Six-winged Purple Phoenix’s claws collide with the specter of Specter Sect’s Specter Great Formation, not at all the violent imaginary, only the countless ghosts are turned into nothingness under the huge pumpkin claw.

It’s like a bubble that just keeps popping up and cracks.

“Wave!” “Wave!” “Wave!”

There is no huge shock, only the weak “wave” sound.

It’s just that this “wave” sound makes people feel guilty and even has a feeling of disgust.

These ghosts burst and disappear, turning into a path of black like a ghostly qi mist, spreading to all around, and soon, the Phantom Valley all around is filled and flooded.

Phantom Valley all around stone wall Surviving some undead things, such as the rare blood-sucking grass, the ghost flower like a bone!

But when these pharyngeal grasses, the bone-like ghosts are stained by these ghosts qi mist, immediately wilted and die!

So after a dozen breaths.

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded through the entire Phantom Valley, Six-winged Purple Phoenix and Specter Sect everyone were shocked, Six-winged Purple Phoenix turned a few turns at high altitude, and Specter Sect everyone fell to the ground, Specter Great Formation.

At this moment, Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan flew up, and there was a ghost blade in his hand, and suddenly a blade was drawn to the belly of Six-winged Purple Phoenix.


Just listen to Six-winged Purple Phoenix, a sorrowful scream, light green, little golden light from the bottom of the blood sprayed, dripping the ground, the ground 砸 each and everyone deep pit.

Six-winged Purple Phoenix fell to the ground and its expression was languid.

“hehe!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan See Six-winged Purple Phoenix serious injury, sneer: “I have said that I am sitting on a pet, I suffer less, how? Now, you still feel like escape Got it?”

Six-winged Purple Phoenix eyes Looking at Specter Sect Sect Master, killing intent Lingren: “Escape? I said, if, this time I can escape, I will definitely go to you Specter Sect Sect will your sect disciple Kill it up and down!”

“hmph, that’s it, Sect Master, then I look at it, kill it directly, and then refining it into Death Pet with death, although Death Pet formidable power is a little weaker, but also right!” The Specter Sect Supreme Elder came forward and the eyes said coldly.

Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​an undead, but like some normal monster beast, humanity, has consciousness and thought, but if it is refining into Death Pet, then there is no consciousness or thought.

It’s like a trick that only listens to your command to the Master.

“Alright!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan pondered and said.

Since this Six-winged Purple Phoenix won’t surrender, it’s better to strike to kill and refining it into Death Pet.

Otherwise, take this Six-winged Purple Phoenix back, if it is hateful, it is a scourge, and it will bring the destruction of Specter Sect!

Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan Slowly approaching Six-winged Purple Phoenix, coldly said: “I am giving you one last chance, would you like to be my war pet?!”

Six-winged Purple Phoenix snorted and hated: “I even do it as a war pet, and it is impossible to do your war pet! If it is not my serious injury, how can you get me?”

Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan sneer, no further openings, and Specter Sect powerhouse surrounded by Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

Six-winged Purple Phoenix stepped back step by step, showing a desperate look on his face.

Is it really necessary to be refining into a Death Pet by Specter Sect? ! At that time, it became a thing that was completely unconscious and acted like a corpse.

I am not willing to ? ! I am not willing to !

However, in the face of the surrounding Specter Sect powerhouse, Six-winged Purple Phoenix eyes are stunned.

Three Divine-level!

If the other party had to conquer it before, so it was struck to kill.

Just as the heart of Six-winged Purple Phoenix was desperate, suddenly, a sound, the sound was so loud that the Six-winged Purple Phoenix startled.

Then, Six-winged Purple Phoenix glanced at all around.

However, with its divine sense, it is impossible to find out where the sound came from.

Then, the voice rang again, and Six-winged Purple Phoenix’s face fluctuates between clear and dark, seems to be considering and deciding after listening to the voice.

Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan See Six-winged Purple Phoenix to all around the glance and expression, not to be surprised, and the Specter Sect powerhouse also swept all around, no discovery.

Specter Sect Sect Master divine sense unfolds, except for the pleasing winds of the Phantom Valley.

“hehe, I said you, don’t expect someone to save you, even if the Ancient God powerhouse comes, don’t want to save you from our Specter Sect!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan sneer, a hint of arrogance .

Specter Sect does have arrogant capital.

Three Divine-level!

Such an influence is to look at the entire heavenly continent, and it is also the top presence.

“Okay, I promise you!” Just then, the Six-winged Purple Phoenix suddenly nodded opened the mouth and said.

Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan and the others startled.

“haha, I said earlier, if you promised, no need to eat so much!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan then laughed, look of delight.

He dared, he thought that Six-winged Purple Phoenix had promised him after some consideration!

However, the sound of the Specter Sect Sect Master is followed by a sneer sound.

The sound of the sneer came from the heights of the Phantom Valley, and it seemed to pass from the Phantom Valley entrance, and it came out from the walls of the Phantom Valley.

“Who?!” Specter Sect, the powerhouse, listened, not shocked, shouted, turned suddenly, and scanned everywhere.

However, everything is empty.

“Zong, Sect Master!” Specter Sect everyone When I scanned everything, suddenly Specter Sect elder ate, Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan frowned, followed the Elder look and saw that Six-winged Purple Phoenix was standing. The ground is a deserted!

The Six-winged Purple Phoenix, which was just standing in front of them, disappeared!

No sound, disappear!

Specter Sect and other powerhouses also looked over and looked at the front of the deserted, all of them were there, and there was no reaction.

“Damn! Who is it, who is it, give it to me, you give it to me!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan After the reaction, the mad dog yelled at all around: “I want to kill you, I will tear you into pieces.” !”

Contacting the sneer that was full of ridicule, how could he not understand at this time, Six-winged Purple Phoenix has been saved! They Specter Sect worked hard and spent a lot of effort. After a few hours of hard work with Six-winged Purple Phoenix, they could conquer them. Now, they have been saved!

Everything is gone!

Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan The roaring sound of endless resentment rang in the Phantom Valley.

At this time, Specter Sect other powerhouses are also roaring, flying up and frantically searching for everything. ‘

“You can’t escape!” Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan said: “I don’t believe, you can hide when!”

Although I don’t know how the other person saved Six-winged Purple Phoenix, Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan feels that the other party is not at all!

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