See Long Qingtian can take the Flame of Heaven and Earth, the chairman station, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and the others also suddenly stood up and looked at Long Qingtian with disbelief. !!

“Divine Craftsman Master !”

“Divine Craftsman Master !”

Divine Craftsman Master is the realm that Dwarf Race has pursued throughout his life.

Even Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan is now just Tool Refining Great Grandmaster.

“Divine Craftsman Master, this is the realm that our Dwarf Race Old Ancestor can achieve. Has he reached it?!” Wei Yuan eyes was shocked, muttered.

Antiquity era, Dwarf Race Old Ancestor, the first patriarch of Dwarf Race is the Divine Craftsman Master.

Everyone has an incredible look.

Even with Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has eyes too big.

As for the Dwarf Race genius Wei Han and the Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang, it is hard to hide the shock.

I saw that the Flame of Heaven and Earth between the heavens and the earth continued to flock to Long Qingtian, more and more, in the body of Long Qingtian all around, while the red serays of light are getting brighter and brighter, while Long Qingtian body space all around The hotter the heat.

Several contestants near Long Qingtian did not shun.

Long Qingtian body all around has become a fire sea.

Long Qingtian stood there and didn’t have anything at all.

When Flame of Heaven and Earth reached a certain level, Long Qingtian didn’t take it any more, but waved her hands, only to see her body all around fire sea, and turned into a huge Fire Dragon.

“transforming fire into a spirit beast !”

“The Flame of Heaven and Earth was turned into a spirit beast. According to Ancient God, the ancient God powerhouse tool refining is a sight!”

“What is he really?!”

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan Seeing this scene, the face se was shocked and changed se, exclaimed and looked at Long Qingtian, his eyes completely changed, and he even had awe and worship. –

Other dwarf patriarchs are old and plaza everyone faces the same.

Long Qingtian ignored the shocked everyone, but waved his hands and saw that the Fire Dragon swept the pile of materials in front.

“This, what does he want?!”

“Flame of Heaven and Earth. Fire xing is stronger than the human body cultivating with the body. The temperature is higher and the carelessness is slightly inadvertent. The material will be completely destroyed and turned into ashes!”

Many people startled and said.

Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan flashed his mind and seemed to think of Long Qingtian’s intentions. The face se changed again: “Does he think?!impossible. How could it be!”

Under the constant shock of everyone, I saw that the Fire Dragon swept through the materials, like a tornado, swept the materials and flew to the sky.

Long Qingtian waved with both hands. I saw that the Fire Dragon hovered at high altitude, and as the Fire Dragon hovered, the material continued to spin with the Fire Dragon.

“Those materials, not burned, he, he no need cauldron tool refining?!”

At this time, some Dwarf Race Elder also saw the intention of Long Qingtian.

No need cauldron tool refining !

“No need cauldron tool refining ?! This, how is this possible? Even antiquity Ancient God powerhouse. Antiquity Divine Craftsman Master refining divine tool. Also need cauldron, no cauldron, is the fundamental impossible refining!”

Some people can’t help cry out in surprise.

The whole plaza is boiling, and it is swaying.

Eleven of the Dwarf Race genius Wei Han stood there, and they were already stunned and blank. Long Qingtian’s move has gone beyond them and everyone’s understanding and imagination.

I saw that the Fire Dragon was hovering at high altitude and lifelike. Eyes are smart, five claws waving. An inexplicable pressure shrouded plaza all around.

Long Qingtian reached out to the Fire Dragon and the Fire Dragon spinped again.

At plaza, everyone held their breath and watched Long Qingtian and the Fire Dragon nervously. Everyone, mind, only Long Qingtian and the Fire Dragon.

When the Fire Dragon spins faster and faster, it suddenly makes a shock of Heavenly Dragon.

Then suddenly rushed into the nine days.

Everyone startedled, they all looked towards nine days.

Then, Fire Dragon disappears.

The fire dragon disappeared from the sky, a long halberd fell from the sky.

This long halberd, with two people high, all over, a Fire Dragon hovering, faintly discovering the sound of roaring dragon, deterring people.

Everyone is startled, incredibly watching the long halberd fall from the sky.

“zheng! ”

Long halberd landing, straight into the ground, the entire hoe is inserted into the ground, without a pause, this paved with hard granite, casting and refining competition plaza, in front of the long halberd is like a piece of pizza is fragile.

Everyone looked at the long halberd, silent.

Long Qingtian gave a long breath, sweating and a slight chest.

Now, although he is Soul Projection Stage strength, but such tool refining, it is really not tired.

Just refining this long halberd, will consume him with the body True Qi.

Long Qingtian ran a cultivation technique, swallowed a medicine pill, which was better. Then, Long Qingtian right hand flew, and the long halberd flew from the ground and fell to the chairman.

Everyone is looked towards the chairman station.

Chairman Dwarf Race Elder stared at the long halberd.

After a while, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan reacted, then walked to the long halberd and looked like he was going to personally identify the long halberd.

Dwarf Race Other Elders have also gone to the long halberd.

Before coming to long halberd, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan was in a thrilled mood, and his hands even shook the long halberd out of the ground.

Long halberd In the hand, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan his arm sinks and let him startled.

This long halberd, there is a lot of weight!

Wei Yuan breathed a deep breath, his hands bursting out of a ray of light, stroking the long halberd. As he stroked, the long halberd Fire Dragon seemed to live, and the entire Fire Dragon red light flashed.

Everyone is watching Wei Yuan nervously.

After stroking it, Wei Yuan slammed into the body and screamed. Then, his right hand was suddenly slammed, and his left hand took a long halberd. Long halberd came out and hovered at high altitude. A Fire Dragon, after a hover, returned to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan right hand One by one, holding long halberd tightly, with a look of excitement, and repeatedly said: “Well, oh!” Then looked up, looked towards Long Qingtian and plaza everyone, slowly said: “This long halberd, Heavenly-grade top-rank !”

Heavenly-grade top-rank !

When everyone heard Wei Yuan announced, everyone was stuck in a cold breath.

Heavenly-grade top-rank !

Everyone looked at Long Qingtian, not shocked, but fanatic.

With Flame of Heaven and Earth, and no need cauldron, less than an hour before and after, refining the weapon of Heavenly-grade top-rank!

Moreover, the materials used are just some of the materials that are a little better than the usual materials.

For a long time, for a long time, plaza is still silent.

“This tool refining competition, Long Chen first, do you have any opinions?” After a long time, Wei Yuan opened the mouth and said, looked towards towards Dwarf Race Wei Han, Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang eleven.

Although Wei Han, Bi Fang and the others have not yet started tool refining, first, everyone knows that it is not Long Qingtian.

Long Chen is the name of Long Qingtian’s participation in this competition.

At 9:30 in the evening, the fourth is still to be continued. .

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