According to the memory of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, everyone came to Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign where he saw nine sehua in Phantom Valley.

The place where these nine sehua grows is very strange. It is not growing in the soil, nor growing in the water, but growing in the air!

Yes, it is growing in the air.

Nine sehua uses air as the soil and nine elements in the air as the sunlight.

Because nine sehua absorbs the nine elements in the air, it grows out, there are nine different colors, and nine kinds of se color hua flowers, also because it is called nine sehua.

Nine sehua is a kind of hua, very rare, and the general auctions rarely appear.

Even the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce has not auctioned nine sehua for more than a thousand years.

Long Qingtian came to the place where the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign remembered, and at first glance, I saw a lake with a deep black se in front, and the lake was shining with a touch of various colors.

Not much more, just nine kinds of face.

Long Qingtian knows that this is because the nine elements in the space above the lake are very rich, and the rich to the extreme will produce the nine serays of light.

However, in addition to the nine rays of light that flashed over the lake, there was nothing else, and the shadow of nine sehua was not seen at all.

“Master, these nine sehua is a kind of hua, it can not only move in the air, but also moves very fast, even the same Saint-level powerhouse is difficult to catch up with its speed.” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign said: ” Also, it has a strong sense of Space Law, can be hidden in the space, it is difficult to see it, even if I find it, it will take a lot of effort.”

Long Qingtian nodded.


Long Qingtian One finger forehead, under the watch of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Six-winged Purple Phoenix, a vertical eye appeared. This vertical eye showed a golden light and swept the space above the lake. past.

Where the golden light passes, everything in the space above the lake is infinitely and clearly presented in front of everyone, such as over the lake, some faint fine dust, the naked eye is invisible, but now, everyone can see clearly.

Everything is invisible.

The three startled, especially the Six-winged Purple Phoenix, is beautiful.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign have some ri with Long Qingtian. Some of the amazing moves of Long Qingtian have some immunity, but the Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​different.

Long Qingtian A small Ancestor-level powerhouse can do things that even Divine-level powerhouse can’t do? !

Her eyes are wide and I can’t believe it.

Suddenly, when the golden light swept through a space above the lake, a subtle wave, though subtle, how to escape the Long Qingtian divine sense.

Long Qingtian took a photo of his hands and the space was fine, and a golden light flashed.

Then, a hua flower with nine kinds of skin se comes out of the space.

It is the nine sehua!

Just as the nine sehua fell off the space, the whole body nine serays of light violently opened, a powerful force emerged, and broke away from Long Qingtian’s seize.

Long Qingtian is now Soul Projection middle-stage Peak, seize, even the Ancestor-level late-stage Peak powerhouse is difficult to get out, but these nine sehua got out.

It broke away from Long Qingtian seize, then flashed, disappeared, and concealed into the space.

Long Qingtian had some accidents. However, after nine sehua earned and disappeared, Long Qingtian hands again against a high altitude.

The nine sehua was again seize out of space, and its whole body rays of light bloomed again, and the power surged, but this time no matter how struggling it is, it can’t break free.

Subsequently, it continued to move backwards and was brought to the front by Long Qingtian.

Nine sehua in front of Long Qingtian, quietly blooming nine circles and nine circles of light, very beautiful.

Long Qingtian included it in Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Nine sehua, finally arrived!

Even Long Qingtian didn’t think that it would be so easy to find nine sehua this time.

Of course, it is easy for Long Qingtian. For others, it is extremely difficult to find these nine sehua. These nine sehua are strange, and the most troublesome is hidden space, even Divine-level powerhouse, even Ancient. God powerhouse is hard to find.

However, under Long Qingtian’s Heavenly Eye, there is no difficulty.

“Boss, nine sehua is in hand, then we are going to Leafless Forest now?” said Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Next, the Leafless Purple Fruit they are looking for is in the Leafless Forest.

“en, go.

Long Qingtian nodded, then flew with Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, followed by Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

Behind Long Qingtian, the Six-winged Purple Phoenix pretty face is complicated.

In her mind, she has been thinking about Long Qingtian, just under the Heavenly Eye golden light, nine sehua can’t hide the space.

Also, she thought she was in the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda space. What does True Qingtian use to help him clear the nine yinDemon Qi and the ghost of the body?

And even the Ancient God powerhouse can’t refining the space divine tool that accommodates the living, how Long Qingtian did it.

Long Qingtian, the identity of her newly recognized Master, made her curious.

She couldn’t help but think of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. She said that she can follow the Master and it is her blessing and luck.

Previously, she sneered at the words of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, but now, this idea is gradually disappearing.

She was thinking, suddenly Long Qingtian stopped, she did not notice for a moment, could not help but hit it up, this body hit “Ah”, let her scream, looked up and saw Long Qingtian turned his face, near咫 。.

Her pretty face flashed a red se that was hard to detect by others.

She looked, it turned out that several people have already arrived at the Phantom Valley entrance.

The Long Qingtian three people stopped to identify the direction of the Leafless Forest. This ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, which is covered by Demon Qi, is also a troublesome way to identify the direction.

Six-winged Purple Phoenix’s screams were loud, and the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at her eyes, a little weird.

“You, why are you looking at me like this?!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix eyes licking Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat tail rolled a roll, chuckled, but did not say anything.

“Master, Leafless Forest, should be in that direction.” At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign said one direction ahead.

Long Qingtian nodded, then take the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat to the direction of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign to keep up, Six-winged Purple Phoenix can only dry Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, immediately behind everyone .

Because there is a illusion in the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, she does not see the true body of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

She guessed that it looked a little lazy, and it looked so cute, what is the monster beast of harmless to human and animals.

Being able to follow Long Qingtian, when she wants to come, should be out of the ordinary.

Just after Long Qingtian and the others went out of the Phantom Valley entrance and rushed to the Leafless Forest, Specter Sect Master Yuan Yuan, who fled the Phantom Valley, flew north with Specter Sect everyone. ! .

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