also advised.

At this time, several Gu Family powerhouses spoke up.

“The man” bought Golden Ox Grass with 5 million Origin Yang Pill. Sixspirit medicine is nothing, but the other party can buy Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs with 1.5 billion Origin Yang Pill and buy five pieces with 800 million Origin Yang Pill. Grade 2 top-rank spirit vein.

This is enough to show that the identity of the other party is not simple.

Gu Fan sneer: “Isn’t it simple? How is the identity of the other party not easy? He is stronger, can beat the Martial God Palace? Can you beat the Dragon Race? The Long Qingtian and Dragon Race are not forced by our Martial God Palace. I have to shrink in the Dragon Flaming Valley and dare not come out!”

Gu Fan is behind the powerhouse, silent.

Long Qingtian and Dragon Race were forced by the Martial God Palace to dare to come out in the Dragon Flaming Valley, they know best.

Now, Sky Blue Continent is talking about the Martial God Palace six factions teamed up with the Dragon Flaming Valley, but the 90 Saint-level powerhouse has been degraded, and eventually fled, and even the doorstep has not gone any further.

Martial God Palace six factions has become the object of irritating influx.

Just like they came to the auction this time, other sects, the family powerhouse looked at their eyes full of ridicule.

“Give me a second check, I want to see if he looks like Three Heads and Six Arms!” Gu Fan’s eyes flashed: “Red hearts, I want to get it back! Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs, five grade 2 top- Rank spirit vein, I want it too!”

The powerhouse behind him is stopped.

Just then, a sneer sounded, the sound was awkward, and everyone startedled.

“Who?! Get me out!” After Gu Fan startled, he then shouted and squinted at all around.

However, no matter how he glanced, he could not find out where the sound came from.

All around Pedestrians.

The powerhouse behind him is also like this, and his face is amazed.

Just as they were in doubt, suddenly, their eyes of light flashed, and then an ordinary black-haired youngster came out, followed by a middle-aged man.

What surprised Gu Fan was that the black-haired youngster had the same cat on the shoulder as Long Qingtian.

However, then he was heart relaxed.

Because the cat is not at all nine tails, only one tail!

And this ordinary black-haired youngster is indeed not Long Qingtian!

“Who are you?!” Gu Fan’s face was cold.

The black-haired youngster in his eyes looks indifferently said: “You were not looking for me?”

Gu Fan listened to the other party’s voice, startled, and then laughed: “It turned out to be you, haha, it is you, I am looking for you, didn’t expect you to take the initiative!”

“Is it?” black-haired youngster coldly said.

At this time, Gu Fan turned to look forward to a Martial God Palace Saint-level powerhouse behind him.

The Martial God Palace Saint-level powerhouse understands Gu Fan, nodded and said: “They are Sovereign-level strength!”

Gu Fan listened and completely let go, this Martial God Palace Saint-level powerhouse, cultivating a cultivation technique, can see through the other real strength.

Never missed.

Since he said it is Sovereign-level strength, it is Sovereign-level strength.

“brat, this is you are courting death, since you want to courting death, then you can’t blame me!” Gu Fan sneer: “Do you think that this is Yongfeng di du city, I dare not do it? Even if you are Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce VIP, but you have a door to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, and the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce can’t protect you!”

But then, he saw that the black-haired youngster was shaked one’s head, but looked at him with a pitiful look, even the middle-aged man behind him was this kind of pity.

No, even the cat on his shoulder is such a look. This kind of look makes him extremely disgusted and makes his mind killing intent.

Because, this made him think of Long Qingtian.

The most hated enemy in his life, the most hateful enemy.

In the past, Long Qingtian used this look to see him!

“You, don’t look at me with this kind of look! I dare to look at me with this kind of eyes?!” Gu Fan snorted: “Give me all their eyes!”

However, his voice fell, but he found that all around was strangely silent.

He turned to look at it and saw that the powerhouse stood behind him, and the eyes looked at all around.

“You?!” He was about to swear, but suddenly he stopped and looked at all around with disbelief. I saw all around. The pedestrians were gone!

There are no cars, no buildings, shops, restaurants.

They did not know when they came to an empty wilderness!

Looking up, it is desolate.

“This, what’s the matter?!” Gu Fan was shocked and ate. “How did we come to this wilderness? Is it illusion? Yes, it must be illusion!”

And a Saint-level powerhouse next to him, but his face changed, seems to think of something, a look of horror: “Altering Heaven Switching Earth? is Alting Heaven Switching Earth?! You, you!”

He pointed to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“What, Alting Heaven Switching Earth ?!”

When other people listened, they all had a big change.

Altering Heaven Switching Earth !

That is at least the Divine-level powerhouse, and the ability to perform at the Divine-level late-stage powerhouse! Divine-level late-stage , then the Divine-level 6-7th layer powerhouse!

When the Divine-level powerhouse’s sense of Time and Space Law reaches a certain level, then you can change all around Space-Time, even unconscious.

They were still in Yongfeng Dynasty di du, but now, there are thousands of miles, even thousands of miles of wilderness, there is only one explanation, Divine-level late-stage above powerhouse cast Altering Heaven Switching Earth.

They can see that this is not illusion.

“You, who are you?!” After the shock, Gu Fan se shouted.

Under his gaze, the rays of light flashed, Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat changed.

“Yes, it’s you, Dragon, Long Qingtian!” Gu Fan looked at Long Qingtian, trembled, but then he heard a Saint-level powerhouse behind him: “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign!”

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign !

Gu Fan heard it and almost fainted.

Since he did not participate in the Demon Territory Trial and followed the Martial God Palace six factions to the Dragon Flaming Valley, he did not recognize Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, but he did not recognize it. It does not mean that the Martial God Palace is not a Saint-level powerhouse. Recognize.

c! .

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