“This is Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield?” When embarking on Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, a path of Demon Qi mixed with undead qi to Long Qingtian assaults the senses.

These Demon Qi are very strong.

Sobbing, occasionally screaming.

Long Qingtian also found that these Demon Qi, in addition to the undead qi, also contained a touch of Divine Qi.

Immortal Cultivation, cultivating to the Heavenly Immortal, then with the body True Qi will become a fairy, while the cultivator cultivating to Realm of Heavenly God, with the body True Qi becomes Divine Qi!

These Divine Qi, apparently after the fall of the Heavenly God powerhouse, then wandered in Fiendgod Battlefield.

However, what makes Long Qingtian strange is that the Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield of the Sky Wilderness Plane has been severe tens of thousand of years, but these Demon Qi, Divine Qi did not dissipate?

The Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign has re-entered the Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, and the mood is complicated.

When he was on the battlefield of this ancient rot, the scene of the battle with Demon Race powerhouse was vivid. In that year, he was on the Fiendgod Battlefield, and the two Fiendgod powerhouses were jointly attacked by the prison, and then the two Fiendgod powerhouses were inferior. Mohe Hell Incantation.

In the blink of an eye, the severe tens of thousand of years has passed.

Was the two Fiendgod powerhouses in hell still alive? !

“Hope, you are still alive.” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign muttered.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at the land in front of her face.

It’s not at all participated in Ancient Fiendgod’s great war, but this land, in the heart of all Skyhouses in the Sky Wilderness Plane, is sacred and horrible.

When thinking about Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Long Qingtian suddenly turned right hand turns, looking at the front, a group of Demon Qi will be in the hands of Long Qingtian.

Then, under the surprised eyes of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Long Qingtian right hand slammed into flames, only to see Demon Qi and undead qi in the group Demon Qi slowly incinerated, and finally only left Only the pure Divine Qi!

These Divine Qis are light gray and have a little golden glow.

“Boss, you can actually Demon Qi of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, refining the most pure Divine Qi?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat couldn’t help but cry out in surprise.

The Divine Qi in the battlefield of God is better than the Qi of Nine Yang. It is the Sky Wilderness Plane that all powerhouse cultivating dreams of.

But these Divine Qi mixed in the strong will and undead qi, can not directly absorb, countless powerhouse try to refining Divine Qi.

But I don’t know how many powerhouses have been successful for many thousand years.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign was also surprised and horrified at the group of pure Divine Qi in Long Qingtian’s hands.

Long Qingtian saw the two people smile and said: “In fact, you can do it too.”

“What?! Boss, we can do it too!!” After Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat startled, there was a surprise with Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, and the eyes were hot.

Long Qingtian right hand A glimpse of the pure Divine Qi from his palm Meridian into its with the body, the dantian movement melted into the body of Long Qingtian.

“Of course, but it’s too much trouble to refining,” Long Qingtian said.

“Too trouble?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Is this still trouble?

“You absorb these Demon Qi and try to run the Nine Revolution Divine Dragon Art that I passed to you.” Long Qingtian said.

Eight wastes!

Nine Revolution Divine Dragon Art !

Immediately, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign absorb the flowing air of the ancient Fiendgod Battlefield Space.

However, at the beginning, they did not just absorb too much.

These Demon Qi, invading with the body, can’t be refining but it’s a big scourge.

After a while, both faces showed a pleasant color.

“Master, this Nine Revolution Divine Dragon Art is simply marvelous!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign joyfully said.

Just now Demon Qi entered the Nine Revolution Divine Dragon Art, and those Demon Qi and undead qi immediately were excreted and the most pure Divine Qi left was in his Qi Sea and gas, and he was completely absorbed.

This discovery, even the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign as an Ancient God powerhouse, is to be wild with joy.

Divine Qi, this is Divine Qi of Heavenly God powerhouse within the body!

If you are normal cultivating, even if he absorbs the Qi of Nine Yang cultivating three times the average Divine-level powerhouse every day, it will be cultivating to Realm of Heavenly God for at least tens of thousands of years.

This is at least!

However, if you can absorb the Divine Qi cultivating of Heavenly God powerhouse every day, for hundreds of years, even a hundred years, he may reach Realm of Ancient God!

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat is not as happy as Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. With this Divine Qi, it can recover to the full strength of the year, and it finds that these Divine Qi have a great repair effect on its broken monster core. .

Following Long Qingtian for a year, it swallowed the Spirit and Origin Core of the Double-headed Turtle, the Divine-level Nine-headed Monster Phoenix inner core, and the Innate Profound Qi of the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg. As its strength flew back, It was restored to the majority of the monster core that year, and now there is Divine Qi, which believes that its monster core can be completely repaired in another year.

Long Qingtian looked at the expression of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, smiled: “We are on the road, these Divine Qi can’t run, no hurry.”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign are happy to be.

So, Long Qingtian three people rushed to the road, while absorbing the Divine Qi cultivating of this battlefield.

When they absorbed these Divine Qi, Long Qingtian also took out the Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs, and the three absorbed Innate Profound Qi.

The trio passed through the Chaotic Sea and absorbed Innate Profound Qi cultivating for more than a month. The Long Qingtian strength has reached the Soul Projection middle-stage Peak. Now with these Divine Qi, the cultivation speed is faster.

Half a month passed.

Long Qingtian is ready to breakthrough to Soul Projection Late-stage.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat also reached the level 8 middle-stage Peak, and the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign strength also improved significantly.

Because Long Qingtian is looking for Nine-colored Flower, Leafless Purple Fruit is in the center of Fiendgod Battlefield and is close to Three Evils Peak, so Long Qingtian three people rushed to the center of Fiendgod Battlefield.

However, this Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield is vast, bigger than the Sky Blue Continent and Chaotic Sea, so the Long Qingtian three people have to rush to the central area of ​​the Xiamen God battlefield for at least two months.

Due to the Demon Qi of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, the sun shines, it looks very faint, shallow, and the moonlight at night is even more bleak. From the bottom, it is almost impossible to see the moonlight, so at night, Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield Into the boundless darkness.

Although the Long Qingtian three can see through the darkness, and the Long Qingtian divine sense unfolds, everything within a hundred miles is in the air, but at night, there are countless undeads living in Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield and some Half-Demon Half. -God’s monsters are most active, so Long Qingtian three people usually don’t have a hurry at night.

A month later, this night, the three Long Qingtian were cultivating on a mountain, and suddenly, the voice of splitting voiid came from afar.

“I heard that there is a Divine-level undead in Phantom Valley. We both Sect Master and Elder in the rush to Phantom Valley, to capture this Divine-level undead !”

Long Qingtian startled.

Phantom Valley ? One of the spiral medicine Nine-colored Flowers he is looking for is in the Phantom Valley.

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