Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hearing this , complexion changed, scared to flee and shouted, “Boss, don’t yell at me, how can I stand up to you with my little bones now!”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat’s exaggerated expression, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign laughed, and Six-winged Purple Phoenix also smirked.

Long Qingtian also laughed, this brat! Immediately, Long Qingtian slammed into the jungle in front of the jungle and saw that Long Qingtian fist strength had passed, and a towering ancient tree was smashed.

One, two, three, centered on Long Qingtian, the front of the ancient tree straight down, extending to the north, until far away!

Looking at the thousands of ancient trees that fell to the extreme north, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hit a slap, but fortunately this fist was not on him, if he was on him, I was afraid of him. This small body is the same as those of the ancient tree!

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also amazed by Long Qingtian this fist formidable power. Even if the Saint-level 7th layer Peak powerhouse punches, there is no Long Qingtian this fist formidable power!

However, Long Qingtian has just been promoted to the Crossing Tribulation period!

“Master, you are now strength?!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix was amazed.

“below Divine-level, no rival!” Long Qingtian said.

For his strength now, he is very clear, absolutely killing Saint-level 7th layer Peak, you can fight Divine-level one, 2nd layer powerhouse!

Long Qingtian found that these days cultivating, his body is more and more reinforced.

Below Divine-level, no rivals!

Although it is known that Long Qingtian’s promotion to Crossing Tribulation will be strong, Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​also surprised by Long Qingtian’s personal presence, but also startled, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

“Master, then we are heading to Fiendgod Battlefield?” After a while, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign asked.

“No hurry.” Long Qingtian waved his hand and said, “I want to pill refining!”

Pill refining, finally it’s time to heal with the body meridian!

Long Qingtian sacrificed Evil God Cauldron and took out dozens of rare spirit medicines such as Nine-colored Flower, Leafless Purple Fruit, Heavenly Monster Fruit, and Golden-horned Grass. Dozens of spiral medicines are suspended in the air, all around immediately with a strange scent that makes people feel refreshed.

Long Qingtian waved with both hands, these spirit medicines fell into the Evil God Cauldron, and then Long Qingtian took a photo with him, and Flame of Heaven and Earth continued to gather at Long Qingtian.

Now, Long Qingtian strength is many times stronger than the Tool Refinement Great Competition at Dwarf Race. At one time, Flame of Heaven and Earth is like a flood of water, as if it is endless.

These Flame of Heaven and Earth are surrounded by Long Qingtian, forming a series of Fire Dragons, each of which was as big as the previous Tool Refinement Great Competition. After forming 30 Fire Dragons, Long Qingtian stopped. With both hands waving, these Fire Dragons spurt the flames around Evil God Cauldron.

Long Qingtian kept waving with both hands and hiting pill refining magic art against Evil God Cauldron.

Not long after, within Evil God Cauldron, there was a burst of fascinating medicine pill, and there was a roaring dragon phoenix cry.

“I don’t know what Dan is Master refining?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat startled.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix shaked one’s head.

Thirty Fire Dragons still spurt the flames. Within Evil God Cauldron, the more rays of light, the Evil God Cauldron, these rays of light are constantly gathering, like a small ceiling, these small flowers are constantly blooming, constantly blooming .

“natural phenomenon ?!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign three people saw this scene, startled and said.

In the rumor, if the defying heaven or Dan is produced, the natural phenomenon will appear.

At that time, Sky Wilderness Plane Ten Great Divine Sword was born, and there were also different flights.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign Three eyes staring at Evil God Cauldron.

So, after more than three hours, Long Qingtian forehead rays of light flashed, and a grain of gold with a little golden light appeared in front of everyone.

The three people were surprised to see all the around in this grain, even the lines, with each and everyone Innate Spirit!

“First, Innate Spirit, God, what is this divine soil?!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign cry out in surprise.

This is the Innate Breathing Soil !

One grain!

Long Qingtian refining this pill, decided to incorporate an Innate Breathing Soil to enhance the effect of medicine pill!

After the “Baidu Posts” text, Nine-colored Flower is rare, but these years are still lower. If you have Innate Breathing Soil, you can make up for this problem.

Not only can it be made up, but it can also play the role of the original pill effect ten times, hundredfoldfold, and even several hundredfoldfold.

Long Qingtian’s Innate Breathing Soil has a thumb size of more than 30 capsules. It takes a pill refining to heal the wound with the body meridian. It’s nothing.

Long Qingtian lifted his hand and sent the Innate Breathing Soil into the Evil God Cauldron. Then he opened his mouth and sprayed it into the Evil God Cauldron, wrapped in Innate Breathing Soil.

Innate Breathing Soil fell into Evil God Cauldron, immediately, Evil God Cauldron rushed out of a path of nine rays of light, straight into nine days.

Long Qingtian waved his hands again and again, and instantly shot thousands of magic art.

Finally, Evil God Cauldron was shocked, opened, and Guanghua continued to flow. The nine-color light column skyrocketed, and all the Sky Wilderness Plane powerhouses at this moment sensed that the Sky Wilderness Plane Spirit Qi was so fluctuating.

Among the Ice Mountain Sea Territory not far from here, Old Ancestors and Patriarch were shocked to see this direction.

“What happened?! Is this, someone refining a peerless divine tool or a divine pill?!” Su Family Old Ancestor Su Da was surprised.

“Old Ancestor, tool refining, pill refining, not far from Ice Mountain Sea Territory, we?!” Su Family Patriarch.

Su Da blinked and finally shook her head: “Although not far from here, but we rushed over, the other party has already left, you transmit an order, check this matter!”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!”

At this time, with the nine-color beam, a longan-sized medicine pill rises slowly, the medicine pill shines, a little golden light, and a divine card with a narrow card is constantly flying around the medicine pill.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign The three eyes stunned at the medicine pill.

Medicine pill finally refining success!

Long Qingtian looked at the medicine pill in front of her, and in the heart, after Evil God Cauldron was included in the body, Zhang mouth suddenly sucked, such as the giant whale swallowed, absorbed the medicine pill into the body, and immediately sat down and ran cultivation Technique ,refining medicine pill .

Medicine pill entered with the body, Long Qingtian within the body suddenly shocked, the whole body surged.

Under these torrent flushes, Long Qingtian can sense that the meridian recovered by Heaven’s Puníshment serious injury recovers at the astonishing speed, and eventually recovers completely, and is more tenacious than before, and the body is more reinforced!

At the same time, Long Qingtian’s strength has also improved again!

It didn’t take long to reach the early-stage Peak of the Crossing Tribulation!

Finally, a slight shock, reaching the Crossing Tribulation middle-stage!

Half a day later, Long Qingtian opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed, and he looked up and smashed the aura of the world!

The injury that has been bothering him with the body meridian has finally healed! Finally cured!

Long Qingtian runs the cultivation technique again, seeing all around a path of heaven and earth’s spirit qi gathering, and actually formed each and everyone Innate Spirit, coming to Long Qingtian. ! .

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