Under Jiang Chen coldly shouted, the island scorpions, who had some retreats, could not help but stop.

“Kill!” Jiang Wei slammed and took the lead.

“Sea Whale Gigantic Wave Palm !”

“Whales swallow the world!”

The water of the heavens and the earth is instantly condensed, and the waves are soaring.

The island brothers saw Jiang Wei, and they all flew up and attacked Long Qingtian.

“Broken Wave!”

鈥淲hirlpool Finger, a finger 浜搇涔惧潳!鈥?/p>

“Heaven Locking Palm !”

The island brothers took the shot and made a full blow, immediately murky heavens dark earth, mad sand, and air blasting.

And red-haired youngster Su Bai also let the various island brothers and sisters attached to their own hands, immediately, more than 50 Emperor-level shots, powerful, even in other places to compete for the sacred fruit of the sister-in-law I don’t have complexion greatly changed, I have seen it in this direction.

That Fu Qing saw it, and his face was eclipsed, panting back and hiding far away.

Long Qingtian looked at the islands, the sisters strands, coldly snorted, the body shape flashed, immediately disappeared in place, then, as the phantom continued to flash in the air, each flash once, a young man screamed in the air These younger sisters screamed and screamed like a magic sound in the hearts of Jiang Chen and Su Bai.

In the end, the screams stopped.

The mist shadow disappears!

Countless finger shadows disappear!

The water of the heavens and the earth condensed, and all the violent sands stopped and the airflow was stable.

Long Qingtian silhouette flashed and fell to the ground, while Jiang Chen, Su Bai, and Fu Qing, who was avoiding in the distance, looked at the island鈥檚 nephews in horror, and saw the island鈥檚 nephews in the air stagnate in the air. It seems to have been set by the force of Space-Time, and then under their gaze, it is like a heavy rain and falls from the sky at the same time.

A burst of dense “bang!” “Bao!”

Jiang Chen, Su Bai looked at the more than 50 Emperor-level brothers who fell to the ground, his face was palely pale, and Fu Qing, who was hiding in the distance, was stunned.

More than 50 Emperor-level powerhouses, a dozen or so breaths, were all defeated!

鈥淪econd Brother!鈥?Jiang Chen reacted and panicked to Jiang Wei. He screamed and saw Jiang Wei lying down with the younger sister-in-law, spitting blood in his mouth and a palm print on his chest. .

Jiang Wei did not respond, and the chest aura was weak and undulating.

Long Qingtian came over to Jiang Chen and Su Bai.

Su Bai panicked and then retired, with a look of horror, before the proud, I have long since disappeared.

“You, you call, Long Chen? Long Chen, you are sacred fruit, Nine Yang Pill, me, don’t!” Su Bai panicked, trembled, but found out that the exit was rough, which did not make it clear that he just said Want to snatch Long Qingtian’s sacred fruit and Nine Yang Pill?

He hurriedly said: “No, no, Brother Long Chen, I am not, it doesn’t mean this!” But he just said this, the silhouette flashed, only a strong force suddenly slammed, he just wanted to dodge, the whole body suddenly A shock, like a giant mountain impact, fell out.

Su Bai hit a distant mountain wall and then rolled down the mountain wall.

“pu!” He sneezed his blood, looked up, and looked at Long Qingtian with a blank look.

Jiang Chen heard Su Bai screaming and turned to see Su Bai’s miserable form. He couldn’t help but face his face and flew up to the side of the jungle. Even his brother Jiang Wei did not care.

However, he just fled to the jungle and saw a silhouette standing in front, and impressively is Long Qingtian.

“Dragon, Long Chen!” Jiang Chen knotted his tongue.

“You just didn’t want me to sacred fruit and Nine Yang Pill? How do you want to go now?” Long Qingtian look is indifferent.

“No, I, I didn’t!” Jiang Chen waved his hands and ate.

Before he finished, he saw Long Qingtian palm, and he flew back and fell back to Jiang Wei, Su Bai and the others.

Long Qingtian flew to the side of Jiang Chen and the others, and then took a single palm back to take a picture, and then Fu Qing seized in the distance to the front.

Fu Qing threw sacred fruit to himself, and Long Qingtian naturally knew what the other side was playing.

Fu Qing saw herself being seize to Long Qingtian and was eclipsed: “Brother, brother, I don’t mean anything else, really!”

Long Qingtian coldly snorted, throwing Fu Qing aside.

Fu Qing fell to the ground and looked at Long Qingtian with a look of horror. However, after seeing Long Qingtian throw him aside, he flew and flew to the top of Sacred Mountain, after Long Qingtian left. For a long time, Fu Qing was only sighed in relief after Long Qingtian would not return.

He touched his forehead and sweated, and found that his back was wet. He looked at the distant, slightly weak Jiang Chen and Su Bai.

“Emperor-level 5th layer, this is really the strength of the Emperor-level 5th layer?!” He muttered.

Long Qingtian left the place and went to the top of Sacred Mountain. It was not to compete for other sacred fruit. Although the sacred fruit was magical, Long Qingtian was more interested in why the Sacred fruit was born after the Sacred Mountain mutation.

An hour later, Long Qingtian came to the top of Sacred Mountain.

After coming to the top of Sacred Mountain, the competition for sacred fruit is even more intense, and some even compete for hundreds of people.

In a battle for people, Long Qingtian discovered the Meng Family Meng Tingting and watched the island brothers fight for these sacred fruit. Long Qingtian did not stop, flew while expanding the divine sense into the ground.

Gradually, away from the younger sisters, I came to a cliff on the top of the mountain.

鈥渆n?!鈥?Suddenly, Long Qingtian divine sense infiltrated the ground and found a slight noise from the bottom of the cliff. This abnormal sound was faintly discernable, but if you carefully read it, it will be found that these sounds are very regular, just like the human heart. The same is true, but this kind of pulsation has only been ringing for a long time.

Long Qingtian flew down from the cliff and landed more than ten feet before coming to the bottom of the cliff.

The bottom of the cliff, dark and cold, contrasts with the sun at the top of the cliff.

Long Qingtian unfolded the divine sense and continued to infiltrate into the bottom of the cliff. After a while, he came to the grass on the bottom of the cliff. The grass was very prosperous, green and green, and full of Spirit Qi.

“It should be here.” Long Qingtian said to himself, after he finished, he squeezed the magic art, and then the whole person slowly sank into the ground and finally disappeared.

Long Qingtian’s technique of spreading the bandits continued to the bottom of the earth. As he continued to sink into the ground, the sound of the pulsation became clearer. At the same time, Long Qingtian found that all around the ground, Spirit Qi became richer.

Gradually, Long Qingtian has sunk into the bottom two thousand zhang, the force of the earth is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the sinking of Long Qingtian is also slower.

Fortunately, Long Qingtian’s bandit technique is brilliant, otherwise he will not be able to enter the bottom two thousand zhang.

Even the Ancient God powerhouse, the palm force can’t penetrate the two thousand zhang.

Of course, in this lower-grade Sky Wilderness Plane, even the Ancient God powerhouse that repairs the Earth Element can only sneak into the underground, hundred zhang, like Long Qingtian, enter the bottom two thousand zhang, say, go out, I鈥檓 afraid To cause the Sky Wilderness Plane to vibrate.

When Long Qingtian sank into the ground of two thousand 500 zhang, the pulsating sound became clearer, as if it was in front of him, but at this time, the force of the earth squeezed and pressed, and Long Qingtian was also extremely struggling.

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