Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people saw Long Qingtian before the Divine Beast Kunpeng Dome, eyes confused, and then in the eyes of the three surprised, Long Qingtian actually palm shot to the Divine Beast Kunpeng Dome!

“bang!” There was a huge shock.

Divine Beast Kunpeng There are several tiny cracks on the eggshell.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three startled, Long Qingtian Now the power of palm, even if hit the Saint-level 2nd layer powerhouse body, Saint-level-2nd layer powerhouse body will be beaten, but now this Divine Beast Kunpeng eggs just showed a few tiny cracks!

These few tiny cracks are invisible. If you don’t gaze carefully, you can’t find it.

At the same time, the three people were surprised by Long Qingtian. Why did you break this Divine Beast Kunpeng egg?

Long Qingtian See palm did not break the Divine Beast Kunpeng Dome in front of him, not surprised, which he expected, if the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg is so easy to crush, it is not the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg.

So, Long Qingtian once again concentrated and the palm hit.

“!” is another huge shock.

Divine Beast Kunpeng There are several tiny cracks on the eggshell.

Long Qingtian raised his hand, the third palms, the fourth palm, and hit a dozen palms in succession!

On the top of the eggshell of Divine Beast Kunpeng, the cracks continued to expand and eventually spread throughout the eggshell, and the giant eggs all around the ground were also shattered.

“Master, what are you doing?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign See Long Qingtian really want to crush the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg, I can’t help but ask.

“Wait, you will know.” Long Qingtian finished, suddenly bursting into his fists and flashing light, slamming at the giant egg.

Under the double boxing of Long Qingtian, the whole dome sounded a huge cracking sound, the eggshell was torn apart, and the blast was directed to the everywhere and the giant egg collapsed. A Huaguang skyrocketed, among the Huaguang, faintly outgoing. Ominous beast roar.

This kind of roar actually contains the power of Ma Dawei.

Long Qingtian looked at the Huaguang, which was rising from the sky, and screamed coldly. Both hands took a photo of Huaguang and took it in the air.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people look, I saw this group of Huaguang, there is a miniature version of the peerless ominous beast. This miniature version of the ominous beast looks like a fish, the fish has a double wing, the wings are very Big and long.

“This is?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat was suspicious.

“This is Divine Beast Kunpeng.” Long Qingtian said, unraveling the three people’s hearts.

That’s right, Divine Beast Kunpeng, to be exact, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng, which hasn’t really been born yet.

The Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng has been formed in the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg.

After the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng was taken in the air, Long Qingtian forehead rays of light flashed, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda flew out and then came over the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng.

Long Qingtian refers to the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda rotation, in which the formation opens a path of light and illuminates, and the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng is shrouded in it.

Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng snarls, earns holes, and a burst of powerful force collides with the beam of light, shaking the beam of light.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Sees the three, I am going to help, Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said: “no need, you guard me around.”

Then, Long Qingtian waved her hands to Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and scored each and everyone magic art, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda rays of light. The light beam was stable and sent out a burst of absorption. I saw that the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng was Suppressing. Heaven Pagoda absorbs it step by step into the tower, and it doesn’t matter how it struggles.

In the end, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng was completely absorbed into the tower.

However, Long Qingtian not at all stopped, but flew to the sky, sat in the air, and sacrificed Evil God Cauldron. Then, with a wave of his hands, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda fell into Evil God Cauldron.

“Boss wants to seal this Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and make it into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda Tool Spirit?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sees it, can’t help but startled and said.

“It seems that the Master should be pursuing the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng into a Suppressing Heaven Pagoda Tool Spirit!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“Did’t expect Master will have this tool refining method. This tool refining method has been lost for many thousand years.” Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​also startedled and said.

If the Soul of Monster Beast is sealed into a weapon, the weapon’s formidable power will increase a lot, and the more the divine beast’s soul, the greater the weapon’s formidable power will increase.

But the Soul of Monster Beast is sealed to the weapon, and even the Tool Refining Great Grandmaster is hard to do.

Moreover, this tool refinement technique has been lost for many thousand years in the Sky Wilderness Plane.

The three men were nervous and looked at Long Qingtian and Evil God Cauldron at high altitude.

Long Qingtian waved with both hands, magic art continued to play, and finally, his hands were getting faster and faster, only to see the faint hand, and the Evil God Cauldron rays of light became more and more fierce.

So, in the past few hours, Long Qingtian seized a spiral of grade 2 top-rank Peak, and then waved it, seeing the spiral vein like the big grade 2 top-rank Peak around Evil God Cauldron Rotating, under the gradual scour of grade 2 top-rank Peak spirit vein澎湃, a faint Black Qi emerged from Evil God Cauldron.

Long Qingtian re-refining this Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, so at the expense of a grade 2 top-rank Peak spirit vein to remove impurities from the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

This Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Long Qingtian initial refining, is a very common material, although after several refining, True Fire calcination, but the impurities are still not completely removed.

Every few breaths, there is a faint Black Qi, and the grade 2 top-rank Peak spirit vein Spirit Qi consumes, shrinking, and finally, Evil God Cauldron no longer scatters Black Qi, grade 2 top-rank The spirit vein disappeared completely.

Then, Evil God Cauldron rays of light rises to the sky, with the rays of light, a spirit tower slowly rises.

It is exactly after refining the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people found that Suppressing Heaven Pagoda is different from before. The tower glow seems to be more agile. The original vivid divine beast portraits of the tower are more rays of light, and, from the tower, An ominous beast flies out and turns out to be the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng!

I saw the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng flying around the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, and the heaven and the earth’s spirit qi rushed in and washed Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

After Long Qingtian re-refining, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng has become the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda Tool Spirit, just like the Divine Beast Qilin in the Qilin Fire Divine Sword.

Of course, this Divine Beast Kunpeng Tool Spirit is far less than the Divine Beast Qilin Tool Spirit in the Qilin Fire Divine Sword. After all, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng strength is still weak.

However, Long Qingtian believes that in the future, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng will grow up, and Suppressing Heaven Pagoda formidable power is not weaker than Qilin Fire Divine Sword.

After Suppressing Heaven Pagoda merged with the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng, it also successfully reached the Saint-grade middle-rank.

See refining success, Long Qingtian sighed in relief, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Evil God Cauldron income within the body, then swallowed a medicine pill, began to adjust the power.

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