“Chaotic Sea has Four Great Kings, ruled the boundless Chaotic Sea, and there are also four Great Young Masters. This Young Master Bi Fang has heard that the Eastern Sea Four-winged Whale King is very valued and will be the tool refining secret technique of Four-winged Whale King. Thousand-layed Waves Hand cultivating is in perfect condition,” Yi Hou continued. “He came to participate in this Tool Refinement Great Competition. This Tool Refinement Great Competition is the first one to be afraid of him.”

Just Bi Fang, it is the eldest son of Eastern Sea Four-winged Whale King ** bubble! Book*

Yi Gang hearing this , shaked one’s head : “This Bi Fang has perfected the Thousand-layed Waves Hand cultivating, but this time tool refining first, not necessarily him, I heard that Dwarf Race has a through history innate talent The strongest genius, Wei Han, this Wei Han also puts Dwarf Race’s highest high-level tool refining secret technique Water-Fire Fusion Art cultivating to a very high level.”

“What, Water-Fire Fusion Art is extremely high” Yi Hou startled and said: “Genius, this person is definitely a genius to hear Dwarf Race’s highest high-level tool refining secret technique Water-Fire Fusion Art, there are already hundreds No one cultivating success in the year”

“right” Yi Gang nodded

Yi Hou said: “If this is the case, then the first, it should be Dwarf Race again.”

Yi Gang said with a smile : “Dwarf Race has hosted this Tool Refinement Great Competition for more than 100 years. Except for only a dozen or so firsts, the other clansman won it. The other is Dwarf Race. This Dwarf Race Tool refinement technique is still very high”

“Go, let’s come here, just watch the game and see the excitement.”

“Young Master Bi Fang is coming, there should be a good show”

Yi Hou, Yi Gang, both disappeared at the end of the street

Soon, two days passed

Dwarf Race Tool Refinement Great Competition ri is finally here

This ri, the horizon is just white, the voices are full, the whole dwarf island is in the midst of noise, Dwarf Race more than 100 stone towns, countless streets are flowing with every clan to participate in the competition or watch the people bubble *book*(

Wei En just came to Long Qingtian’s stone chamber and saw Long Qingtian coming out of the stone chamber.

“Dragon, Brother Long Qingtian” Wei En sees Long Qingtian, opened the mouth and said

Long Qingtian un’ed, said: “This time you participated in the Tool Refinement Great Competition organized by Dwarf Race?”

Wei En shaked one’s head said: “I originally intended to participate in the fight to Wei Han, but I also know that I have to defeat the Wei Han is impossible. Since Brother Long Qingtian, I will not participate. I went to watch the game.”

Long Qingtian nodded

At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign are also coming out of the stone chamber.

“Then we go,” Long Qingtian said.

So, under the leadership of Wei En, everyone went to the Dwarf Race for the Tool Refinement Great Competition.

The Tool Refinement Great Competition at Dwarf Race is not located in the main city but in a large plaza on the north side of the huge island. The large plaza floor is all paved with an extremely hard granite, large enough to accommodate Hundred thousand people

On the south side of plaza, it is the referee seat and the host

The parties to this competition have a lot of every clan powerhouse, there are six or seventy thousand people, but most of them are younger generations.

Of course, there are also many refining tools that have been well-known and even hidden for many years.

Long Qingtian and other contestants walked into the plaza, while Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Wei En stood in the plaza

After all the contestants walked into the plaza, no one walked in, and a Dwarf Race Elder opened the mouth and said: “our Dwarf Race Tool Refinement Great Competition has been held for 187 sessions. The Tool Refinement Great Competition is the 188th thanks to all parties, every clan friend came to participate in this Tool Refinement Great Competition”

“I believe everyone knows that this Tool Refinement Great Competition first has Fragrant Sea Star Stone and Heavenly-grade middle-rank cauldron ”

“Second to ninth, also rewarded rich”

Although everyone knows first reward but hears Fragrant Sea Star Stone and Heavenly-grade middle-rank cauldron, it is still not moving for a while, eyes are hot

After a pause, the Dwarf Race Elder was opened again the mouth and said: “The first competition, each contestant must refining a Profound-grade weapon within ten hours, whether it is attacking xing Or defense xing, as long as refining within ten hours, you can enter the next competition”

“tool refinement’s material, comes with”

“So, now, the game starts

After the Dwarf Race Elder finished, he lit a piece of incense wood on the stage.

This incense wood, if burned, no more, just ten hours, so everyone must refining a Profound-grade weapon before the incense wood burns out.

God, holy, heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow

Among the grade 6, Profound-grade is very low.

However, the Profound-grade weapon is not high, but it must be refining within ten hours.

If within ten hours, fail once and re-refining, then it is difficult to refining a Profound-grade weapon within ten hours.

Tool refining To achieve 100% success, you need extreme fire control and extremely skilled tool refinement technique. Generally only tool refining Master can do it.

Tool refining Occupation, there are also levels, from low to high are tool refining, tool refining, Tool Refining Master, Tool Refining Master is tool refining Master

Therefore, the first competition will eliminate most of the contestants.

Bi Fang stood on the plaza, see all around. After listening to the first rule, some of the contestants changed their faces and couldn’t help but sneer: “Ten hours? This young master is enough for an hour.”

All around The contestants were shocked, some were sarcasm, but they were Bi Fang, and they all swallowed.

Bi Fang stood there, I don’t know when, there was a tool refining cauldron in front of him, and his hands waved again and again, only one piece of material continued to fall into the cauldron.

When these materials fall into the cauldron, they are like flying feathers, giving a feeling of extreme spirit.

All around The contestants saw the face, and the face se was changed again. Many people were shocked and even looked at the Bi Fang.

Bi Fang ignored it and continued tool refining

Over time, many contestants on plaza have started tool refining.

However, Long Qingtian stands there, and does not budging

Half an hour passed

Long Qingtian still stands there like a fool, and sometimes looks at all around the contestant tool refining, and sometimes closes the eyes, Long Qingtian is so, can not help but attract some participants

“What is this brat doing?”

“What? You should know that you can’t successfully refining a Profound-grade weapon within ten hours, so it’s better not to refining it, giving up, so no need to waste material.”

“That is also, I knew that I would not refining, ten hours refining mysterious weapons, difficult, difficult, I have no grasp at all”

Some contestants could not help but discuss

Long Qingtian listened to the arguments of these contestants and couldn’t help but smile. (To be continued)

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