In Jiang Wei, I dare to see the young family brothers of the Jiang Family and Zou Family. When they kill, they will kill, and there is nothing. Even those small families know that they don’t dare to scream.

Jiang Wei watched the huge waves turn into huge sea whales, swallowing Zou Yun to the past, and the color of the glimmers passed by, his face proud and proud.

“Jiang Wei has reached the Emperor-level 5th layer and learned a few thousand years ago of Sea Whale Gigantic Wave Palm!”

“palm will fly Zou Yun, then Zou Yun is not an opponent at all, then Zou Yun is only going to finish this time, look at the amazing palm force, Jiang Wei wants to completely abolish this Zou Yun!”

“Zou Family didn’t come with an expert, but now I can’t save even if I want to save!”

“We still walk away, so as not to be like the four fools, the fish pond!”

All around The visibility of the island watched, not to shock Jiang Wei strength, pointing to Long Qingtian four people to talk, and then escaping to the distance.

Jiang Wei’s face is more proud and proud.

The giant wave palm force will hit Zou Yun, and Zou Yun eyes will panic.

Just then, the huge palm force suddenly disappeared!

No warning, just like something suddenly swallowed up.

Jiang Wei startled, Zou Yun startled, all around Watch the island in the discipline all startedled.

“This, what’s the matter?!” Watching an island in the discipline eating and eating.

After Jiang Wei startled, he then looked up and looked at the Long Qingtian behind Zou Yun, eyes cold glow flashed: “Is your hand?!”

All around everyone All startled, looked towards Long Qingtian.

Zou Yun was also surprised. He staggered and stood up. He looked at Long Qingtian. Originally, he thought he was a Zou Family expert. It would be Long Qingtian.

“brat, you are not too stupid.” Long Qingtian did not speak, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at Jiang Wei and looked taunted.

Jiang Wei heard the ridicule of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, complexion sank, coldly said: “You dare to take care of my Jiang Family? I think you are impatient!”

“What about your Jiang Family?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sneered and said: “brat, you are farting, still eating, how the whole body is smelly, you just said that we are doing nothing.”

Jiang Wei’s face turned into purple, fart? Eat? !

Jiang Family is one of the Ice Snake Island Four Great Families, and is the Head of the Four Great Families. His father is Jiang Family Contemporary Patriarch. Has anyone ever dared to be so impudent to him? !

In fact, insulting him in the face of all around the island!

He even heard the laughter of the disciple all around.

“You, damn it!” Jiang Wei eyes killing intent burst out like a flood.

“Gigantic Whale Overturning The Sea !”

Jiang Wei slammed into the air, and the whole body was soaring. The two palms hit, and the water of the heavens and the earth suddenly gathered. All around the heavens and the earth was flooded with water of heaven and earth, and it became a vast ocean, and a giant whale in the ocean Long Qingtian A few people swallowed up, and the waves seemed to turn over the sea.

This Jiang Wei is angry. Just now, he shot Zou Yun and he didn’t have such a big killing intent.

“Dead!” Jiang Wei eyes blood red.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sees, hehe sneer does not work, palm is shot, the plain palm, but a powerful force suddenly bursts, with the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood The ocean formed by the water of the world is like a water mirror, blasting.

The water pillar spurt, the powerful force that made Jiang Wei fly out.

Jiang Wei’s body continued to fly backwards and finally smashed into the corner of the stage.

“You, you!” Jiang Wei eyes looked at Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat in horror, but before he even said it, he spurted another blood.

Zou Yun and all around the island disciple stunned at Jiang Wei who fell on the stage, then sucked in a cold breath, staring blankly at Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Jiang Wei But the Emperor-level 5th layer powerhouse is so easily defeated!

Then? !

“Saint-level ?!” Zou Yun and all around the island’s mind flashed through the single thought head, watching Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, his eyes changed.

“Master, how is this brat disposed?” Jiang Wei is flying, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat to Long Qingtian said.

Master ? ! Zou Yun and the others were surprised to look forward to Long Qingtian.

Just then, a surprised and angry came from the sky: “You are so courageous, you dare to hurt me Jiang Family disciple!” Then, a huge white palm print came from void splitting voiid.

This huge white palm print, crystal clear, chilly, palm print has not arrived, all around the world seems to have been frozen in general, all around the island in the discipline only feel cold.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat saw it, and a cold glimpse, the palm greeted.

“hong long!” sounded, the huge white palm print disappeared, all around the cold currents swept across the air, Zou Yun and all around the island in the disciples.

Several splitting voiid sounds came, and the three bodies fell on the stage, and the three were dressed in Jiang Family costumes.

“Jiang Family Elder !” Zou Yun startled.

Jiang Family Elder, three Saint-level!

All around Watch the discipline, no fear, and retreat again.

The three men flew down to the stage and came to Jiang Wei. They watched Jiang Wei’s injury and their faces were gloomy. At this time, Jiang Wei stood up and saw three people with a happy face and then turned. The first anger refers to Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Long Qingtian, and said: “Three Elder, you come just right, kill them!”

The three turned to look at towards Long Qingtian, and their faces were cold.

“brat, you are courting death!” Among the three, the thin face in the middle of the elderly looked at Long Qingtian coldly: “I am hurting my Jiang Family disciple at Ice Snake Island, even if it is a Saint-level powerhouse, I will die.”

Long Qingtian has a calm face.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat sneered and said : “Is it?”

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix stand beside Long Qingtian and have no openings.

That thin face is hearing this, in the eyes killing intent flash, just at this moment, suddenly splitting voiid sound came again, two figures landed on the ground, Zou Yun see the coming, a happy face: “second uncle, fourth elder!”

It is his second uncle, Zou Ping and Zou Family fourth elder.

Zou Ping nodded, then looked at Long Qingtian, and Jiang Family three Elder.

“Second uncle, these few seniors just saved me.” At this time, Zou Yun came forward and said quickly: “This senior is Saint-level powerhouse.” Means Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Zou Ping startled, and then smile, cup one fist in the other hand. For Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat: “I just thanked the brother.”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat nodded indifferently.

Zou Yun seems to be afraid that Zou Ping doesn’t know Long Qingtian’s identity, and then points out the identity of Long Qingtian. When Long Qingtian turns out to be Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Master, Zou Yun and Zou Kang startled, looking at Long Qingtian, his eyes obviously have different.

“Zou Ping, this person hurts my Jiang Family disciple, I hope that you Zou Family is better not to intervene in this matter.” At this time, Jiang Family’s face was elevated coldly said: “No!”

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