Original “Yes, Master, are you thinking?!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign heard Long Qingtian talking about Specter Sect Sect, his mind flashed, I couldn’t help but blurt out

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also looking at Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian nodded.

Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, divided east, south, west, north, and center, five major areas, although Demon Qi in Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield is amazing, but there are many spirit objects, some of the influences are also built in Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield. Some Demon Qi is weak.

For example, Specter Sect, Sect is based in South Territory of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield.

Specter Sect Sect Master and elders, died in Evil God Palace, now, Specter Sect Sect Peak lacks power, control Specter Sect, it should be easy, then, based on Specter Sect, unified the ancient Fiendgod Battlefield Sect influence !

After unifying the major Sect influences of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, slowly hunted and conquered undefad of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, variant monster beast.

Within two years, Long Qingtian wants complete control over Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield!

So Long Qingtian and the others went directly to the South Territory of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield. Since Long Qingtian and the others went to the South Territory of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, no need crossed the central area and met some lower-level undead. Monster beast, so, all the way to not at all is greatly hindered, the speed is very good.

After more than a month, Long Qingtian and the others were close to Specter Sect Sect.

At this point, the Specter Sect was a beaming, Sect up and down, cheering.

The center of the Specter Sect Sect stands a tall palace. This palace is Specter Sect’s agenda, great hall, great hall. A full reddening light elderly is looking happy, laughing at the great hall.

“pay respect to Sect Master , Sect Master unrivalled divine might ,might shaking the eight desolates !”

Full reddening light elderly laughed heartily : “Get up!”

“Thank Sect Master!”

Specter Sect’s core brothers all stood up.

“Congratulations to Zhou Wen Supreme Elder as Specter Sect Sect Master. After Specter Sect is led by Sect Master, it will definitely become Fiendgod Battlefield Head of the Ten Sects!” great hall, a Specter Sect Elder charming with a smile.

“right, when, what Blood Demon Sect, Witch Ghost Sect, all under our Specter Sect!” Another Specter Sect high-level deacon charmed with a smile.

“Say well!” Zhou Wen laughed heartily.

The Specter Sect Sect Master led two Supreme Elders, twelve Elders to the Phantom Valley to capture the Six-winged Purple Phoenix, and one Supreme Elder and two Elders to guard the Specter Sect Sect.

This Supreme Elder is Zhou Wen.

The previous ri, Specter Sect Sect Master and two Supreme Elder and the others Soul Jade Plate were all broken, leaving the Sect’s Zhou Wen startled, Soul Jade Plate broken, indicating that Specter Sect Sect Master and the others have all died.

However, the Specter Sect can’t be ruthless, the Specter Sect Sect Master and the other two Supreme Elders die, and Zhou Wen, the only surviving Supreme Elder, became the Specter Sect Sect Master.

Sitting on the Specter Sect Sect Master, Zhou Wen stroked the gentleness of the divine beast on the throne and looked down at the Specter Sect brothers below.

Once upon a time, he also like the brothers below, to stand on my face, look up to this throne, envy this throne, and now, sitting here, looking up from everyone below, this feeling, indeed right, very cool!

Zhou Wen thought of his triumph and couldn’t help laughing.

“Report!” Just when Zhou Wen laughed, suddenly a great hall outside the great hall came in and came to a younger brother, reporting to the road.

Great hall All the core brothers have seen it.

Zhou Wen smiles and stuns, is it a panic, is it that other sects already know about Specter Sect Sect Master and the others, now attack Specter Sect? !

“What happened?!” Zhou Wen shouted.

“Responding to Sect Master, there are four people outside!” The younger reported to the road. When he said this, hesitated: “He, they said, let, let you go out to see them, otherwise, otherwise.”

“What else?!” Zhou Wen said.

“Otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk!” said the younger brother.

“What?!act recklessly, these four people, simply don’t put our Specter Sect in our eyes, Sect Master, let me go out and catch the four people back, let you punish!”great hall ,Specter Sect One of them, Elder hearing this, couldn’t help but anger.

“I am going with Elder Chen!” Another Elder also said.

“Slow!” Zhou Wen shouted, frowned, stood up from the throne and looked at the brother who came to reporting to ask, “The four people, not the people of Blood Demon Sect and Witch Ghost Sect?”

The Sects that are close to Specter Sect are Blood Demon Sect and Witch Ghost Sect. These two relationships with Specter Sect have not always been good. Brother, Elder is also a common problem.

“Should not be.” The younger brother replied: “They don’t wear Blood Demon Sect and Witch Ghost Sect costumes at all, and they are very raw.”

Zhou Wen’s brow is tightly locked, and he is not a person of Blood Demon Sect and Witch Ghost Sect!

“Sect Master, since it’s not a person of Blood Demon Sect and Witch Ghost Sect, that’s fine.” Specter Sect, an Elder.

“right, Sect Master, and even if the other is a Divine-level expert, we have sect protection great formation, when the great formation starts, the Divine-level powerhouse comes, and it kills him in the great formation!” Specter Sect is another Elder Road.

Zhou Wen Wen Fang, nodded, this sect protection great formation is Specter Sect’s Founder layout, as long as it is not an Ancient God powerhouse.

“Alright, you will go.” Zhou Wen opened the mouth and said: “But be careful, if you find wrong, immediately report to to!” Zhou Wen decided to let the two go out to find out.

“Please Sect Master be at ease!” Two Specter Sect Elder.

However, just as the two Specter Sect Elders led the Specter Sect to go out, suddenly a voice came from the void: “no need, we came in.”

Great hall, Specter Sect everyone.

I saw the great hall empty rays of light flashed, and there were four silhouettes.

These four people are naturally Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“You?!” Looking at Long Qingtian, Zhou Wen and the other two Elder startled, they didn’t even find out how Long Qingtian came in!

What does this mean? !

“Sect Master, we?” The two Specter Sect Elders are all look at towards Zhou Wen.

“Sect Master?” Zhou Wen hasn’t answered yet, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has said with a smile: “didn’t expect that You Yuan is dead, but it’s cheaper for you.” Speaking of this, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked Towards great hall, and then said: “Look, today is your great ri for Specter Sect Sect Master?”

Zhou Wen’s cheeks twitched, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile : “I don’t know how many friends came to me Specter Sect?”

“What? What do you say?” Six-winged Purple Phoenix sings with a smile. After all, the whole body of the Phoenix flames rises, and the entire great hall, like a magma.

“Phoenix Flame?! You, that Six-winged Purple Phoenix?!” Zhou Wen’s face changed and he thought about it. He knew that their Sect Master went out to catch a Divine-level Six-winged Purple Phoenix. of! To be continued

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