~-~”right, Guangtian Xuan and! Long Qingtian said: “The light of the sky can not only wash the marrow, strengthen your **, but also expand your meridian, qi, even Qi Sea and soul,

The sea! ”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign listened to a series of roles that Long Qingtian said, his mouth wide and his face surprised.

Now, they really face up to this Divine Beast Kunpeng egg.

“That Master, this, this Innate Profound Qi, is also useful to me?!” asked Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“Of course, the innate things are useful for God King, Lord God, and even God Sovereign!” Long Qingtian said with a smile: “What’s more, you Gushen”

Sky Blue Continent’s Ancient God powerhouse is just the most Peak of the Divine-level powerhouse. Whatever it is, it’s just a mortal body. It’s not completely a divine body.

This Innate Profound Qi has great benefits even after the divine body is absorbed.

“God, God Sovereign!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat eat and eat, a look of shock.

Now, the two are not surprised, but shocked.

God Sovereign, what is this? !

Don’t say God Sovereign, God King, is the existence they can’t look up to.

Then they looked toward the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, and the eyes were hot.

Long Qingtian sees, faded with a smile : “So, this Peng Peng divine beast egg, not to mention 1.5 billion Origin Yang Pill, even 1.5 billion Nine Yang Pill, all worth! “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Repeatedly nodded.

This Innate Profound Qi is useful for the God Sovereign powerhouse, and the price is immeasurable. Even more Origin Yang Pill and Nine Yang Pill are worth!

Subsequently, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign saw Long Qingtian take out two grade 2 top-rank spirit veins, and left and right each of them to seize one, respectively, into Long Qingtian and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat within the body.

Grade 2 top-rank spirit vein , each with a single hundred meters long and a wide single ten meters, like a big river.

However, after entering the two within the body, it is as fine as dust.

The two were surprised.

“I just used the secret technique to seal the two grade 2 spirit veins into your with the body. Later, this grade 2 spirit vein will release Spirit Qi all the time and wash your fleshly body.

Long Qingtian said: “At that time, you can absorb Divine Beast Kunpeng egg’s Innate Profound Qi, and grade 2 spirit vein into your veins, Qi Sea, Soul Sea, better! ”

“Thank you Master!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hearing this, grateful, respectful and said.

Long Qingtian puts two golden fingers in his mind and says: “The Penguine divine beast has Innate Profound Qi in the egg, but I don’t know the method of ingestion. I know it is useless. I just passed it to you. It is the method of ingestion. When you come to the time, you can cooperate with the Nine Revolution Divine Dragon Art, absorb and melt!”

“Yes, Master!”

“Yes, Boss!”

The two of them had a happy face and said.

So, Long Qingtian placed a formation on all around, hiding it here, sitting on the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign three-person slap in the divine beast egg all around, starting to run the ingestion method, Innate Profound Qi among the Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs is constantly being ingested.

Long Qingtian between the hands, I saw a path of as the rainbow same gas flew out of the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg.

This is exactly the Innate Profound Qi.

When Innate Profound Qi flew out of the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, the space all around was turbulent, as if it were very scary for this Innate Profound Qi.

Everything is the upper and the lower.

Just like the Divine-level powerhouse has a natural power for ordinary mortals, the Innate Profound Qi is the same for all around flowing air.

After Long Qingtian ingested Innate Profound Qi, he immediately started the [ Primal Chaos Great Luo Heaven ] cultivation technique and absorbed the Innate Profound Qi into the body, which melted and transformed.

Nascent Soul within Long Qingtian dantian, like Long Qingtian, is constantly running [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], absorbing this Innate Profound Qi.

At the same time, Long Qingtian within the body seal grade 2 spirit vein continues to release jing pure Spirit Qi.

I saw that Long Qingtian Nascent Soul is constantly changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Long Qingtian Nascent Soul began to flow with a faint seven-colored light halo, and the entire Nascent Soul looked like a sapphire.

In the past, Long Qingtian Nascent Soul gave the impression that it could be punctured at any time, very brittle, and now it feels very solid, as hard as a thousand-year-old jade.

Long Qingtian’s Soul Sea has also changed.

As Long Qingtian said earlier, his Soul Sea is slowly expanding. Although it is not obvious, it is indeed expanding. On the Soul Sea, the gold se and the black sethunder and lightning are entangled as if they were coated with a colorful ray of light. .

A night passed.

When the night was opened, the sky was clear, Long Qingtian opened the eyes, exhaled a mouthful of impure air, and stood up.

He found that after a night of cultivating, he strength jing into a lot.

He has reached the Soul Projection early-stage Peak and is likely to break into the middle-stage at any time. He tries to release Nascent Soul with the body, and Nascent Soul can fly out of 300 feet.

Nascent Soul throws a punch, I saw a huge fist imprint branded on the mountain wall outside the single hundred meters, deep into the calm meters.

Long Qingtian saw it and he was happy.

At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat also woke up one after another. They both woke up and they all had ecstasy on their faces. Obviously they were cultivating overnight, and they harvested the same.


“Boss !”

The two came to Long Qingtian and suddenly went on.

One night cultivating, they really understand the preciousness of Innate Profound Qi, but Long Qingtian let them absorb cultivating together, they are grateful and can’t say.

“You all get up.” Long Qingtian smiled, let the two get up and wait for the two to get up, Long Qingtian said: “You try to cultivating, and later achievements are naturally no less than those of God Sovereign, even higher!”

“Not less than God Sovereign, even higher!” “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hearing this, it’s shocking, not the fastest text update< >– No advertising letter.

For Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Heavenly God is now the peak they need to look up to.

God Sovereign, they don’t even think about it.

Long Qingtian saw that the two could not believe the god se, laughed, did not say much, and then said: “Go, let’s continue on the road!” After that, Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs were collected in Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, and then flew up.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat reacted and flew up.

However, it is clear that both of them have not recovered from Long Qingtian’s Realm of God Sovereign.

“Realm of God Sovereign !”

“Can I really reach it?!”

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is excited and looks at the Long Qingtian silhouette. Only the Long Qingtian silhouette is taller.

In fact, the two do not know, Divine Realm God Sovereign, in the eyes of Long Qingtian, is only a small existence.

At Immortal Realm, Divine Realm God Sovereign did not qualify for Long Qingtian.

According to Long Qingtian, it is only said that the minimum achievement of the two is not lower than God Sovereign, not the highest achievement of the two.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat are still dreaming of the two people becoming God Sovereign powerhouse, and the Goss followed. ~< >-~

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