The guard of the Penang was scared to cry and said: “Four Supreme Elder, they, they have no corpse!”

鈥淣o, no corpse?!鈥?The president of the Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce was stunned.

Then, this reporting to guard said the robust middle-aged man and skinny old man, tall purple-robed old man and green robe jingskinny old man transform into a bloody mist and was burned to ashes.

Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce The president’s face is seyin, and the eyes can’t hide the horror: “God, Divine-level powerhouse, turned out to be Divine-level powerhouse!”

Divine-level powerhouse !

His heart is surprised and angry, hateful, regret.

Four Supreme Elders, four Saint-level powerhouses, lost four Saint-levels at once, and the City Lord Mansion, who has always had a bad relationship with them, knows what will happen to their Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce? !

At the side of the temple, the previous opening shouted to catch a few people from Long Qingtian. The two guards who were cut by a blade and a blade had already scared the double tui, and kutui shook like a hair dryer.

“Union Lord, Union Lord, those people, they killed four Supreme Elder, will they come again?” The guard who came to reporting to be careful.

He meant that Long Qingtian, after killing their four Supreme Elders of Chamber of Commerce, would they come directly to their headquarters and get their president out? !

Sure enough, the president of the Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce heard a sudden change in face, and suddenly said: “Go, we will leave from the secret road now!” After that, the flying body flashed and flew to the secret road.

When the Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce fled to the secret road, several people from Long Qingtian actually came out of the city and came to Ice Snake Island, north of Desolate Wilderness Continent.

Originally, Long Qingtian planned to stay in the city for two days and break into the Dividing Spirit late-stage, but now, she can only leave.

The Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce, Long Qingtian naturally doesn’t care, but if it stays in the city, it will only cause the Expert attention of the Desolate Wilderness Empire and the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple behind it.

Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple ,expert countless, Long Qingtian is not going to conflict with the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple.

A few hours later, Long Qingtian flew down on a mountain.

“We are here for two days.” Long Qingtian glanced at the mountain all around, then said.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign three natural respectfully agreed.

Long Qingtian flew to an open space on the top of the mountain, and then arranged the formation around all the Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs. This time, he took the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg’s Innate Profound Qi and the geocentric ru, and broke into Dividing Spirit late. -stage.

Divine Beast Kunpeng Eggs compared to a few months ago when Long Qingtian just bought, the rune on the eggshell smashed a lot, and the slamming sounds also weakened.

In the past few months, several people of Long Qingtian have been cultivating, and from time to time they have absorbed Innate Profound Qi. The Innate Profound Qi of Divine Beast Kunpeng egg has gone halfway.

In this way, after 3-4 months, the Innate Profound Qi in the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg will be completely absorbed by Long Qingtian. In the past few months, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat of Innate Profound Qi has been absorbed. Heaven Dragon Sovereign found that his body has also improved, and his strength and speed have been greatly improved.

Especially speed.

This Divine Beast Kunpeng is the fastest flying divine beast between heaven and earth. The Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign absorbs this Innate Profound Qi and naturally gets blessed in this respect.

As for the Eye of Heavenly Elephant, Long Qingtian let everyone completely absorb the Innate Profound Qi of this Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, and then absorb the Power of Monster Origin in the eyes of Heavenly Elephant.

If you absorb Innate Profound Qi while refining Heavenly Elephant’s Power of Monster Origin, then the two forces will conflict, but not good.

Long Qingtian swallowed a drop of heart ru, sat there and played [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], heaven and earth’s spirit qi constantly gathered.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat also sat down and started the cultivation technique to absorb Innate Profound Qi from Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs.

Among the eggs of Divine Beast Kunpeng, four Innate Profound Qi were separated and continually dispersed. With the heaven and earth’s spirit qi, they entered the Long Qingtian four within the body.

After a few hours, the four people’s body all around has been completely shrouded by heaven and earth’s spirit qi.

Long Qingtian body all around, gold se and black sethunder and lightning flashing, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat body all around is nine serays of light, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is a golden cloud, and Six-winged Purple Phoenix is 鈥嬧€媋 The flames of the group.

Time passed, night fell, and the silver moon shrouded.

The moonlight of this Desolate Wilderness Continent is no different from the Sky Blue Continent.

The earth is quiet.

The moonlight falls and the horizon reappears.

In this way, during the day and night, the night alternates twice. Two days pass. In two days, Long Qingtian has broken through to the Dividing Spirit late-stage. However, Long Qingtian is still sitting there, constantly running cultivation techniques to absorb Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs. Innate Profound Qi cultivating, consolidating Dividing Spirit late-stage cultiv芒tion b芒se.

When Long Qingtian opened his eyes, the rays of light flashed in the eyes, and the heavens and the earth were bright.

“Boss, you are awake.” At this time, the work has stopped, and the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, which wakes up first, is on the road.

Long Qingtian nodded, and then moved, took Qilin Fire Divine Sword out of Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

In the past two months, after his constant sacrifice, the Qilin Fire Divine Sword has become his Life Source Divine Sword. Now, he can already motivate the Divine Beast Qilin hun, the Qilin Fire Qi tempering body and the divine sword. Cultivating.

“In this case, then break into the Integration Stage.” Long Qingtian said to himself.

Again from Dividing Spirit late-stage , breakthrough to Integration Stage!

This is not impossible.

Divine Beast Qilin among the Qilin Fire Divine Sword is a strange beast between heaven and earth. The beast of Ruixiang, in addition to Qilin Fire Qi, also contains a kind of Spirit Qi, Qi of Auspicious Spirit, which is rare between heaven and earth. Qi of Auspicious Spirit, even more than the Innate Profound Qi in the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, and the geocentric ess of the geocentric ru, it can not only enhance the strength of the cultivating person, but also wash the spirit hun and improve the ontology meridian. The sea of 鈥嬧€婰ing hun.

Ten thousand years ago, Aotian fell, Qilin Fire Divine Sword became ownerless object, and the hun of Divine Beast Qilin has been cultivating for a thousand years, continuously absorbing heaven and earth’s spirit qi into Qi of Auspicious Spirit. Think about how much the Qi of Auspicious Spirit is.

“Xiaotian, the three of you are now protecting me. I am going to use the Qi of Auspicious Spirit of Qilin Fire Divine Sword to make a breakthrough.” Long Qingtian turned to the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also awake.

Breakthrough to the Integration Stage, the movement is a bit large, so Long Qingtian makes three people protect against accidents.

“Yes, Boss.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat answered.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also respectfully agreed.

So, Long Qingtian sat down and continued to run [ Primal Chaos Great Luo Heaven ], and then sink into the body of Qilin Fire Divine Sword, Qilin Fire Divine Sword blade of light, a path of fiery radiance Start.

Under the watchful eyes of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, the Qilin fire divine beast hun hunted out of the sword and snarled. Qilin Fire Qi spread like all around the wave of fire.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three startled .! .

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