Original Long Qingtian nodded, calm face

Divine-level 7th layer ?

As long as it is not the Ancient God powerhouse, Long Qingtian has the confidence to retreat, the Spirit of Divine Beast Kunpeng seal Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, become Suppressing Heaven Pagoda Tool Spirit, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda promoted Saint-grade middle-rank, enter it, even Divine- Level 7th layer Peak powerhouse can’t be found.

Long Qingtian turned to Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three people: “You are outside, wait for me to come out.”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three respectfully agreed.

Long Qingtian flew up and flew to the altar with those quota brothers.

“Old Ancestor, that’s that small.” Jiang Luo saw Long Qingtian flew down to the altar, and went up to golden robed Old Ancestor said respectfully, his eyes mean Long Qingtian.

Golden robed Old Ancestor looked towards Long Qingtian, eyes rays of light, frowned: “Emperor-level 5th layer ?good, I know, you retire.”

“Yes, Chapter 196 enters Sacred Mountain Old Ancestor.” Jiang Luo respectfully agreed and retreated to the side.

At this time, the island’s quota brothers flew to the altar, and no one entered the altar.

Golden robed Old Ancestor saw it, flying in front of his body, waving in his hand, a path of 晦涩 power from his body, and then the altar all around rune flashed, then the whole altar rushed a beam of light, all around heaven and earth One is dark.

When the light column disappeared, Long Qingtian and the others on the altar had disappeared. It has been transmitted from the altar to the Sacred Mountain.

Long Qingtian ray of light in the eyes, open the eyes, all around The scene has changed, has come to a mountain, Long Qingtian divine sense sweep.

“Look, this is the periphery of Sacred Mountain.” Long Qingtian speaks to himself.

On the altar, five thousand brothers will be scattered in all corners of Sacred Mountain. Some of them will be sent directly to Sacred Mountain, and some will even be transferred to the central area of ​​Sacred Mountain.

Sacred fruit In the central area of ​​Sacred Mountain, when these are transferred to the central area, the younger brother will take the first step and compete for the sacred fruit.

“Only one day, it seems to be tight.” Long Qingtian flew up and flew inside Sacred Mountain.

Sacred Mountain is on, only one day at a time.

Therefore, Long Qingtian wants to find Golden-horned Grass in one day, and the 196th chapter enters Sacred Mountain sacred fruit. For Long Qingtian, it is dispensable, find Golden-horned Grass, then go It is not too late to find sacred fruit.

As Long Qingtian approaches the inner perimeter of Sacred Mountain, there are more and more island brothers along the way.

Although the Sacred Mountain is very large, from the periphery to the inner circumference, the speed of the Long Qingtian is three or four hours. Within this Sacred Mountain, Long Qingtian does not hide the strength, flying all the way, and the islands fly inward. The younger brother only felt that the afterimage flashed past, and Long Qingtian had only one black dot left and disappeared instantly.

“Okay, this person, how could speed be like this!” The brother of an Emperor-level 6th layer couldn’t believe to look at Long Qingtian, startled and said.

“Is it Saint-level powerhouse?! No, impossible, if it is a Saint-level powerhouse, it won’t come!” The younger brother was surprised. According to Sacred Mountain, only the brothers below Saint-level can enter Sacred Mountain. The altar only transmits the younger brothers of Saint-level, and the upper Saint-level brothers can’t enter.

Although Long Qingtian is just an integration middle-stage, it uses the Immortal Escapee Technique, which is faster than the same Saint-level early-rank powerhouse.

It is no wonder that these brothers will be suspicious.

Three hours later, Long Qingtian came to Sacred Mountain.

Sacred Mountain is actually halfway up the hillside of Sacred Mountain.

Long Qingtian came to Sacred Mountain halfway up the mountain and flew while sweeping the divine sense to scan all around. However, after three hours, Golden-horned Grass was still not found.

Long Qingtian frowned, so look for it, I don’t know when to find Golden-horned Grass.

This Sacred Mountain is not small, only knowing that Golden-horned Grass is in the inner and central areas of Sacred Mountain.

Long Qingtian started the divine sense search while flying, so the speed slowed down.

The island’s quota brothers continued to pass by Long Qingtian and flew to the top of the Sacred Mountain, the central area. When these young people passed by Long Qingtian, they were puzzled and apparently puzzled Long Qingtian’s actions.

They entered Sacred Mountain, for what? Sacred fruit !

However, what does Long Qingtian look for on this mountainside?

“Brother Lei, look, there is a fool who is looking for something on this mountainside.”

“Some people are stupid, that is the matter of others. Let’s go and go to the top of the mountain. This sacred fruit, only a few pieces every time it is opened. If it is late, it will be gone.”

“Speaks correctly, we have to go ahead of others one step ahead. If sacred fruit falls into the hands of others, it will be difficult to fight back!”

“Sacred fruit is our chance for Sanctification. If we cultivate breakthrough, I don’t know what year!”

A few silions passed by Long Qingtian, disappeared and flew to the top.

Every 30 years, Sacred Mountain is opened once, and there are only a few sacred fruit.

Ninety years ago, Soundless Mountain mutated and gave sacred fruit, so this Sacred Mountain was opened three times. Once more, seven were born, and only one was only three.

Thousand islands, five thousand brothers compete for a few sacred fruit, can imagine the time to compete for intensity.

So, this is one reason why Zou Yun gave quota to Long Qingtian. Of course, he gave quota to Long Qingtian, and because Long Qingtian saved him.

Long Qingtian expand divine sense and continue searching.

After the brother of Long Qingtian, the younger brother gradually became less.

Two hours later, no brother passed by Long Qingtian. It seems that all of them have reached the top of the mountain to compete for sacred fruit.

“Golden-horned Grass!” Finally, on the edge of a cliff, Long Qingtian found Golden-horned Grass, and saw a mountain above the cliff, a gold se, shaped like a dragon horn. A touch of gold se halo.

Long Qingtian had a joy in her heart and flew in. Before she came to the mountain wall, the right hand was clawed, and the void was clawed. The Golden-horned Grass and its all around the wall were caught. Then, with a grip, the wall was scattered and left. Golden-horned Grass.

“Thirty kinds of spirit medicine are finally found. When you refining Five Sovereign Divine Vein Pill, you can fix my internal veins!” Long Qingtian looked at Golden-horned Grass in his hand, secretly said in one’s heart.

After a while, Long Qingtian took the Golden-horned Grass into the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and flew to the top of Sacred Mountain.

Golden-horned Grass found it, so it is sacred fruit!

Long Qingtian would like to see what this sacred fruit is, and can make this Plane’s Emperor-level powerhouse promote to Saint-level. If so, can you revert to the Crossing Tribulation period?

An hour later, Long Qingtian came to the top of Sacred Mountain.

As they approached, a burst of power came from the top of Sacred Mountain. Obviously, some people have found sacred fruit, causing the island to compete.

“Fu Qing, hand over the sacred fruit, you are only Emperor-level 5th layer, you are not qualified to get sacred fruit!”

“Let me surrender sacred fruit, dream, Jiang Chen, don’t think you are Emperor-level 7th layer, I am afraid of you!”

Just as Long Qingtian came to the top of Sacred Mountain, there were several sounds coming from the front, and then a path of splitting voiid sounded from a distance to the side.

(There is something today, so it is very slow, late)! ! ! To be continued

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