Six-winged Purple Phoenix was surprised, but Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign were on the Heavenly-grade Three Fiends Cold Vein, so not at everyone noticed her. Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign didn’t pay attention to her, but after Six-winged Purple Phoenix snapped out of it, she felt alive.

“Auction of Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique, Purple Thunder Tyrant Heaven Art? So, what is their cultivating cultivation technique and Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique?” Six-winged Purple Phoenix looked at Nine with horror -tailed Heavenly Cat and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. No wonder! Even Divine Qi of the ancient Fiendgod Battlefield Space can refining, and even this Three Fiend Cold Qi can also refining!

“Master, then I am going to take this Three Fiends Cold Vein,” asked Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian but shaked one’s head: “This Three Fiends Cold Vein, sealed in the deepest part of the earth, has the depth of ten thousand zhang, with your strength now, can not be seize out, and forced seize, will touch the restriction. ”

“The depth of ten thousand zhang!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign complexion changed. The bottom of the earth, the deeper the depth, the stronger the ground force.

The depth of ten thousand zhang, only the power of Heavenly God powerhouse can get there. Indeed, as Long Qingtian said, it is impossible to take out the Three Fiends Cold Vein with Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and now Ancient God’s strength.

“Let’s go,” Long Qingtian said.

Although it is impossible to take out this Three Fiends Cold Vein, it is a pity, but there is nothing. The most important thing in this trip is to take the 麒 phosphorus fire divine sword!

So, everyone continues to move forward. However, what everyone did not think was that when they flew forward at the bottom of the icy lake for more than two hours, they still did not fly to the end of the ice lake.

In other words, everyone is a light blue lake in addition to the light blue lake. Other than that, there is nothing else. Before entering the ice lake, everyone looked at the lake. The ice lake was only tens of thousands of miles away. At the speed of everyone, the ice lake should have been circled. But now, the feeling for everyone is that they have been flying for more than two hours and still have not flown to the center of the ice lake.

“Master, this is only the Divine Territory Space!” said Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. Long Qingtian nodded.

They should have entered the Divine Territory Space, or the entire icy lake, which is actually a Divine Territory Space.

“And it should be the Divine Territory Space of Heavenly God powerhouse.” Long Qingtian went on to say: “It should be Three Evils.”

Heavenly God powerhouse’s Divine Territory Space, Time and Space Law is much more perfect than the Ancient God powerhouse. This Ice Lake’s Time and Space Law, with the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign Ancient God’s strength, is not arranged, so Long Qingtian concludes. However, the Divine Territory Space of Heavenly God powerhouse can already be called Plane! Plane space ! Just like the Sky Wilderness Plane.

Of course, this Plane is still incomplete. Heavenly God powerhouse is unable to establish the Plane of Sky Wilderness Plane. The Plane created by Heavenly God powerhouse can only be called Lesser Plane.

Therefore, this icy lake is actually a Lesser Plane. It looks only tens of thousands of miles from the outside, but it is far more than tens of thousands of miles. It may count millions li or even 10 Million Li.

“Boss, let’s say that Qilin Fire Divine Sword, it’s really possible to be in this icy lake!” said Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Since this is the plane space created by Three Evils, then Qilin Fire Divine Sword, it is really possible to be in this icy lake. Long Qingtian shaked one’s head said: “I’m not sure this squad fire divine sword is here, but the Three Evils cultivating cave mansion should be in this icy lake. If that Aotian not at all enters this icy lake, Qilin Fire Divine Sword should be in other places.” Not in the icy lake, it can only be in one of the three evil peaks.

So, everyone continues to move forward. It took another three hours. Everyone has entered the ice lake for more than five hours, but in addition to the ice blue water, it still does not see it. Since the bottom of the icy lake, the squatting Yin Qi is extremely heavy, so after more than five hours, the Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​still pretty face snow white, when flying, even the pretty face is dizzy, obviously, already Some can’t support Three Fiend Cold Qi with the body. In fact, with her Divine-level 6th layer Peak strength, if the cultivation technique is run outside the glacial lake, after a few days, the body Three Fiend Cold Qi can be dispelled, but now at the bottom of the ice lake, the ground Three Fiends The chilly gas continued to spurt, but instead she was with the body Three Fiend Cold Qi.

“Master, Master, please, give me the cultivation technique, ask the Master to give me the cultivation technique!” In the end, Six-winged Purple Phoenix can no longer support with the body Three Fiend Cold Qi, and trembled: “Purple Feng, I will definitely worry about the Master in the future, and I am loyal to the Master!”

“Faithful.” Long Qingtian turned around, indifferently said. At this point, the pride of Six-winged Purple Phoenix has long since disappeared.

“Boss, this.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at the eyes of Six-winged Purple Phoenix, not carefully said: “Liuyi is already wrong, and she is not offended to you, not as good as it is.” At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign also has a postscript. Long Qingtian right hand Lifted up, one finger in the hand, a golden light immersed in the mind of Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

“This cultivation technique is called Phoenix Dance. It is a cultivation technique created by an Old Ancestor of your Phoenix Clan. You are now working according to the cultivation technique, refining within the body Three Fiend Cold Qi.” Then, Long Qingtian’s voice sounded. Cultivation technique created by Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor? Six-winged Purple Phoenix hearing this, I am grateful. Now, I will run the Phoenix Dance Cultivation Technique and run the Phoenix Dance Cultivation Technique. She is pleasantly surprised to find that the Three Fiend Cold Qi attached to her veins is like a snow. ,immediately ablated, and became a pure Spirit Qi, absorbed by her. Not only that, she found that the Phoenix Dance Cultivation Technique, refining Spirit Qi was even faster than the Divine-level early-rank she had previously cultivating. After a while, she opened her eyes, and the pretty face was happy.

“earnestly thanks my Master!” she bowed to Long Qingtian. Now, she has fully recognized Long Qingtian in her heart.

“en, get up.” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said. Six-winged Purple Phoenix got up.

“Lord, Master, do you give this guitar dance to Liuyi? Is it Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique? I just found out that I absorbed heaven and earth’s spirit qi faster than my previous Divine-level early-rank cultivation. Technique I don’t know much.” Six-winged Purple Phoenix asked, then watched Long Qingtian carefully. However, she just finished, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat laughed, and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign also shook his head and smiled. Six-winged Purple Phoenix startled: “Is it Divine-level higher-rank?” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat said with a smile : “Divine-level 舟? You are too underestimating your Phoenix Dance Cultivation Technique, Master’s cultivation technique for our cultivation, how many times better than Divine-level top-rank, your one It should not be much worse!”

“Thank you, how many times better than Divine-level top-rank?!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix was shocked. But when Six-winged Purple Phoenix was shocked, there was a sudden wave of power in the farthest distance. Everyone startled, look around.

“Master, will it be a Specter Sect person?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

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