“Leafless Purple Fruit, it should be here all around demon tree, Master, do we want to look separately?!” said Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Although all around, it is possible to grow Leafless Purple Fruit, but Leafless Purple Fruit is rare, and it grows in the demon tree. The demon tree has no single hundred, there are tens of thousands, and everyone can find it separately so that it can be found faster.

“no need,” Long Qingtian said.

Although looking for it separately, it is easier to find Leafless Purple Fruit, but after separation, it is not the place where the Leafless Forest is deep.

From the time I first encountered the black snake, all the way down, never encountered a black snake, even the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is also very strange, it is said to be impossible.

This kind of anomaly made Long Qingtian be careful.

Everyone, what’s the situation, it’s easier to solve.

Moreover, looking for this Leafless Purple Fruit, Long Qingtian has a better way.

Under the watch of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and the others, Long Qingtian forehead flashed, offering Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Long Qingtian right hand, and Suppressing Heaven Pagoda flying into the sky.

Then, Long Qingtian gave a hand, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda full body rays of light, emitting myriad dao golden light, under these golden light, under the single hundred meters visible.

Suppressing Heaven Pagoda keeps spinning and moves all around.

“Everyone followed me, walking with Suppressing Heaven Pagoda!” Long Qingtian said, then flew up and magic power spurred Suppressing Heaven Pagoda to move forward.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the others surprise, fly to keep up.

Using magic power to move Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, although it consumes True Qi, the depth of this Leafless Forest is not too big. It should be able to fly in two hours in two hours. For two hours, Long Qingtian can still support it.

Everyone followed Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and noticed each demo tree below.

However, after an hour, the shadow of Leafless Purple Fruit was still not found.

“Boss, this Leafless Purple Fruit, will not be picked up. It is rumored that the Leafless Purple Fruit in the depths of the Leafless Forest has only produced ten pieces every hundred years. If these ten pieces are picked, then it will be another hundred years. Only regrowth can grow.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat is a little worried.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign pondered and said : “Although ten Leafless Purple Fruits will be born in a hundred years, few people come to the depths of the Leafless Forest to pick them, and the impossible is picked.”

This Leafless Forest, the Divine-level powerhouse, is also dangerous, and Saint-level is even more no need to say.

Although the Leafless Purple Fruit is between heaven and earth’s strange fruit, it has not been treasured to let the Divine-level powerhouse, Saint-level powerhouse risk its life to pick.

Even some super big influences will not.

Because a Saint-level powerhouse is much more valuable than Leafless Purple Fruit.

If you pick Leafless Purple Fruit, a Saint-level, or even Divine-level, is worth it.

Therefore, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign believes that ten Leafless Purple Fruit will not be picked.

Everyone continues to move forward.

Just then, Six-winged Purple Phoenix pointed to a demon tree in front: “Leafless Purple Fruit !”

Everyone looked and saw that in the place where the two branches of the demon tree intersect, there is a fruit of a deep purple se, which is only the size of the adult fist.

Leafless Purple Fruit is similar to the demon tree and all around, and it is the place where the branches cross. If it is not Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, it is difficult to see even if it is Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

Seeing Leafless Purple Fruit, everyone has a heart.

Finally found!

Even Long Qingtian has a smile.

“Everyone is careful!” Suddenly, Long Qingtian has a jing, and shouted.

Long Qingtian sound just fell, then see a path of black no bullet window no advertising shadow from the dark to the everyone jishe.

“It’s black snake!” cried Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

This a path of black shadow, it is the black snake!

There are more than a dozen!

Every black snake can be strike to kill Saint-level powerhouse.

Even Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix have a slight change in face.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign suddenly increased his hands and slammed the black shadows.

“Mad Dragon Devouring The Heaven !”

I saw a Golden Dragon appearing, and Zhang mouth swallowed the shadows.

Six-winged Purple Phoenix waved her hands to Phoenix, and they all attacked the shadows. I saw the Golden Dragon of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, she startedled.

“Dragon Race ?!”

Apparently, she didn’t expect the robust middle-aged man to be a Dragon Race powerhouse.

Roaring dragon, phoenix cry.

Dragon and Phoenix attack, formidable power superimposed, I saw that a dozen black snakes under the Golden Dragon and Fire Phoenix, all flew out, hit the distant demon tree, and then there was no movement.

These dozens of black snakes, just plain black snakes, are naturally unable to withstand the combination of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

At this time, Long Qingtian condensed the blade glow in the hand, and crossed the Leafless Purple Fruit-blade, and cut the Leafless Purple Fruit from the demon tree, only when Long Qingtian wanted to bring the Leafless Purple Fruit to the hand. At the time, another group of black shadows came.

“Black snake! How are so many black snakes!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat startled.

This time, more than just now, there are more than twenty!

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign saw him and flew to Long Qingtian to protect Long Qingtian. He punched the black shadow and the Six-winged Purple Phoenix shot.

However, although Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix shot at the same time, there are still black snakes that have escaped the two attacks. After all, there are too many.

More than 20, even if Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix teamed up, it is difficult to strike these black snakes all to strike to kill.

The black snake, which escaped the attack of two people, came to Long Qingtian and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat jishe.

One of the jishes went to Long Qingtian and the two jishes to Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat See, shouted: “Boss, be careful!” After that, he flew up and turned into a giant mountain body. The nine tails fluttered and attacked the three black snakes.

“!” The shock came.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the three black snakes are dancingly withdraw at the same time.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Although it only restores level 8 middle-stage Peak strength, it is stronger than the same Saint-level powerhouse. However, it is still very difficult to resist these three black snake attacks. I saw the nine giant tails. The rays of light are much dimmed.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat blocked the three black snakes, and the Leafless Purple Fruit was finally captured by Long Qingtian.

Leafless Purple Fruit starts with amazing ice and cold.

However, Long Qingtian also did not care to look at this Leafless Purple Fruit at this time, and he will be included in the space ring, and then look towards all around.

I saw that there were dozens of black snakes coming over here, and the number was twice as many as before. There are more than one 40!

“How come there are so many black snakes!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign face se has also changed, Six-winged Purple Phoenix pretty face face se is not good.

“It’s Black Snake King!” Suddenly, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at another, startled and said.

I saw another direction, and there were a lot of black snakes. There were more than one hundred, and three of them were twice as big as the black snake. There was a conspicuous king in the forehead.

“Three Black Snake King!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and the others.

Three Black Snake Kings, plus more than a hundred black snakes, even the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Six-winged Purple Phoenix powerhouses are far from escaping.

(The fourth night tonight, around eleven o’clock)! .

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